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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Sadly, the Mountain Goddess That Is Sherri does not engage in any climbing venue wherein she cannot wear her capri pants and muscle halter top, and catch a suntan while climbing. Too bad for the rest of us; she'd make a killer ice climber, too...
  2. No, I have to pay extra for that, every two years. Just like you have to for your tape measure, compass, and plumb bob...
  3. sobo


    Jeezus, marc, my kids were looking over my shoulder while I was watching that. I think they're scarred for life now, if they weren't aready with me as their dad. Is that from the same guy who does your avatar?
  4. Hey, Shugga!!!1 You have yerself a whale of a fine day today, m'kay? All the rest of y'all, wish Sherri a very happy birthday! A true Mountain Goddess That is Sherri. :kisss:
  5. sobo

    Power Sailing

    WOW, 25 nmph average! Criminy, and I thought my sailing/racing days were filled with fun and adventure. I'd brown my undies with speeds like that.
  6. Nope. Where's it brewed? What its ABV? Send me some. Strictly for research purposes, of course...
  7. Hey guys! Sorry I missed ya! Yeah, Mel, you were right... Started around 4:30 cuz I was crunchin' a deliverable for the bridge project. Got 'er done, so lit into a couple of Fat Tires at that point, then finished off with a Full Sail Pale Ale, then had to bust a move home at 6 to take the kids out Trick-or-Treatin'! Wow, a full day fer sure.
  8. sobo

    Display Upgrades

    I don't write any TRs cuz nobody wants to read stories of excessive drinking and easy climbing from an aging trad hardman whose better climbing days have left him behind.
  9. Arrrrr, I'll be keel-hauled before I believes a word of yer rot. Avast ye, draw yer sword, and prepare t' defend yerself! Arrrrr!
  10. Trust me, it is the best way to do it. But I never said it was gonna be cheap. Related anecdote: I work for a large, multi-national, engineering consulting and construction firm. We have all sorts of clients, and most of them recognize that to get the best talent, you have to pay a bit more. Some of our clients don't quite recognize that yet. For them, I have a short "checklist" of sorts that is framed and mounted on my office wall. It reads simply: CHEAP FAST CORRECT Choose two
  11. Now that would be sweet! Not only would be it a multi-pitch wall, but it's only three blocks from my house! And a rope's throw down the street from The Pub!!!1 What's not to like?
  12. Not exactly, Marcin. The "Yay life" signature was when rob knew he was losing his job and he still had to train the new loozerz that were taking over his position, and then he got the speeding ticket. And all of that bullshit was after the Thai climbing guide banged his wife while he was sick and down with a fever. The irony and sarcasm was palpable... Yay life!
  13. sobo

    Display Upgrades

    Jeeperz Marcin... picky picky... rob- Dru/G-spotter is teh everyone of us
  14. Craig, Do you intend to use the map in the field again? If so, lancegranite has your solution. If you're not going to be using it anymore, Hugh has your solution. Glue it down to a backing board, have it matted in a complementing color, and frame it. Use an anti-glare coated glass to reduce reflections from your interior lighting.
  15. w00t w00t!!!1 Excellent work, rob! Wow, with your new job and the ticket wiped, your life is really turning around. Yay life!
  16. sobo

    Display Upgrades

    Now that's a really righteous feature, jon and timmay! I like the way the TRs are linked to the user, cuz sometimes I just wanna go do a route and I know which user(s) did it, and it's easier to find the TR that way. oooo, I have 69 photos. 69... get it? huhuhuhuh snark snark
  17. Hi Jenn! Don't diss the plastic at TCCC; it's actually quite a nice wall. It's come a long way since Steve and I got the first wall started back in the early 90s, when it was located in an old racquetball court. I'm just not that into pulling plastic, although I should show up more...
  18. sobo

    CC.com Turns 8

    Yeah, C, for the greater good. Think of the CHILDREN!!!1 that would be us... And where is your latest avatar? She's been missing for a few days. Get busy!
  19. Jeezus, man, WTF happened? That's a ton of nice shit to be a-partin' with. I'm jus' sayin'...
  20. What about Static Point that Matt Perkins works on? I saw on this board recently that they acquired (or maybe were just short of acquiring) the forests around there for conservation and recreational opportunities. I thought they were still short a few bucks. Or was that Index? Or Darrington? I'm Whatever. Send a PM to mattp and he'll steer you straight. WA Climbers Coalition
  21. Not focused on conservation, unless you mean the human life kind: CWMR BTW, that's yours truly on the far side of the river.
  22. All ya'll poseuers better get right on this offer! Sherri's a righteous partner and pulls her own weight, plus yours! And her Westfalia is the bitchin'est cruising vehicle evuh! And you can help her celebrate her birthday, too! What's not to like?
  23. Parenthetical and emphasis added by sobo You don't know what the fuck you're talking about, do you? Why don't you try reading a few books once in a while instead of always talking out of your ass? What you're suggesting is that the helo pilot intentionally crashed into the C-130 transport, purposefully causing the explosion and ensuing fireball that killed those 8 guys. And just so you know, Carter himself approved Col. Beckwith's recommendation to abort the mission after the minimum number of choppers fell below six units to only five (Beckwith had insisted that the mission required at least 6 fully operational helos). So by extension you're also saying that Carter himself rigged the failure of the entire mission and got those guys killed. My, that's a real humdinger if you're in politics and looking to get re-elected, eh? You're a bigger conspiracy idiot than I thought. Pssssst! Here's some more news for ya... we really did land men on the moon... You're right about Carter, but Billy made his own bed, and then slept in it. My what a pun that turned out to be, eh?
  24. Excellent TR, Shugga! Looks like you had a great time. So is Flat Stanley a ropegun, or did he just hang out at the belays and drink beer around the fire?
  25. Yeah, but he lusted in his heart. Why he just didn't bang the bunnies, I'll never understand.
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