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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Hey AlexK and jason, It's been about six months since submittal deadline... what's the status of the Washington Ice Climbing Guide? When is the expected release date? Just curious... Cheers! ...sobo
  2. sobo


    Reinhold. And Bridwell. And Mugs. And Warren. And Marty Hoey. And Doug Scott. I could go on... and on... and on.
  3. People Hating American ?
  4. The "boobs" are the ones who continue to perpetuate this silly thread with quote boxes. It's all gone terribly wrong!
  5. All so very amusing; all so very pointless. Kill this thread.
  6. sobo

    JUST HIT 1 Thousand

    It's considered "poor form" to seed the pond.
  7. We've asked Her Majesty that question several times. She guards her secret well. "Well you have to know these things when you're a king (queen), you know."
  8. sobo

    Cup o' noodle

    bridge engineer + dreadlocks = mutually exclusive
  9. sobo

    Federal Drug Study

    I-i-i-i a-a-a-am a-a-a-an-n-n-d-d-d-d I-i-i-im o-o-oo-n m-m-m-my 3-3-3-3r-r--r-d-d c-c-c-cu-u-u-u-p-p-p n-n-n-o-o-o-w-w-w-!!!
  10. Someone's been takin' a liking to ya!
  11. Jeezus, Dru! You actually eat that crap? I tried a cone of that shit in Vietnam and it about made me hurl right into the ice cream freezer! I think the little gelato lady was none too impresssed... Durian...? Now, Black Cobra live (still beating) snake heart in rice wine shooters... THAT'S something I can have a few of!
  12. Steady as always, pindude can be relied upon for good beta in the Spokane area. Thanks, pd!
  13. Looking at his more recent achievements here , I'd say he's still bold. Just an opinion though. cheers After having read the page you directed me to, I was suitably impressed. I was not aware that The Bird was still going so strong! I stand humbly corrected, and beg forgiveness. You win! All hail, The Bird! I have to dump my scrip to that rag Climbing. They don't cover shit anymore!
  14. Hmmmmmmmmm, ok, stash that one in the long-term memory bank...
  15. sobo

    Famous last words

    Related redneck "famous last words" quote: "Here, hold m'beer!"
  16. That was Winston Churchill? I've always thought that was attributed to W.C. Fields.
  17. sobo

    Cup o' noodle

    Not that I've done it yet, but you can choose a name if you make a contribution to the administrators of this bb. I think it's about $40 or more, and jon and gapertimmy will let you pick one for yourself. Plus you get the coo little hand jibe next to your avatar! And you get some other sheeeit, too. See the home page under "cc.com brought to you by" for more details. Otherwise, you're stuck with the names that the mods have set up. Go to the FAQ link and click on "What are these titles about?" to see what you have to live for if you're gonna go cheap. Why just today, with my 700th post, I went from a lowly and detestable "sprayprentice" to a less lowly, yet equally detestable "bumblygumby"! All without chippin' in sheeit! I really do need to set aside some bucks for you guys! When the kid gets outta diapers and formula, I'll be rich! Rich, I say!
  18. Me thinkgs the Bird would dispute that one. Gaston, I've just spent the first hour of my day at work trying to verify (by internet search) the source of the above quote. I couldn't find it anywhere, but I'm pretty sure I read it in a book many years ago, and it was attributed to Paul Petzoldt in that book. By "the Bird" I'm assuming you mean Jim Bridwell. It could very well have been him, given his reputation as THE hard man of his day. Can you verify him as the source? If so, I will stand humbly corrected. I'm sorry sobo, but I was merely saying that Jim Bridwell ( the Bird) would dispute that there are no old bold climbers, and not that he actually said the line. Tah. Ahhh, but see this excerpt from an earlier post of mine, from above: However, I would agree that The Bird was a bold climber in his day (don't hear much about him anymore), and he is old now (must be, by the mere passing of years), so I still believe the axiom is true as stated. It all depends upon what one defines as the limits of "bold" and "old", doesn't it? Given the disparate and subjective definitions of "bold" and "old", would you say that The Bird is still a bold climber, when one considers the competition one would face in the sport in this day?
  19. Exactly! I know we've had this discussion about better clarification here before.
  20. You might do well to provide more explanation as to which Chimney Rock you are referring. I know of at least three sites by that name in the PNW.
  21. Me thinkgs the Bird would dispute that one. Gaston, I've just spent the first hour of my day at work trying to verify (by internet search) the source of the above quote. I couldn't find it anywhere, but I'm pretty sure I read it in a book many years ago, and it was attributed to Paul Petzoldt in that book. By "the Bird" I'm assuming you mean Jim Bridwell. It could very well have been him, given his reputation as THE hard man of his day. Can you verify him as the source? If so, I will stand humbly corrected. It seems GL thinks that Jim Bridwell IS an Old/Bold climber, not that The Bird actually SAID that quote. John Bachar is still alive too as far as I know. Maybe not terribly "old" yet, but certainly "older" and certainly bold. As someone said on a different thread, "no points for reading comprehension" Alpinfox, Well, I assumed that GL was questioning the attribution of the quote, since I had no reason to conclude otherwise. He may have thought (by way of an alternative) that I had not given credit to Bridwell, if he indeed had coined the axiom. I guess until GL weighs in with his intent of his post, we'll never be entirely sure what he meant. However, I would agree that The Bird was a bold climber in his day (don't hear much about him anymore), and he is old now (must be, by the mere passing of years), so I still believe the axiom is true as stated. It all depends upon what one defines as the limits of "bold" and "old", doesn't it? And as my parting shot, the "reading comprehension" shot I took on another thread a coupla weeks ago was due to some swift and deft editing of the previous post, before my reply was posted. I called "poor form" on that one! Little devil, that guy is!
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