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Everything posted by sobo

  1. WTF??? You an Atlantic Wreck Diver now or what? Don't forget to them if the pleasure boaters aren't sufficiently disgusted by the poem.
  2. Same for me the the first time I saw Das Boot; in German with English subtitles. That's still the only way I like to watch it. It's just not the same in English... BTW, where are the planes being shot down in this flick? I don't recall that part at all. I do recall at the end of the film, when the sub's base gets bombed during an Allied bombing raid and the boat is sunk, but I don't remember any planes getting shot down...
  3. OK, you two carry on. I'm heading to the bar with a couple of the wimmin folk from the office. See ya later, but prolly not next week. It's gonna be balls to the wall for me until after the new year. Deadlines, ya know!
  4. Now that would make more sense. Kinda like what I said above ("Work lets me drink beer."), but I meant "work" as labor, not as a place of employment.
  5. So what did you think of it? I haven't bought it yet; waiting for your review. I started re-reading Shadow Divers last night. Got a third of the way through the book. One person has already died. The Rouses haven't entered the picture yet...
  6. I really fucking hate it when, after the 4th of 5th embedded quote, the software fucks up and starts misattributing the quotes. Grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!1 BTW, do mean "Society" as a business organization/unit? Or "society" as the almalgamation of humankind?
  7. Lucky bastards!! You get to drink while I'm on antibiotics and vicoden... fucking wisdom teeth... Nein, nicht jetzt. Ich arbeite. Arbeit macht Frei. Arbeit erlaubt mir trinken Bier. Nice to see you again, Marcin! Good luck with those big holes in your gums!
  8. Shite! Looks like that S-boat has got a wee bit of a list, too!
  9. Wie heiBt du? Sobolewski. Was? Sobolewski. Jetzt du heiBt "Sobo". Naechste!! Pretty much went exactly like that, I would imagine.
  10. Gern geschehen. BTW, nice touch on the spelling of my name up there, Stephen. That's what it used to look like, just seconds before Ellis Island...
  11. Where is the what? Got me on that one, Skeezix
  12. Read what my Weapons Officer said above ^^
  13. Kapitän: "Load torpedoez int tubez 1 und 4!" Waffen Offizier: "Yah, Mein Kapitän. Torpeedoez loaded int tubez 1 und 4!" Kapitän: "Set for proximity fuse. Match bearings und shoot!" Waffen Offizier: "Proximity fuse, bearings matched. It's away! Two Black Butte Porters running straight and level, Herr Kapitän!" Kapitän: "Ahhhhhhhhhh, sehr gut, Waffen Offizier." Re-reading Shadow Divers and can't get U-869 out of my head...
  14. For some reason, I now have this image of you going around and drinking the partially consumed cups of beer in the morning after a big party... You are not very far off the mark. And I've managed to spit out all but a few cigarette butts...
  15. I don't like it much - it tastes "flat" (no carbonation) I don't drink beer for its carbonation. That's what sody-pop is for. And I've probably drunk more flat beer in my life than most men alive...
  16. I don't know much about GENNIS at all, but I do enjoy a finely pulled Guinness, if that's what you mean. It's perhaps my favorite readily-available brew. It just takes a while to pull one correctly.
  17. yes, but not as much as the darker stuff. This is the time of year that I drink the most of the dark stuff. Porters, stouts, doppelbocks, browns, etc. Gots to put on my winter fat for the upcoming hibernation, ya know... I'm into my second Black Butte Porter of the evening just now. And I'll drink big cabs any time of year...
  18. Stuffed with catnip. Phydeaux approves of them, too...
  19. That look on Frankie's face in the first pic says it all... "Don't even think about fuq'n with my stuff, dude."
  20. Norm, Tsk tsk tsk... Pour a Fat Tire into a clear glass, let the head settle a bit, and then tell me what you see. Murkness, not will it be.
  21. Yeah, Bridgeport IPA != beer. Costco has Bridgeport IPA for $22.00 a case,i buy 2 when i'm in town! They also have Fat Tires for $24/case. Much better buy, when you think about it...
  22. I am the quintessential beer snob. I can be no other way. Do you even need to ask that question? "Beer is clear, murky is quirky." Mind you, a beer can be dark and clear. Cloudy beverages are not beer.
  23. Quit drinking Moosepiss and take a real beer with ya! Yeesh!
  24. Been givin' my thanks since 4:30 or so. Black Butte Porters again this week.
  25. Which comment? About the billiard balls, or that I watched a beastie show afterwards? WTF? Hugh doesn't get the beatdown from you for the "popping out pingpong balls" comment? C'mon, I was like, 20, or something. Let a guy live a little, eh?
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