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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Yep, many times, and I'm still around. Any foo' knows that if ya got solid shank cams, that you sling it trough the hole in the shank that's closest to the cams. Reduces the moment arm (leverage) thereby reducing the chance of snapping the shank. I've still got (and use) my first set of WC Friends (ca. 1985) that have seen many a whoppin'whipper, and no broken shanks (or bones) yet! alot of these west coasters don't know that trick...you gots to have come up on eastern quartzite...hahahaha You betcha! Learned that one at Looking Glass Rock in NC, before I got tri-cams. Gotta love those "eyebrows", eh?
  2. sobo

    Airline Stories

    classic! love that old skewl form of humor.
  3. sobo

    JUST HIT 1 Thousand

    RuMR, I was going to ask if you had "muscle spams" again, but I see you deftly deleted the double post...
  4. erik's into wool, not down.
  5. That was exactly what I was thinking. Thanks for the pic, Kiwi. Now I just have to grow the nutz to actually use it!
  6. sobo

    Who's Been Where?

    How'd you pull that one off???
  7. OK, just so I'm clear (having not had the choads to actually use the EDK yet) on how to tie this thingie. It's a simple single overhand knot that starts with both ends lying next to each other with ends matched up equally (not pointing at each other as in a grapevine/fisherman's) and no back-up? It is NOT a "granny" knot nor a square knot. Do I have this right, kidz?
  8. That's texplorer's auto sig. Auto sig quotes, no matter how profound, must be considered inadmissable. Case closed.
  9. Didn't i say the same thing above? And you're calling me clueless...
  10. sobo

    Who's Been Where?

    Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Canada, Mexico, England, Vietnam, Taiwan, and every state in the USA except Hawaii. Spent 5 years in Italy as a grade schooler/junior high kid, and then returned as a HS student. Best time of my life! Traveled all over W Europe by train on weekends and school breaks. Got room and board at monasteries and churches in exchange for alter boy services at Mass on Sunday morning before heading back home. My folks were really cool about it, altho my mom freaked out every weekend when I left.
  11. sobo

    family and friends

    My parents, after many years, have finally gotten used to the fact that I will continue to climb, young family or no. They still live in VA, so we don't talk about it much anymore. However, when winter rolls around, they still get all stressed out over my ice climbing. Rightly so, I guess...
  12. Yes, quite. Thank you. As previously stated, just curious.
  13. Barney's Wall is vaguely familiar. Falls? Refresh me memory, SVP.
  14. true dat. what the hell was the name of that town... Pembroke? Pembrook? sumpin like that? God, the memories come flooding back... Pandapas Pond, Butt Mtn, Dragon's Tooth, The New...
  15. Crikey! ryland really is a Hokie. You from Roanoke, ya say? yeah, that's right, DD was filmed up there. I had a female friend (not gf) that got hitched up at the lake. Very perty up there.
  16. sobo


    Ditto. gotta go. Unrelated note: looks like iain is gonna bust 6k today after all.
  17. sobo


    Understand completely. shoot me a PM only if you get time. I really should get off this board - I've fucked plenty of clients already today.
  18. sobo


    So we shouldn't be expecting a new bridge around Gig Harbor anytime soon...?
  19. sobo


    Hey RuMR, you're double-posting. Oh, and NO SPRAY
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