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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Hey, I think I may have rapped off the same shrub! No back-up tho. North face of north peak, was it? When my partner joined up, we went to pull the rope, and it seemed to be stuck... then we ended up getting the shrub with it!
  2. oh aw right then. i take it all back. nothing, NOTHING AT ALL, happened!
  3. Interesting proposition as a solution to a compelling conundrum.
  4. Plans spoiled by the young'n fussin' this morning, but does catching a little "stinkfingers" count any?
  5. Old Lakota Indian wisdom: "You can't outrun the radio."
  6. sobo


    grid-bolt it then.
  7. What erik said. Check with property owners, since some of it is now under private ownership. If you can find a copy of "Idaho Rock" by Randall Green(e?), so much the better.
  8. so did i Now everybody's a fuckin' chemist...
  9. Pencil Pusher, Please reread the second sentence of my original post. QED. Zero points for reading comprehension. To the back of the class with you! Oh BTW, I am in no position to pass any law of merit. Tune into your local legislative district and voice your displeasure with the current state of affairs there. Thank you.
  10. sobo

    Airline Stories

    rbw: too funny! I've been shut down on every attempt to join the Mile-High Club, and now with a young'n, it looks pretty grim unless we take a babysitter with us on the plane. Not an airplane story, I know, but I do have a fine story to tell of my younger years in the back of a cross-country ride on a Trailways bus...
  11. sobo

    View From Work

    working stiff
  12. Same thing when me and the missus went to Vietnam. Feels wierd to be without it once you've gotten one. Naked, almost... Then she almost had it nabbed right off of her once we were in country. THAT woulda sucked.
  13. sobo

    More Iraq Shiz

    BUMPERSTICKER: "YOU give peace a chance... if it doesn't work, I got you covered."
  14. sobo

    Airline Stories

    WHy do you think it's called a cockpit?
  15. sobo

    le tour de lance

    I read recently that his wife left him and took the kids. "...too much time spent training, not enough with the fam..." or something to that effect. Rough biz, being the best. But ya gotta follow your dreams.
  16. sobo

    View From Work

    bad karma, dood.
  17. sobo

    Best PNW town

    Ask TG what he thinks of Enterprise or Joseph. Now there's a nice view of some moun-taaanes. And there's good beer to be had there, too!
  18. Thus endeth the lesson. Class dismissed.
  19. sobo

    Who's Been Where?

    World travelling
  20. sobo

    Best PNW town

    Hey, what about Yakivegas, the Palm Springs of Washington? Spraysuit on? - check! the blood is in the water...
  21. Sorry to say it, kitten, but that was just plain idiotic. While I don't normally subscribe to paternalistic law enforcement objectives (like speed limits and no parking zones), it's a proven fact that wearing a seat belt reduces injuries/fatalities in auto accidents. Add an $86 hit for not wearing one, and it's just plain stupid not to. Do the math!
  22. sobo

    Are you a pirate?

    What would a game of Wheel of Fortune be like with Graybeard, Redbeard and Bluebeard the Pirates as contestants? Pat: Graybeard, would you like to buy a vowel? GB: RRRRRRRRRRR! Pat: No, sorry, "r" is not a vowel. Try again. GB: RRRRRRRRRRRRR! ad naseum...
  23. sobo

    Who's Been Where?

    I find that is also the case with me. Coincidence? I think not. I think I work better under pressure, so I wait for shit to get way behind before I can really focus on anything.
  24. sobo

    View From Work

    The view from my desk? Four walls plastered with MS Project schedules that all say the same thing... You're waaaay f%#$ing behind! Quit spraying!
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