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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    Photo of a puppy

    OMFG! Jeezus, what a TR! Dude, you have my utmost sympathy. What a trooper; that's one step below cutting your arm off with a pen knife!
  2. Having lived in Italy for over 5 years, that's actually pretty good, lummox. I don't remember what the word for "gargle" is, tho. And "asino" could be substituted with "culo" , fyi. Google search brings back fare gargarismi for the act of gargling. My verb conjugations in Italian are a bit rusty, so I'm not sure if that is first or second person. I think it's second person...
  3. sobo

    Photo of a puppy

    This is what I was trying to convey. Looks like the same dude. WTF happened?
  4. sobo

    Photo of a puppy

    Love the coiffure. Hey, is this your feet " target="_blank">feet? Where/how did that happen? Looks rough, dude! I feel for ya.
  5. Is that layton? Where/how did he fuck up his crobes like that? Sheeeit, I knew he was hobblin' but that's just sick!
  6. I'm all over that, man! Thanks for carin'! GAAAWD! Look at this-I'm crusing the Fitness forum for chrissakes! I am so f$3@'n bored this p.m.
  7. There he is! Wondered where you were today. I've never even thought it was possible to snag 5 in an afternoon.
  8. sobo

    Treailhead Break Ins

    I'm sure he would.
  9. sobo

    Treailhead Break Ins

    Too slow, young'n. Keep after those Cheerios.
  10. sobo

    Treailhead Break Ins

    yeah yeah yeah. I'm pretty bored at work today, and I just got a little ahead of meself. This board can get soooo addictive...
  11. Suicide Hey Dr. Ben, love your location!
  12. sobo

    Treailhead Break Ins

    Watching a little too much CSI?? Hey, LEO don't wanna mess with those creeps any more than you do. Most of them would be happy that you're "helping out" the good cause. But I do like your idea of inviting them over to the crib for a "double tap!"
  13. sobo

    Treailhead Break Ins

    and forensics cant tell that you did this? According to two Seattle area PDs (and at least one precinct in Houston, TX), they wouldn't care, so long as you "... were afraid for my life..." The case wraps up easily for them. Justifiable homicide.
  14. sobo

    One Hit Wonders

    Two Hit Wow, both pagetops. I must not have enough shit to do here. I should go climbing... or
  15. sobo

    Treailhead Break Ins

    While not exactly a trailhead break-in, my wife (a former Seattle area LEO and homicide detective) told me that if ever a B&E shows up in the house, don't bother trying to subdue him and hold him for the cops. Just go ahead and kill him, drag him in the house if he isn't already inside, and swear up and down that you came across him inside the house and you felt your life was in danger. The key to the cops "letting you go" is that you HAVE to say something along the lines of "...I felt my life was in danger..." . That's why we keep a piece in the bedroom, the living room, and the kitchen. Always close at hand. Doesn't matter if the creep was trying to rip you off or not; it's good enough for the Law. Case closed. NEXT! crooks!
  16. sobo

    Treailhead Break Ins

    I've often been tempted at times to stake out my rig and pick off hoodlums prowling around it just as they take their arm back for a swing at the window. But it's the thought that I may be a better human than that that keeps me in check (and the law if I got caught doing something worse than the B&E clod). Regarding Ursa's comments and others, our legal system is in a shambles. Here is a link to a free site with a weekly e-letter about all the crap criminals do and then file suit as a victim when they get caught. Some of the reads are quite funny, but then I sober up when I realize it's my tax $$ that's funding these shithead's frivolous lawsuits.
  17. MM wrote it and performed it first, but it was The Boss who made it what it is. But I might be a little biased being's how I'm a Bossy
  18. Looks like Doctor Bashir moving through a temporal anomoly while simultaneously being barraged by a tachion pulse.
  19. Bruce Springsteen's version of Woody Guthrie's "This Land is Your Land" It was recorded live about the time The Boss churned out Nebraska, but it wasn't included on that album.
  20. sobo

    One Hit Wonders

    "Safety Dance" - Men w/o Hats Remember that one?
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