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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    Hey Sobo

    I don't want to hear what you're touchin. Specilly if it anin't attatched no more. I can't touch 'em. My wife keeps them in a jar on the mantle. They've been there a while now. I get to see them every day, though, when I walk through on my way to the kitchen.
  2. sobo

    Help me out...

    We did an extremely similar thing wherein we played Batman and Robin. The "car" chase scenes we did out on real streets were a h00t!
  3. sobo

    Display Upgrades

    When this happens to you, is one of the ads blank and has a blue x in the upper lefthand corner? I have a feeling this is some strange issue with a broken ad. No jon, the ad's not broken. A couple of weeks ago it was the "Hiking Singles" ad. I thought mebbe you guys were trying to tell me something. Last week it was some computer game (??) ad with a kid riding a bicycle down a street, dodging monsters, avoiding aliens, outwitting ninjas, etc. "Enjoy the wild ride at nowwhat.com" was the ad. Looking forward to what this week's drop-the-cursor-to-the-bottom ad will be...
  4. sobo

    Hey Sobo

    Awwww shucks, guys, my vewy own berffday thread? Thanks for all of the well wishes, folks. I'm touched... I am truly blessed to be a part of this beautiful little shithole of an online community. But let me be very clear on sumpin here, Norm: I ain't 50 yet. That bullshit happens next year! And Keith, nuthin' fell off that I wasn't already not using anyway.
  5. sobo

    Help me out...

    I think that was an excellent suggestion and would be fuk'n hilarious! You'd prolly want to film it outside, though...
  6. Rick- Check out this thread. Scroll down to DrJenn's posts. She mentions a Spencer. If you climbed with the same Spencer that sets the routes at the Tri-City Court Club, then send a PM to Jenn and I'm sure you'll get hooked up. If Robin is the dude that sorta looks like Begbie from the Trainspotting flick, then you'll find him there, too. Cheers!
  7. Walked around the corner to the kitchen for another BB Porter, and what did I find? We had an open house last night for our new office location. Wally, the office manager, had brought out the leftover wine offerings. I'm into a charming glass of Goose Ridge 2005 Cab. It's not entirely tantalizing, yet I'm amused by its presumption. Sobo, what other reds do you have to offer? We had quite a few other fine Northwest reds, but the ones that struck my fancy the most were all from Fidelitas: the 2005 Champoux Vineyards cab and also the merlot, the 2005 m100, and the 2005 Optu red. Of course, it doesn't help my opinion that I'm a Fidelitas wine club member...
  8. sobo


    That's one of the funniest closers I've seen on this here board yet! Ah think Ah kin hear dem banjos a-playin' now...
  9. 20% abv??? FAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWK!!!1 You think thats a lot or something??? Oh wait!!! Your American Marc, that's 20% ABV for a beer... that's a lot in any country. There's not too many beers out there that go that high, and none of the ~20 I've tasted that are anywhere near as good as that Dogfish 120 minute IPA. Canada doesn't produce beer under 60% though... It still takes 6 or seven bottles to get your average lightweight drunk up here... Nothing less than 60% ABV, eh Marc? What's the name of that horsepiss again? Oh yeah, Moulson. 60% my fuk'n ass.
  10. Steam tunneling was always a blast at VA Tech. Expulsion was the price for being caught. It made for a very committing experience. Also, climbing and rapping off the tower cranes on campus that were putting up new buildings was always top notch, late-night fun and games! What's RFing? Rappel-Fucking??? Early form of clucking?
  11. If you were in your mid-20s or so, then I'd say that you were pretty slow in your development. But at 42, Jeez, that's fuk'n great, man! Way to stay in shape.
  12. Walked around the corner to the kitchen for another BB Porter, and what did I find? We had an open house last night for our new office location. Wally, the office manager, had brought out the leftover wine offerings. I'm into a charming glass of Goose Ridge 2005 Cab. It's not entirely tantalizing, yet I'm amused by its presumption.
  13. Five Ks, Sugar... only five Ks are required...
  14. 20% abv??? FAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWK!!!1
  15. Went out solo and practically committed Recreational Darwinism in a pair of leather hiking boots at a limestone quarry near Front Royal, VA. Survived, but only barely. Shortly thereafter, I was out hiking on Old Rag Mountain and ran into some folks who were just concluding a day of climbing. They told me that they were going to be at Seneca Rocks, WV, in a couple of weeks, and that should I show up, they would outfit me and allow me to tag along with them. It was about this same time of year... I got off my shift at midnight, and headed for Seneca. As luck would have it, a freak snowstorm hit and filled the roadways with a coupla feet of snow. I pushed on through and made it to the parking lot, but no one else was there (gee, ya think??). I got snowed in, and had to wait two or three days until someone showed up and helped to push me out. It was five years and four states later that I finally ended up back in Virginia at school at VA Tech. I joined the VA Tech Cave Club, and did that hard for my freshman year. In so doing, I hooked up with two guys, Frank Gibson and Psycho (Mike), who became my caving mentors. At one point early in my second year at Tech, I asked what cave we were going to map the upcoming weekend. Frank responded that "we" weren't going caving, but that he and Psycho were going rock climbing instead. The conversation went something like this: Me: Rock climbing... I tried that once, sorta... What's it really like? Frank: Well, it's a lot like what we do in caves, only it's sunny. And warm. And dry. And the air is fresh, and you don't smell like carbide when you're done. And you don't have to sleep underground all weekend. In fact, it's a helluva lot more fun that caving, come to think of it... Me: Can I come along? Frank: Hmmmmmmm... sure, we'll have fun. I think I went caving all of 3 or 4 times in all of my remaining years at Tech after that first climbing trip.
  16. I don't partake of the traditional "safety break" fare any more; haven't for a very long time. But I am launching into the first of what is sure to be several Black Butte Porters. mmmmmmmmmm... You?
  17. sobo

    Knock Knock Joke

    That was beautiful, Doug. A knock-knock joke in pictures. The last one says it all...
  18. I have no idea how long that vid was going to go on (because the timer in the lower right corner wouldn't work), but I couldn't get past the first minute.
  19. sobo

    Pet Dinosaurs

    That may actually be what killed off the Mammoths. Actually, mammoths were just too large to fit on Noah's Ark. Pet Well hell, that's plenty enough facts for me. Where do I sign up to be a Creationist believer?
  20. I remember that movie from when I was a kid. Always liked it, especially that scene. Kinda gets ya right there.
  21. sobo

    Pet Dinosaurs

    Both of those comments are pretty fuk'n funny.
  22. sobo

    Pet Dinosaurs

    Creationist theory... what a crock o' shit! From the slack-jawed creationist breeder: "It takes a lot more faith to believe in evolution. A lot more. There's a lot less facts." Loved the line from the Indiana Jones guy: "The only thing missing is the 'Yabba dabba doo.'"
  23. The RMoG are pretty damned funny, but my favorites are the two "beer scientist" cut-outs (a la Monty Python) from the Guinness ads. "Beer in bottles... BRILLIANT!!!1 What else ya got?"
  24. I don't think any of us know enough of what went on behind the scenes before this kid pulled the trigger. He could have quietly suffered years of abuse before he decided he'd had enough. Or he could be a psychopath. I'm not excusing the kid for what he's done, but none of us here know enough about the case to make snarky comments like that, Norm.
  25. Don't forget to stock up on Lowe Tri-cams!!!1
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