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Everything posted by sobo

  1. emphasis added by sobo Somebody gets the question. It's about the media and the way they slant/skew the reporting.
  2. Sobo.....well thought out questions and topics. Here is your answer. WHO GIVES A FUCK. Wow, what a well-thought out answer, kevin. I'm reeling in the wake of your scintillating intellect.
  3. Well, I wasn't king at the time, Matt, but when I was growing up in Europe, I had more than just a few schoolmates whose parents were in mixed-race marriages. It was fairly common in Europe at the time, probably more so than in the US (early 70s). The kids preferred to be called biracial more than any other moniker that I can now recall, despite what you have written above. If memory serves, "black" referred more to the movement toward black representation/recognition at that time, "African American" was a term that had yet to be coined, and "negro" had fallen out of fashion long before all of that. "Afro-American" was a term gaining popularity at that time, eventually to be supplanted by "African-American" by the late 70s.
  4. Banned camp... at last! Oh, how I have awaited this day...
  5. This is the smartest thing said yet on this thread, and is followed closely by ivan's comments. I did not post this thread to start a race war. I asked why the media is ascribing a label to Barack Obama that doesn't fit by the definition. Joseph- I don't know why you consider this discussion "rancid". Read what Pat said. Matt- I don't why you'd be surprised, unless you're thinking I'm a racist pig. That said, your second post (below) shows me that you "get" my question.
  6. You have to know these things when you're a king, you know.
  7. No, I don't think so, Keith. The question has merit, and still stands.
  8. I don't know, Keith. What the American Indians accept for tribal status is their business, I guess. I'm just going on an accepted standard for the definition of biracial/multiracial. If we extend the logic in your post regarding the percentage qualification, then one could also state that the election was "business as usual", and we just elected another white guy, no? So my question is not moot, and it still stands.
  9. Quite true, DD. It would be fun to see the test results.
  10. ivan- That last line was pretty funny. billcoe- Pretty funny, too. PS: Tiger is biracial, too. Source: Wikipedia - Tiger Woods
  11. Just leave Britney alonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnne!!!1 Seriously, nice pic, Wayne.
  12. Read that this morning as well. I think that there's a lot more info that needs to come out before it's all said and done, like the question of whether or not the boy was being abused. In response to your question, no one is too young to be convicted. The real questions is, "Is he too young to be tried as an adult?" which is what the police want to do. Apparently, Arizona law allows this, as he is 8 years old, the minimum age for charges to be filed.
  13. Please clear something up for me here... The media outlets to which I turn to for news (AP, UPI, NPR, Reuters, etc.) all state that Barack Obama is the first black president ever elected in the United States. But that cannot be true, by definition of what is required in order to be considered "black." To be black (or white, or Asian, or Hispanic, or Native Whatever, etc.), one must be able to trace at least 75% of their ancestors to the same geographic region associated with a major racial group. Source: Wikipedia - Multiracial Since Obama is the offspring of a black father and a white mother, he can, at best, claim the title of being the first biracial president of the United States, and not the first black president. I think the media is making more out of this election result than it really is. So my question is, "Why does the media ascribe a label to him that is patently not correct?" Two things got me thinking about this in the first place. The first was an interview broadcast on NPR that I heard on my commute home one day this past week in which a young man and a young woman were interviewed about their views and feelings about the outcome of the election. NPR was quite clear, as was the woman, Trish Callahan, that she be identified as being biracial (black father, white mother). I thought this similarity curious, knowing that Barack Obama, too, has a black father and white mother. The second thing was that in the run-up to the election, the first paragraph of Barack Obama's Wikipedia entry identified him as being both biracial and African American. Now that the election is over, his Wikipedia page indicates only that he is African American. Did he somehow manage to change his race as a result of the election? And don't give me with the "It's not his fault - Wikipedia entries can be uploaded by anyone" argument. As I understand the wiki process, there is some vetting that must go on before changes are uploaded to the site. Now, before this post results in accusations of me being a racist, an anti-miscenegist, or a white supremist, just cool your jets and respond to the question posed, "Why does the media ascribe a label to him that is patently not correct?" Thank you.
  14. Perhaps it's a cry for help, mebbe? Or perhaps hes just happy? Or both. Or neither. Tamara asked a question. I provided an answer. You provided an alternate answer. Neither one of us knows which one, if either, is correct. Your persepective. Not mine. Carry on.
  15. ...it's Coronas and limes tonight. Then off to Emerald of Siam for some Thai at 6. Gotta go!
  16. sobo

    Interesting map

    wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... i like all the colorrrrrrrrssssssss...
  17. Yes, you are correct. Flight requires a valid passport, no other ID will do. Sorry I didn't clarify that in my post, but I know Kevin and I figgerd he ain't takin' a plane over there.
  18. Crillz has the beta, Kevin. As of late August, my wife got through with a WA State DL and a birth certificate. Her passport had expired in April of this year, and she forgot to have it renewed in time for the trip. My M-I-L was on that same trip, and she had a valid WA DL and an expired passport (no BC) and she was let to pass as well. The border agents told them both that neither of those combinations will work next year. Passports or government-issued photo ID cards only in '09.
  19. There's also the one about the enginerd and the female frog that claims to be a beautiful princess able to grant three wishes, but she's trapped under an evil witch's spell. "Nah, I don't want any of that. But a talking frog... now that's cool."
  20. gonna rain all over the east side tomorrow...
  21. I'm always in the mood to reproduce. I just don't want to be left with the by-products of the action. That, and I can never find a willing participant.
  22. sobo


    Well, the "cursor drops to the bottom of the page" issue is fixed now. Thanks, guyz!
  23. sobo


    one minute lock-out? WTF is that? And what's with the cursor going to the bottom of the entire fucking page when you hit "reply" When did that start? Annoying...
  24. mythosgirl- I didn't mean, nor was it my intent, to piss all over your thread. It's just that as an engineer, when I see something like that rope set-up, I find myself compelled to determine "the answer" before I can move on. Hope you find a great place to stay that's cheap/free!
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