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iain said:

snaf.gif I believe "pussys" is actually spelled "pussies".


Unless an apostrophe is used. As in "This pussy's location is not making sense; Trask, where's your penis?"


Or perhaps "Trask, pussy's not spelled "pussys" when pluralized; perhaps home-schooling wasn't a good idea if one's parents are orangutans?"


Alright alright, my apologies for the sexist and speciesist humor; I've been doing construction lately (and the careerist humor!).

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And furthermore:


What's this thing about "support our troops". Can someone explain what the hell that means? Please?


Our "troops" enlisted in the goddamn armed forces knowing full-well (maybe not?!?) that they might be called on by some goddamn administration (that doesn't give a flying fuck about them) to go out and kill people.

You can look at every conflict we've had since WWII and realize that war is nothing but the instrument of terror for the elite.


I tried hard to find a photo of our good troops sending a bomb down on Afghanis with the inscription "Hijack this, fags", but was unable to, since I believe the rights-owners of the photo (CNN?) probably wanted it out of circulation.

Fags? Yes, the military fosters the type of mentality that I would want for my children, and my friends' children, and their children, etc.


I have so much compassion for the individuals who will find themselves facing death in Iraq, both Iraqis AND Americans, but in no way will I "support" them in their quest to KILL KILL KILL.

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sexual_chocolate said:

iain said:

snaf.gif I believe "pussys" is actually spelled "pussies".


Unless an apostrophe is used. As in "This pussy's location is not making sense; Trask, where's your penis?"


Or perhaps "Trask, pussy's not spelled "pussys" when pluralized; perhaps home-schooling wasn't a good idea if one's parents are orangutans?"


Alright alright, my apologies for the sexist and speciesist humor; I've been doing construction lately (and the careerist humor!).




I'll bet your fellow construction workers think you're a pussy!? yellaf.gif ...and probably a little scary too.

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dalius said:

The stuff in quotes


Um, nudge, nudge...

"I don't know if you noticed, but nobody is attacking America."


9/11 WAS an attack on the US. You didn't specify by whom.

Do you really think the US of A would be squaring off with Iraq without it.


"Half of NYC is going to be marching against this war on Saturday."

I missed those particular polling results.


"You'd think that if NYC was against this and saw no connection between Saddam and BinLaden..."

And those also.


"There has never been any connection shown between the two (Saddam and BinLaden)"

The emotional impact of 9/11 doesn't require hard physical evidence for hawkish authority figures in this country to make such a connection.


"There has never been any connection shown between the two (Saddam and BinLaden), so don't use that to justify the war."


I wasn't justifying anything. It was just a silly attempt on my part to counter the naivete of your post.

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9/11 WAS an attack on the US. You didn't specify by whom.

Do you really think the US of A would be squaring off with Iraq without it.


yep, Bushy would have manufactured a pretext if one hadn't been handed to him on a plate. its called Wag The Dog style.

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Dru said:

9/11 WAS an attack on the US. You didn't specify by whom.

Do you really think the US of A would be squaring off with Iraq without it.


yep, Bushy would have manufactured a pretext if one hadn't been handed to him on a plate. its called Wag The Dog style.


And that is called conjecture.

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ScottP said:

Dru said:

9/11 WAS an attack on the US. You didn't specify by whom.

Do you really think the US of A would be squaring off with Iraq without it.


yep, Bushy would have manufactured a pretext if one hadn't been handed to him on a plate. its called Wag The Dog style.


And that is called conjecture.


yes, and you asked what I thought . Maybe you need dictionary.com? yellaf.gif

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trask said:

You know, I have to ask the question - are war protestors just that - war protestors - or are they anti-American? Why do I ask that question?


Because today there is war in a lot of other places - the constant war between Israel and Palestine, the war between Russia and Chechnya, just to name a few. Why isn't anyone protesting them? The Israeli/Palestinian conflict has much more far reaching affect than does the Iraq war. The Chechnyan war is much more brutal than anything we would even think of doing in Iraq. In fact, as someone pointed out, we spend billions to make sure that we limit the killing of innocents - that sure as hell isn't the case in Israel or Chechnya.


So why in the hell are we as Americans targeted for all this protest, and none for the Israelis or the Russians?


Trask, go back to your room and shut up while the adults are talking. This bullshit about Americans not protesting other injust wars is intolerable, especially in light of this week's tragic death of Rachel Corrie, run over by an Israeli bulldozer. You may not have agreed with her, but she had the strength to back up her convictions. She was doing her best to confront injustice.

So shut the fuck up, Trask, and have a moment of silence to support the people who fight the good fight even if they're not wearing a uniform.


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Dru said:

ScottP said:

Dru said:

9/11 WAS an attack on the US. You didn't specify by whom.

Do you really think the US of A would be squaring off with Iraq without it.


yep, Bushy would have manufactured a pretext if one hadn't been handed to him on a plate. its called Wag The Dog style.


And that is called conjecture.


yes, and you asked what I thought . Maybe you need dictionary.com? yellaf.gif



Or you do...

(I didn't actually ask what you thought, unless Dalius is one of your more naive avatars. Then I guess I did.) yellaf.gif

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hehehe nesting quotes time!!!!

ScottP said:

Dru said:

ScottP said:

Dru said:

9/11 WAS an attack on the US. You didn't specify by whom.

Do you really think the US of A would be squaring off with Iraq without it.


yep, Bushy would have manufactured a pretext if one hadn't been handed to him on a plate. its called Wag The Dog style.


And that is called conjecture.


yes, and you asked what I thought . Maybe you need dictionary.com? yellaf.gif



Or you do...

(I didn't actually ask what you thought, unless Dalius is one of your more naive avatars. Then I guess I did.) yellaf.gif


gee, if your question was only for Dalius maybe you should have asked him via Private Message, instead of in a forum where ANYONE CAN REPLY?? confused.gif

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Dru said:

hehehe nesting quotes time!!!!

ScottP said:

Dru said:

ScottP said:

Dru said:

9/11 WAS an attack on the US. You didn't specify by whom.

Do you really think the US of A would be squaring off with Iraq without it.


yep, Bushy would have manufactured a pretext if one hadn't been handed to him on a plate. its called Wag The Dog style.


And that is called conjecture.


yes, and you asked what I thought . Maybe you need dictionary.com? yellaf.gif



Or you do...

(I didn't actually ask what you thought, unless Dalius is one of your more naive avatars. Then I guess I did.) yellaf.gif


gee, if your question was only for Dalius maybe you should have asked him via Private Message, instead of in a forum where ANYONE CAN REPLY?? confused.gif


YAY - we haven't had a nested quote poem in a while!!

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Squid said:

trask said:

You know, I have to ask the question - are war protestors just that - war protestors - or are they anti-American? Why do I ask that question?


Because today there is war in a lot of other places - the constant war between Israel and Palestine, the war between Russia and Chechnya, just to name a few. Why isn't anyone protesting them? The Israeli/Palestinian conflict has much more far reaching affect than does the Iraq war. The Chechnyan war is much more brutal than anything we would even think of doing in Iraq. In fact, as someone pointed out, we spend billions to make sure that we limit the killing of innocents - that sure as hell isn't the case in Israel or Chechnya.


So why in the hell are we as Americans targeted for all this protest, and none for the Israelis or the Russians?


Trask, go back to your room and shut up while the adults are talking. This bullshit about Americans not protesting other injust wars is intolerable, especially in light of this week's tragic death of Rachel Corrie, run over by an Israeli bulldozer. You may not have agreed with her, but she had the strength to back up her convictions. She was doing her best to confront injustice.

So shut the fuck up, Trask, and have a moment of silence to support the people who fight the good fight even if they're not wearing a uniform.




Rachel Corrie: A real woman of peace. rolleyes.gif




Looks to me like a tool of hatred.

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Rachel Corrie was someone you know fuck all about Fairweather. If you base all your opinions on one photograph then you must accept that GW Bush is a complete moron, because we've all seem photos where he looks that way. I didn't know Rachel, but I know a lot of people who did, and in five short years Fairweather, that could be your own daughter. She was crushed, twice, by a bulldozer operator who fully knew what he was doing, because she was trying to block the demolition of a doctor's house who had the misfortune of being related to a palestinian terrorist suspect who did not live there, but the Israeli Defense Authorities like to make an example. I'm making no apologies for Palestinian terrorists, that shit is wrong, but it doesn't give the Israeli's carte blanche to do whatever they feel like.



This was taken shortly before she was crushed. I'll spare you the photos of her broken bloody body in her friends arms, so don't follow the properties link of the photo unless you're up for that. Its defintely sad that one crushed white girl will get more attention than the Palestinians crushed in their homes in other incidents, but this woman does not merit your snide bullshit quip.



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Get a grip, Off White. You and yours want to make some kind of saint out of this woman when the facts-ignored by you-demonstrate she was partisan.


You don't know the situation any better than I do, but if this is what Evergreen does with their "blank slates", I can guarantee you there will be hell to pay.


I'm sure she was a good, friendly, and obviously idealistic individual. But don't try to cannonize her. She knew the deal.

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