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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo


    Why is that?
  2. Ahh! We stayed in the little hotel that's directly below the old castle on the bluff. It's lit up pretty cool at night. Got some great time-exposure shots of it. Really nice town, Cassis is. We actually went back through on our return from Avignon. I was looking to hook up with the local guide service, but couldn't work it out. So I ended up buying a French guidebook and soloing the low-5th stuff that Gaston put up. Great times, that trip was.
  3. cg??? Am I missing a common acronym here? Elaborate SVP.
  4. Marseilles is a fucking ghetto town...good climbing though Stay in Cassis! That Way better, and safer. Cheap, too. Catch the train from Marseilles and hoof the 4 klicks into town. Nice beach, cool routes. Soloed a bunch about 4 years ago.
  5. Yeah, Italy's got all that. But I still like north central Italy better. And some of the chicas shave their pits.
  6. Naaahh, nice wine country, but Tuscania on the Med way better. Spent my youth there. Learned a lot about life, too.
  7. sobo

    Condiments of Love

    Peach-flavored Body Butter. mmmmm
  8. sobo


    Yes yes yes - thanks - I love that song! I was in love with bananarama... Especially the one in the red patent leather bodysuit for the video of their cover of Shocking Blue's (a 1-Hit wonder that we left out of last week's discussion) "Venus".
  9. Agreed, unless you're Bill Gates...
  10. That, and PC run amok. And I think it's more a case of laziness/lack of motivation/resistance to change rather than "taught to be content" that creates the burgeoning welfare class. Agreed that perpetuates poverty and dependance, and it's a shitty deal. Is there a cure for The Great Society that has been wrought upon us?
  11. We ALL need more beaver, and not just for fly tying...
  12. I think that there's "plenty" of people out there that LOVE America because it has a gratuitous welfare system that's simple and easy to use and abuse. No misreading the post here, nuh uh. Now, could I have been more positive? Why, yes I could have. But I'm not feeling that way this a.m. Sorry for the bitter herbs...
  13. That's when handguns come in handy! Yeesh... some people (if we can call them that).
  14. sobo

    Conjoined Twins

    Just remember the sage words from that old bumpersticker... "No matter how great she looks, there is some guy out there that is tired of putting up with her shit." Now you do the math.
  15. sobo

    climbing question

    "practically" aiding a free climb. Hang-dogging and gear-yanking by any other words. French free... yeesh!
  16. sobo

    R.I.P. Jed Clampett

    Buddy Ebsen (aka Jed Clampett, Barnaby Jones, etc.) died yesterday at age 95 of NATURAL FAHQN' CAUSES! Does anybody die of that anymore? I can remember growing up watching this guy on The Beverly Hillbillies! He made me the true "Jethro" that I am today! Later, Buddy! You
  17. I do like Greg W and mattp do, except be sure to lick your fingertips before you touch the melted nylon, or it will stick to your skin and burn the crap outta your fingertips. Work quickly after removing the heat source. 'Nuff said on this.
  18. Really? No wonder I don't remember paying to get in my first time at MR NP. Always been that way. Git your arse outta bed and git in there early. Or sneak in the night before and sleep in yer truck in one of the pullouts. If you get caught in a pull-out, just tell 'em that you were gittin' tired trying to make it to the campground, and not wanting to hit any little park critterz, you thought the wisest choice was to pull 'er over and catch 40 winks. But OMFG! I overslept, Mr. Park Ranger! Sorry! I'll be movin' along now. Works ever' time!
  19. Thanks for the update, Alex. Best of all luck to you and jason for the upcoming sales! Thanks from all of us for your joint efforts in putting it all together. Please post to this forum when it hits the M'neers online catalogue. Reach high, swing softly, and stick well! ...sobo
  20. Thanks, mike_m. Appreciate that. Perrrrrrfect timing!
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