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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Hmmmm, that looks like a possibility at least.
  2. :lmao: That's pretty fuk'n funny, Keith! But seriously, like a true enginerd, I have to ask the question: WTF is up with those ropes over their heads? What kinda anchor system/knot clusterfuck is going on there?
  3. sobo


    Farting in long underwear is like pissing in your wetsuit: It makes you feel all warm and cozy for a minute, but then you just can't bring yourself to put them back on the next day.
  4. sobo

    Hey Mods

    cc.com has a spell-checker? Bullshit! wach ths, i bet ther iz not a spelchkr on ths site
  5. President-Elect Obama. Please remember your civics lessons...
  6. Ummm, Norm, why don't you read the post about four up from your own. Please endeavor to keep up with the rest of the class in the future, m'kay? OKTHNKBAI!
  7. sobo

    Obama cabinet?

    Every one of them supported the invasion of Iraq, the sole exception being our President-Elect.
  8. sobo

    OMG you guyz

    WHAT!!!?? Already? That's not supposed to happen until he takes office in January. It's unconstitutional for this to be happening already. Unconstitutional, I say. We have a constitution, don't we?? Don't we? We don't anymore? Oh... nevermind...
  9. sobo


    Ouch, that's harsh... Aren't we in the Cafe' Sensitivioso?
  10. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: I wish I was smart enough to capture that Creation Museum commercial and post it up here as a YouTube. OMFG, that was hilarious! Thanks, hafilax, I needed that!
  11. sobo


    Hey Theresa, Quit chimin' in here being all serious and shit whilst we're having a good time of bashing sickie bois wearing pantyhose. Jus' sayin'...
  12. I can't believe that someone allowed that kinda shit in a kid's coloring book. Jeebus Christ, man, the dinousaurs died out over 65 million years ago! The Bible covers all of life on earth for the past 6,000 years, give or take a few. Didn't that guy do the math?
  13. I don't think I could watch that. Not after I winced my way through the Katie Couric interview.
  14. sobo


    Old Joke Warning: Q. How can you tell when a guy's wearing pantyhose under his jeans? A. When he farts, his ankles swell up.
  15. My read of that same article says 15 to 6. That's a 6.25% reduction in votes for Obama, and a 20% gain for McCain. Just doin' the math...
  16. Either way, no matter which one wins, I'll be getting good and drunk. For different reasons for each nominee, of course.
  17. Yeah, that they are, as well as their up-to-the-minute electoral college vote tallies. Truly attention-grabbing.
  18. Fixed it fer ya. I'm going to need you to come in on Saturday. Ummm... yeah.
  19. She needs one of these to remove those little blighters...
  20. Mebbe he got too drunk around the campfire and "accidentally" fell in. Jus' sayin' it could happen...
  21. How good are you at navigating with map and compass/GPS in a whiteout? We just spent an entire week looking for a dude on Adams who'd never been there before either and got lost (and broke his ankle to boot). If you're OK with that, then a late season jaunt up Adams would be the better trip, IMO. You'll have more to look at from the top of Adams than from 2/3s the way up Rainier. The snow is fresh, so above the RTM trail it will be nice (less rocky). If you think that you might not like that, then there's always a pretty well-beaten path up to Muir. Remember, though, that you can get lost on the Muir Snowfield just as easy as anywhere else if the clouds drop in or a blizzard blows up. Print off the the "Get Your Bearings" cheat sheet (available anytime from the MRNP website) and take it with you, along with the necessary acoutrementi with which to use it. Oh, and have fun.
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