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Everything posted by sobo

  1. DH, Read here for another article: From KOMO news: http://www.komonews.com/news/36957019.html Read the list of comments following this story. It's the same old tired "They should have to pay for their rescue" bullshit from the Barca-Lounger set again. When will the Great Unwashed ever get it? The last comment, from a jennjohnson167, makes reference to the deceased being a high school friend. At the risk of being insensitive, the name of the deceased is Megan (no last name given). Being as how she was a Puget Sound native and an employee at Crystal Mtn, I am sure that there are some on this board that know her, and I extend my sympathy toward you all. My sincerest condolences to her family and friends, and that her partner is someday able to come to grips with this sad event.
  2. Read the list of comments following this story. It's the same old tired "They should have to pay for their rescue" bullshit from the Barca-Lounger set again. When will the Great Unwashed ever get it?
  3. This guy is: Hyalite Canyon Airborn Ranger Those pics were nice, the way he connected the ice portions with the shitty mud/cobble link. But what I really want to know is, was he wearing Levis or Wranglers? I have to stay in step with the latest style, ya know.
  4. WTF, are you smokin' crack? Those are the brand-spanking new powder blue softshells from Schoeller, just out this Christmas! All the cool kids have 'em.
  5. Although it's not my thread, it's still for the fathers... You can start your own thread, tazz. It'd be cool to have a "sister thread" with pics from all of the climbing moms here. :tup:
  6. A snowmobiler, but apparently not highmarking. Washington's first avy fatality for this winter. Let's be careful out there... link to article in the WetSnatchy World
  7. This info may be old, but I have (had??) a contact at North Cascades Mountain Guides. Contact Geof Childs at 509-nine nine six-three one nine four and leave a message on his voicemail requesting a conditions update and leave your call-back number. It's been a few years (5 or 6??) since I used Geof's "feature" so I don't know if it's still valid. YMMV. Alternatively, you could call his wife Diane (assuming he's still married to her) at her store (Winthrop Mountain Sports) at 509-nine nine six-two eight eight six and see if there's anyone there that knows the beta or ask for Diane and ask her to have Geof call you back. Good luck
  8. impressive! Seems like this guy lays claim to the impressive. A round trip ticket in 6 months. And a one-way speed record of 71 days and change. Yowza!
  9. On foot or mountain bike? This citation would seem to suggest that mountain bikes are excluded from the PCT, although I have seen folks on mountain bikes on the section from the Goat Rocks to Chinook Pass.
  10. well, she's sloppy seconds I can live with.
  11. Yeah, that sez it all, I guess. A gang of climbers banging the shit outta her...
  12. All y'all better jump on this offer real quick-like. This kid, with his leashless Quarks, heel-point Darts, and fearless attitude, is a veritable icegun. Plus, he's an EMT, should the worst happen...
  13. And for the record, Alpinfox, AlpineDave, and Jesse got on Frenchman Falls before it melted through. There's a huge hole just below the top-out right now that is douching the entire route. Nice to have seen so many people getting out this past weekend. I hope to be making several more trips this winter, as opposed to my abysmal showing last winter.
  14. sobo

    this s ucks...

    A 30 foot fall that pulled gear and broke rock out on 5.11 runout climb is overexaggerated? I dont think so. Holy crap, are we gonna dredge this shit up again? Saving all of us from the regurgitation of the same old shit from 6 months ago...
  15. sobo

    this s ucks...

    I dunno man... that may qualify as ginormous. Mebbe even colossal. You better check with kevbone on that...
  16. It's a Jeep thing... you wouldn't understand.
  17. sobo

    this s ucks...

    Fawk, Rudy, that really does suck! Hope that you're not in too much pain (you get any good drugz?) and that you heal up well. Look at it this way, now you can take a load off and let those asswipers in WDC figure their own selves out of that I-495 mess.
  18. sobo

    Today’s Pirates

    I will never get those 3 minutes back...
  19. OMG, WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!1 Where is this global warming to rescue us from this horrific, hell-frozen-over death? Save us, Al Gore! Though we be not worthy, please save us!!!1 ooops, not up to 10 pages yet.
  20. Hope he's a better meteorologist than his namesake was...
  21. sobo

    Coffee induced poo

    It still is. Nice of you to resurrect it from the dead, have it perfumed o'er, and annointed... Man, where are those guys now? E-rock, Greg_W, lummox, specialed, Charlie, DFA, slothrop... whatever happened to those guys? Saw where E-rock was active a few days ago, but for some of those guys, it's been a while...
  22. sobo

    Today’s Pirates

    Bastard! But it's only because you're sitting at home with huge holes in the back of your gums and missing four teeth.
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