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Everything posted by sobo

  1. We got schooled on 'em bein' called horse-apples. Eee-yup, we did.
  2. At least Dru contributes witty banter. The same cannot be said of you...
  3. I know who Jon Lovitz is. I just don't get the connection with John Denver or Jon Bon Jovi, unless you're referring to the notion that all three of them should have been on Denver's plane when it went in the drink. Is that it? I thought maybe I'd missed another one of those celebrated classic celluloid creations that you keep posting up. BTW, what's pony-loaf? Is that a euphemism for horseshit? It ain't been defined yet...
  4. Yes, he is a he. And don't you think that comment is a little trite? Surely, someone with your Spray tally can do better than that, eh?
  5. Send him a PM. I'm sure he'd love to hear from you.
  6. I musta missed another theatrical gem. Help me out with this one, ivan. What are you talking about here?
  7. Jeezuz, man, you really had me going with that. Right up until the cop leans into that old POS Detroit iron. I had completely forgotten about that scene.
  8. Shit, wake up, kev! They've been PhotoShopped all over teh interwebs!!!1
  9. I've provided this link to you once before, Einstein...
  10. Okaaaaaaaaaaaay, that should just about do it. Thanks, all, for participating in this thread. G'bye!
  11. This has been posted before. Besides, Barack is much taller, and Sarah's boobs don't look that good.
  12. Post up that stupid car insurance-selling gecko and that should just about do it.
  13. sobo

    Display Upgrades

    Is it just me, or do other folks here find that when you hit Reply or try to throw up an edit to a post, your cursor drops to the banner at the bottom of the page? And then you gotta scroll back up to the dialogue box of your post? And when you hit Enter immediately after you've been dumped at the bottom banner, that suddenly you're into the banner's advertising? Annoying. Tvash had a similar discussion in his "Quotes" thread. Is anyone working on curing this annoying phenomenon?
  14. sobo


    Now un-fixed...
  15. more scintillating wit from our resident intellectual...
  16. so long as he ain't an illinios-nazi! Jeepers, ivan, there's another one... one-drop rule, DWB, and now this. What's an Illinois-nazi?
  17. Wow, that Gansel guy really is a Nazi.
  18. Bill- Just to clarify, it was Squid, not Couloir, that posted the one-drop rule link. I would have instantly noticed if it were Couloir, trust me... Marcin- Thanks for the "DWB" definition. That's a new one on me.
  19. Wow, thanks Squid. I had not heard of the one-drop rule until now. Very interesting. I will have to spend more time on that after the work day is over. Thanks for the tip. My premise regards the media's presentation of race, not race itself. If anything, I'm pulling the issue into the light of day, not sweepeing it under a rug. What does "DWB" mean? Indeed, congratulations are in order to the man, although I will reserve bestowing the adjective "great" upon him until his presidential record becomes more established. At this time, he doesn't yet have one, so calling him a "great" president is a bit premature. All that said, I do wish him well in his new position.
  20. I can see your point, coming as it does from your experiences in Michigan during your formative years. I came up through different experiences in Eastern Washington and then Europe. Different experiences shaped our views differently. I have long thought that I grew up somewhat naive on the issue of race, given my early exposure to so much variety thereof. I'm just glad I didn't grow up in the Bible Belt of the southern US. I never would have guessed that some Seattle neighborhoods had those kinds of covenants. I would have expected something like that from Houston or Birmingham.
  21. I thought I was quite clear in my discussion and posing of the question that I was not trying to start a race war on this site. I took, IMO, great pains to avoid any sort of comments that might be considered racist and/or inciteful. I felt I dealt with the subject and question in a respectful manner. Why does the media manufacture news where none exists? Or slant it in subjective ways where it does? I can understand your sensitivity, Joseph. I sometimes get the same treatment when out and about with my two adopted kids. And I don't find Ann Coulter to be the standard by which all others are judged when it comes to her positions on just about anything. I think she's hateful most of the time.
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