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Everything posted by erik
now as many of you all list 'beer' in your profile as an interest i would have say that you all must not be that interested in it cause i never see most of you there. what gives??? cause i heard hikerwa since he is working 5 days a week is buying tonite!!!
so i;m gettin gas in federal way and i notice i have all my money!! whats up with that?? do i owe some gracious sould or staight to the man?? any beta would be appreciated.......
man blakley if i ever see you out behind the big toy after school you are gonna eat a knuckle sand-wich!!! now wheres your milk money??? hahahahahahahaha
dave thomas the owner of wendy's dies. an american icon gone forever. http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20020108/bs/obit_thomas.html i'm sure now tim horton will try to take over the empire and feed us all shitty tasting bagel with no cream cheese. what is the world coming too???
b-rock i will go to index to climb if you want. glaicers are boring and for old people with no upper body strength....oh wait i got no upper body strength. well glaicer are for old people..... but i will still go to index with you. i guess there are some other rock climbing areas near seattle but i haven't been there in years. maybe someone else will offer up their local knowledge on those......
bronco, you can no longer post bro!!!! you have reached the magic number####!!!!!! nice work, i'll let you lead "hard as hell" next time we are up at index as your reward. it can't be that hard right???
i think we have skied your new route. silver peak is a great easy access b/c ski. nice work though. that lk annette trail is long and boring.
great now we are all going to die........ray is bringing vegetables!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [ 01-08-2002: Message edited by: erik ]
quote: Originally posted by Bronco: One time, in band camp I shoved a Tikka... don't you mean this one time on a mountaineeers outing i shoved a tikka..............
quote: Originally posted by Dru: I think its unfair that there is a U-joint but nothing called a Lou-joint. It would have to be a 6 ft long carrot blunt with its own little tripod to support the other end and you would look like one of those Tibetan horn player lamas while you were toking on it. I nominate strickland to roll one with his supply of "dank nuggets" and using a copy of High Times for rolling paper. i'll bring a pic back after this weekend of something close to that. though i only gots some of hilltop's finest. 4 gang members died for dis sheeet. ask the old smokey mcpot what its all about......
caveman i too lead wi2 and 5.3+. i will be hading up there to guide some can-yuckidan handicapp government worker that weakend. maybe we should hook and go climbing sometime soon. i have 2 stoppers, an ice screws and 26 hexes. plus a 100ft section of boat rope. i get scared easy and am afraid of people with substance abuse problems. email me weakassofficeworkingwannabeclimberwithasperationsofjumpingacrossacrevicejustlikemtclimbingidolthatoneguyfromverticallimit@coldmail.com
the only part of alpine climbing i do not enjoy is the bivouac. so for that first you make an apperance at a party or bar, argue with that special someone get all frustrated and drink rapidly and excessively, then leave in a pissy mood stumble around the unfamilar neighborhood(careful in some cities) get really frustrated at yout lack of route finding abilities and the fact that your parter is unreasonable and then sit down in someone front lawn mumbling incoherantly about your shortcomings as a human being...etc.... pass out....... then wake up the next morning in dew soaked clothes confused and groggy. you have just survuved the unplanned open bivouac. part 2: go home and lay a guilt trip on your partner for not being there and understanding the gravity of the situation that she put you in the night before. tell her that as a team or partneership no matter what the hardships you may incounter that sticking together and working through the difficult situiations only makes the next one that much easier and you a stronger team........ooops sorry different tangent!!!
dey be sold already anyways. but i know someone who has some bd switchblades for sale, brand new with all the crap that comes with them. contact me and i will hook ya'll up.
wans't that funny nevermind [ 01-07-2002: Message edited by: erik ]
i'll see you there davey!!! here that tacoma i be drivnig to seattle for a couple hours. though i have to be back around 11 at the latest. gotsa bidness meeting early am.
tex you meet a girl named kathy down there???
tg, you might bring your beer with you and get those rioting college students back on track. more beer and sex less violence and looting!! have fun and be safe p.s. if you think you are not going to make it back email and i will take over the brewery, well atleast clean out the tanks.
well i ain't married, not even thinking about, but foir the first time even met someone that i consider before i go climbing. cause shit who wants to hang out with some smelly guys all the time. plus i really enjoy those hikes up to the beautiful lakes for some nookie. and before anyone jumps my shit for being weak. once i got myself a dysfunction i almost instantly climbed harder then before. gotta show off ya know. plus after a nice foray into the b/c with some bros a little lovin only makes coming home that much better. now all we have to do is get along all the time
quote: Originally posted by chucK: Erik, could you at least change your sig once in a while? chuck as soon as i can find another good one, i will be changing it. but ya gotta admit snoop lives large!!!!
quote: Originally posted by DCramer: I have got to get some work done. we all probably should!!!!!! mr. 20 posts and climbing!!!
i already got something up there that we could call that. though i got to climb it first and maybe even tell someone else about it. by the way did anyone ever go try school, work and rehab?? darryl?? until then i aint going to do another route there.
my friend jose taught me a good lesson. "first learn downclimb" he relayed this lesson from a couple hundred feet up in a sequoia while enjoying a little muir hut hit.
quote: Originally posted by Dru: so is there a route at index called "ape index" or not? can't think of one!? why you ask??
bow wow wow yippy yo yippy yeah guess it doesnt work sometimes. [ 01-07-2002: Message edited by: erik ]