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Take the War on Iraq Quiz


Do you know enough to justify going to war with Iraq?


1. Q: What percentage of the world's population does the U. S. have?


A: 6%


2. Q: What percentage of the world's wealth does the U.S. have?


A: 50%


3. Q: Which country has the largest oil reserves?


A: Saudi Arabia


4. Q: Which country has the second largest oil reserves?


A: Iraq


5. Q: How much is spent on military budgets a year worldwide?


A: $900+ billion


6. Q: How much of this is spent by the U. S.?


A: 50%


7. Q: What percent of US military spending would ensure the essentials of life to everyone in the world, according the the UN?


A: 10% (that's about $40 billion, the amount of funding initially requested to fund our retaliatory attack on Afghanistan).


8. Q: How many people have died in wars since World War II?


A: 86 million


9. Q: How long has Iraq had chemical and biological weapons?


A: Since the early 1980's.


10. Q: Did Iraq develop these chemical & biological weapons on their own?


A: No, the materials and technology were supplied by the US government, along with Britan and private corporations.


11. Q: Did the US government condemn the Iraqi use of gas warfare against Iran?


A: No


12. Q: How many people did Saddam Hussein kill using gas in the Iraqi Kurdish town of Halabja in 1988?


A: 5,000


13. Q: How many western countries condemned this action at the time?


A: 0


14. Q: How many gallons of agent Orange did America use in Vietnam?


A: 17 million.


15. Q: Are there any proven links between Iraq and September 11th terrorist attack?


A: No


16. Q: What is the estimated number of civilian casualties in the Gulf War?


A: 35,000


17. Q: How many casualties did the Iraqi military inflict on the western forces during the Gulf War ?


A: 0


18. Q: How many retreating Iraqi soldiers were buried alive by U. S. tanks with ploughs mounted on the front?


A: 6,000


19. Q: How many tons of depleted uranium were left in Iraq and Kuwait after the Gulf War?


A: 40 tons


20. Q: What according to the UN was the increase in cancer rates in Iraq between 1991 and 1994?


A: 700%


21. Q: How much of Iraq's military capacity did America claim it had destroyed in 1991?


A: 80%


22. Q: Is there any proof that Iraq plans to use its weapons for anything other than deterrence and selfdefense?


A: No


23. Q: Does Iraq present more of a threat to world peace now than 10 years ago?


A: No


24. Q: How many civilian deaths has the Pentagon predicted in the event of an attack on Iraq in 2003?


A: 10,000


25. Q: What percentage of these will be children?


A: Over 50%


26. Q: How many years has the U. S. engaged in air strikes on Iraq?


A: 11 years


27. Q: Was the U. S and the UK at war with Iraq betweenDecember 1998 and September 1999?


A: No


28. Q: How many pounds of explosives were dropped on Iraq between December 1998 and September 1999?


A: 20 million


29. Q: How many years ago was UN Resolution 661 introduced, imposing strict sanctions on Iraq's imports and exports?


A: 12 years


30. Q: What was the child death rate in Iraq in 1989 (per 1,000 births)?


A: 38


31. Q: What was the estimated child death rate in Iraq in 1999 (per 1,000 births)?


A: 131 (that's an increase of 345%)


32. Q: How many Iraqis are estimated to have died by October 1999 as a result of UN sanctions?


A: 1.5 million


33. Q: How many Iraqi children are estimated to have died due to sanctions since 1997?


A: 750,000


34. Q: Did Saddam order the inspectors out of Iraq?


A: No


35. Q: How many inspections were there in November and December 1998?


A: 300


36. Q: How many of these inspections had problems?


A: 5


37. Q: Were the weapons inspectors allowed entry to the Ba'ath Party HQ?


A: Yes


38. Q: Who said that by December 1998, "Iraq had in fact, been disarmed to a level unprecedented in modern history."?


A: Scott Ritter, UNSCOM chief.


39. Q: In 1998 how much of Iraq's post 1991 capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction did the UNweapons inspectors claim to have discovered and dismantled?


A: 90%


40. Q: Has Iraq allowed the weapons inspectors back in?


A: Yes


44. Q: How many countries are known to have nuclear weapons?


A: 8


45. Q: How many nuclear warheads has Iraq got?


A: 0


46. Q: How many nuclear warheads has US got?


A: over 10,000


47. Q: Which is the only country to use nuclear weapons?


A: the US


48. Q: How many nuclear warheads does Israel have?


A: Over 400


49. Q: Has Israel every allowed UN weapons inspections?


A: No


53. Q: Who said, "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about

things that matter"?


A: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

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freeclimb9 said:

Uday, uh, I mean "erik"; Do you just not like Iraqi people, and would prefer them to subsist in a dictatorship?


I think question #50 dealt withthis issue:


#50. Question: After over 10 years of US led sanctions resulting in way more horror and death than Saddam ever caused, are the people of Iraq more angered by the US, or by Saddam?


Answer: You decide.



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actually freeclimb, i hold no reservations against anyone. no point in it.


my only point i am trying to make, with my poor spelling, even worse grammer and half thought ideas, is to get people to think. as it does seem to lack in any type of war debate.


the right, the left. they are all morons. each wanting the same thing.



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I don't have the time to check all of the facts in that list but I can tell you that No. 17 is nonsense:


"17. Q: How many casualties did the Iraqi military inflict on the western forces during the Gulf War ?


A: 0


Here's the real answer:

The casualties for the United States in the Gulf War: 148 killed in action, 458 wounded. Also, 121 Americans died through non-combat incidents

On February 25, 1991, an Iraqi Scud missile hit a U.S. barracks in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, killing 28 U.S. soldiers.


So, how many of these other so-called "facts" are likewise flawed?


- Dwayner

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who knows


i didnt check and i am not going to.


read my above post. and it seems to be working as you checked.


prolly comes from some liberal(whatever that really is) think tank. so it is meant to generate emotion, and as a good leftist would do, is take action on that emotion.


have a good night!

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erik said:

actually freeclimb, i hold no reservations against anyone. no point in it.


my only point i am trying to make, with my poor spelling, even worse grammer and half thought ideas, is to get people to think. as it does seem to lack in any type of war debate.


the right, the left. they are all morons. each wanting the same thing.



for you buddy bigdrink.gif

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Erik I'm sorry buddy but a lot of those numbers aren't correct, and some are skewed to look significant, like 2 million pounds of bombs really isn't a whole lot but is sounds like a lot.


Q. How many of our service people have died from being in contact with depleted uranium since it first was used by "Uglies" as weaponary?


Q. What is depleted Uranium, what is it used for, and why?


Q. How many pounds of liquid VX did/still does Saddam have?


Q. If one drop, lets say .25 ml which is a large drop, could kill one person, how many people can he kill with 80 tons? (opps I gave away an answer frown.gif)


Q. How many people lived in that town that Saddam gassed?


Q. How many people's tongues in Iraq have been cut out because they spoke their mind?


Q. How many prisoners in Iraq where subjected to tests of biological and chemical weapons?


Q. Is forcing someone to drink gasoline and then throwing a match on them considered a human rights violation?


Q. How many people ran in Iraq's recent election?


Q. How many people live in Iraq, and if you take into consideration the mortality rate of countries of similar poverty, how does it compare?


The other night I was watching CNN. I like CNN, it is a source of good information, but not the only source, and just because CNN hasn't found WOMD doesn't mean they doesn't exist. Anyways back to my point, there are there these so called "human shield" people in Baghdad you for some reason thing that by chaining themselves to a communications building or something that we won't drop a bomb on it. Fine they can do what they want, I actually give this kid who was being interviewed some credit for spending his money to get in harms way for what he believed in. But then the interviewer asked him some questions about Saddam Hussein, and the kid seriously had no idea about the guy, he said he really didn't know much about what he had done. It's like fuck sign this kid up for Jay Leno's Jaywalk Allstars, he was a total idiot.


If you really oppose an issue make sure you completely understand it.

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American friendly-fire deaths in the Gulf War:


35 out of 148 total. Also, the statistic I gave above does not include non-US western casualties.


To state that there were no enemy-inflicted western casualties during the Gulf War is beyond ignorance....it is blind ignorance.

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trask said:

290 military Iranians killed in a freak plane accident today. Shit happens Dwayner, even in non-wartime mode.


Yes it does. As I'm sure you're very well aware, being in the military is a very dangerous job; there are even occasional casualties in boot camp. And look at Afghanistan...most American casualties have been from helicopter crashes and other accidents.

I think it was very dishonest of whoever originally constructed that "war on Iraq" quiz to suggest there were no western casualties. It's utterly absurd and a dishonor to those who were killed.

Hopefully, there will be few casualties on either side in the next fight, and some say that we now have the "tools" to make that happen.


By the way, I think we have more in common with Iran than generally recognized. In several ways they should be our natural allies and despite our ideological differences, we should be getting to know them better (and I think we probably are).



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I think it was very dishonest of whoever originally constructed that "war on Iraq" quiz to suggest there were no western casualties.


you seem to be saying this should invalidate the entire thing, but perhaps you could point out what else is wrong with it?


hey Jon, if you want the answers to some of your questions you can find then on Amnesty's 2002 report:



grizzly business for sure!


if you want you can also find reports on the same site for many other countries that have a dismal human right record as well; most of which we are not planning to invade anytime in the foreseeable future since we seem to have excellent relations with them.

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sexual_chocolate said:

I think question #50 dealt withthis issue:


#50. Question: After over 10 years of US led sanctions resulting in way more horror and death than Saddam ever caused, are the people of Iraq more angered by the US, or by Saddam?


Answer: You decide.

Uh, US Sanctions are totally f'ed up. And they would end if Saddam could release his grasp on power. But he won't. So what options are there? Peace marches?

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freeclimb9 said:

sexual_chocolate said:

I think question #50 dealt withthis issue:


#50. Question: After over 10 years of US led sanctions resulting in way more horror and death than Saddam ever caused, are the people of Iraq more angered by the US, or by Saddam?


Answer: You decide.

Uh, US Sanctions are totally f'ed up. And they would end if Saddam could release his grasp on power. But he won't. So what options are there? Peace marches?


I guess a question I have with this whole madness is, how long does one continue with the punishment meted out for transgression? I think Hussein's expansionism ended rather quickly after '91, with no further plans for continuation. We basically disarmed him (per Ritter, US weapons inspector); minimal surveillance will assure further compliance.


I'm curious what the pro-attack camp thinks of the Treaty of Versailles....

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freeclimb9 said:

sexual_chocolate said:

I think question #50 dealt withthis issue:


#50. Question: After over 10 years of US led sanctions resulting in way more horror and death than Saddam ever caused, are the people of Iraq more angered by the US, or by Saddam?


Answer: You decide.

Uh, US Sanctions are totally f'ed up. And they would end if Saddam could release his grasp on power. But he won't. So what options are there? Peace marches?


Uh, actually, those are UN sanctions.


Q: How many new palaces has Saddam built while his people suffered under UN sanctions?

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sexual_chocolate said:

I guess a question I have with this whole madness is, how long does one continue with the punishment meted out for transgression? I think Hussein's expansionism ended rather quickly after '91, with no further plans for continuation. We basically disarmed him (per Ritter, US weapons inspector); minimal surveillance will assure further compliance.

According to ex-Pres. Clinton, Bush did not overrun Bagdad because of a prior agreement with surrounding Arab nations (made before the Storm) to not do so in return for their support (from Atlantic Monthly). Clinton himself was involved with national issues during the first term (it was about the economy then, stupid), then got bogged down in the Balkans (and with the never-ending mid-east conflict. And, BTW, Arafat should have grabbed for nation-hood when is was magnanimously offered) --Totally f'ed up on Rwanda, too. Now Bush --The Sequel-- is pushing to get rid of Saddam. I think Saddam should be exchanging courtroom strategies with Milosevic from their cells. Saddam is a criminal.

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