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Everything posted by sobo

  1. unless it's popping out pingpong balls in Patpong on the layover from Krabi [thread drift]Saw this "show" in Tijuana about 30 years ago. This woman would insert three billiard balls in order (numbered 1, 2, and 3) into herself while performing a seductive dance. She'd dance around some more, going through some pretty wild girations, even for an exotic dancer. After a few minutes, she'd pop those three billiard balls back out. The cool thing was, they didn't come out in the reverse order of how they went in. Nope, they came out in the same order in which they went in: 1, 2, 3. Pretty crazy. Then I wandered over to another tent to watch the beastie show...[/thread drift]
  2. Chastity belts are coming back eh? Wow, they thought of everything, huh? It even has a nasty, teethed "gateway protector" for the pooper side.
  3. I read them both in that same order, and I concur with what you're saying. I thought JK was an ass for his characterization of AB and his opinions in general. I thought AB was the consummate hero, along with a couple of Sherpas, too.
  4. Other way around, Rob. The girl who gave a massage that wasn't...
  5. Yes, that father/son dual death of the Rouses was a tradegy. It didn't take up a lot of text in Shadow Divers, I think only about 8-10 pages or so. I may have to get The Last Dive as well. Let me know how you liked it (or not). If, after you've read Shadow Divers, and you find that you like Kurson's writing style, then read Crashing Through as well. It's about a blind man who was given the gift of sight at middle age. Gives new meaning to the phrase, "Careful what you ask for"... Kurson's website
  6. I'd like to hear the story... I got the time. I wonder if it was anything like my "massage" in Saigon...
  7. sobo

    Proper childcare

    Proper childcare mandates regular beatings, whether the little blighters need them or not. Ask kevbone.
  8. Norm, being a diver, you might enjoy this book. I sure as hell did.
  9. That ain't nuthin. My wife (before she became my wife) had over 500 OW dives and several advanced certifications (night diving, wreck diving, cert. divemaster, cert. OW instructor, etc.) before she got bored with it all and took up windsurfing and climbing. Unless you were being sarcastic, Rudy, in which case, forget everything I just wrote.
  10. "Made it back?" WTF are you talking about? I'm still on the East Coast. Today I watched as my alma mater handed UVA its collective ass in the ACC title shot game. VT plays Boston College next Saturday. Winner goes to the Orange Bowl. GO HOKIES!!!1
  11. sobo


    WTF? I thought this was going to be about mushrooms...
  12. sobo

    What up?

    Oooooooooooo, just wait until the purple hippo reads this one.
  13. Hi carolyn, Glad to hear from you again, both here and in my email. Latte looks like a queen in that photo, indeed quite regal. She's quite the little tiger, no? And Mom is quite the fighter, too. I wish you well in your fight with whomever you end up with, be it Franken or Coleman. PS: Instead of just plain ol' grass, plant of bed of 'nip for her, too, eh?
  14. C'mon, Pat... biospheres, man. Biospheres. Cold outside, warm inside. Plus a little artistic license. Just sayin'...
  15. Both good entries into this thread. I liked SR better than 2001. Especially liked the movie's premise, and Joan Baez's voice for the end credits was eerily haunting... Did these flicks have a profound effect on the human race or how we did/changed things? Apparently some, but not to a large degree, IMO...
  16. I'm sorry, I've spent the past several days beating the living daylights outta my kids. What did I miss here?
  17. It's one of the Climber's Four Food Groups... Sugar, Fat, Salt, and Alcohol!
  18. ummmmm, i've suddenly lost interest in packing... i don' know why... ...
  19. All the same, that's still pretty fucked up. Seems like MRNP just can't catch a break. Shit.
  20. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: You would have to say something like that, wouldn't you Doug? Right after I cracked open my third Black Butte Porter.
  21. Sweet, Teresa! I board The Mighty Boeing next Tuesday the 25th to visit the 'rents for T-Day. Haven't been back to see 'em in 3.5 years (I've been told I'm a heel for being away that long). Back on the 2nd, but I should be able to spray from Northern Virginia the whole time I'm gone. This is the trip I forsook so I could hang with y'all at Rope-Up. My mom is still gonna whoop my ass for dissing her for that...
  22. sobo

    Any Firefighters?

    I have a very good buddy who's a captain in the business. He's also a paramedic, too. He's been at it for over 20 years. I could forward your ???s to him. Would that help you?
  23. As did many others a scant two weeks ago...
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