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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    An Observation...

    gut it out and go do it. then her. it's the only honorable thing to do. wait, did I say honorable in a trask thread??
  2. "almost"? Did he have more laundry to do?
  3. sobo


    Hey Muffy, Happy Birthday from me! Thanks for the PMs, too.
  4. sobo


    Go get 'em, gal!
  5. sobo


    Was the seller or buyer sportin' a mullet?
  6. Dood, ostrich bugers Extremely low-fat and very good tastin'!
  7. gapertimmy really knows the score, but it means, in essence, something on the order of: very nice, schweeeet, cool, awesome, etc. Like, "Freshies are plab", "The boarding on Saturday was plabiliscious", you get the idea.
  8. Thanks for the link, Dru. He's still on breastmilk-based formula, and has been since we brought him home from Vietnam. He didn't start on solids until 3 or 4 months ago, when he was past 6 months old. So we're doing good, at least by that study's baseline. Thng is, we can't seem to get him to drink enough water with his meals. *this is really not a baby thread, it was supposed to be about plab* Where's all the motherly advice from those other moms out there, like minx, ChrisT, and Muffy?
  9. sobo


    Well, considering the original post has been deleted, none of us except fleblebleb really knows.
  10. Yeah, we've had that "discussion" already. She's got this book called Super Baby Food or somesuch, with a bunch of recipes and shit. She says he's getting all the complete protiens he needs from cottage cheese, pureed beans, cheeses, mashed up hard-boiled egg yolks, yogurt, etc. Then she goes and tops it off with all this other shizzle like flaxseed oil, nutritional yeast, and wheat germ and stuff. The way I figure it, he's eating better than I do, and she's taking care of it, so I'm butting out unless I want to take over as house-mom. He's a good kid, anyway. Really well-adjusted for 11 months, considering where he came from.
  11. He's got several species of the "stuffed snaffle", but Mommy's a vegetarian, and we've got this big debate going over when he's gonna have his first I'm currently losing...
  12. Yeah, considering the fact that I'm still not quite used to altering my "in-house vocabulary" since his arrival. I did stop the wife-beatings, tho...
  13. Just curious, Greg_W... is that true, even with a CWP? It would seem logical to prohibit weaponry in a drinking establishment, but I just don't know what the limits are on a CWP. Your response appreciated.
  14. So, this here is for folks who have young'ns. Last night while out on our evening stroll, my 11-month-old boy says his first word (or at least I'd like to believe it's a word). It was plab. The fact that he said "plab" was plab in and of itself. This morning, he was saying it all the time. *proud fatherhood moment concluded*
  15. That would be a novelty.
  16. My mom says I'm cool... Yeah, but she has to. She's your mom!
  17. (second note to self today: Do not drink red wine while reading Spray)
  18. Ever been to Seneca Rocks, West Virginia? RuMR, RobBob, and ryland: back me up, here!
  19. just a guess, but say, oh... your ass? Crikey, if it ain't skis, a snowboard, or a parapente, why the phuq would you want to haul any more shite up there than you really need to?
  20. Prolly the proceeds from that goddamn trailhead parking permit shite.
  21. sux ass. at best, they're one-hit "wonders"
  22. quadruple yours and add 1,000 and you still would be wards of king of freshies. neener neener just stirring the pot, ya know.
  23. I knew the right woman the moment I set eyes on her, but it took me over 4 years to get her to marry me. Maybe she knows something I don't... hmmmmmmm
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