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Everything posted by erik

  1. you know guys outsisde of lamebone, no one here know dan larson. outside of dan larson no one has meet lamebone. so maybe they are the same person. and if caveman and dan larson are the same people, with one being uglier then the other and dan larson is lamebone's dad, then that would make lamebone in inbreed cavebitch with an addicts tendenancies. but only one comes out when the other is smoking da reefer or the other one is abusing small animals. and the other one only abuses small animals when they are smoked. i am confussed now!!!! i dunno, maybe we need some sort of government intervention on this site. cascadeclimbers.com sprayers pass. $4.20 a day or $42.00 a year. remember your pass needs to be validated by the pass dealer and visable upon request from your local pork service tool!
  2. 2 words: lowa structura
  3. word to the hottie's panther and we are all envious of your lifestyle. not lifestyles! and we outta hook up and cruz da mtn soon. i still got yo digits. peaceout bubble bubble
  4. strickland 18 more posts and you can go into retirement.
  5. but will, how often do you plan on changing your front points??? i've had my rambos a couple years now and even with all my bad technique and kicking rock i have had to only sharpen them very minimally. and offset those dual points it makes a world of difference.
  6. erik


    quote: Originally posted by hikerwa: You're a sick bastard. (although look up the fleshlight) uhh there son, i think you are the one thats talking about tools?? power tools!!!! yikes!! i think lamebone needs to moderate anything like this.
  7. sean, good to see you have replaced ciggarettes with alcohol. good trade! though with food prices like that i think we would all be desteined to become booze hounds......howl.......
  8. erik


    10" of fresh last night lover, compared to your 7". i think your mom is coming up to ride this weekend you should come along too!! king of kitties!!!! word!
  9. can we say bitter??
  10. oh the horror oh the horror well these things do work, but only with limited abilites. you really feel like oyu are skining high heels. you wuill fall over for what seems like forever before you get used to these things. but i am sure by that time you will have been soo frustrated that you will have already have bought rando gear. plus the whole set up seems to weigh a ton. i could get into more detail but would probably break down crying rehashing the memories.
  11. if that was the case you shouldn't resopond to him, it only feeds the fire. caveman you rule!!!! and rock scottie's world
  12. hey lover you might have 17" of new, but we still got more than you!!!! washington rulz and oregon only dreamz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. oh never mind!!! [ 12-05-2001: Message edited by: erik ]
  14. well i am going to go fix the problem and blow up the whole damn crag. you better go out there climb all those routes that you want too cause soon enough they all will be gone. on a side note does anyone need to buy a large quanity of fine cut granite. wholesale prices and serious inquires only please.
  15. hey gurlz, i don't really believe in an ice guide either, but as jon said they are putting in a lot of hard work to get this done. i have even contributed to it, so if oyu got a problem bring it on all you little whiney gurlz, specailly you cavebitch!!!! jason when you get back email and we will go climbing. but i am still sketchy!!!!!!!!! cause we're all gonna die!!!
  16. will, are you going to wash it before you sell it??? you got tha suit interning right??
  17. erik


    young tiger lily, you have to be the chat first and upon chat enlightenment you will be granted to in chata-la. see the chatfeel the chatbe the chat your flower is bloosming young one, just be patient it will all come soon. now it is time for sake and sensual mediatation [ 12-04-2001: Message edited by: erik ]
  18. the reason beacons are soo expensive is not because of the technology in them. it is actually quite basic and that concept has been used for over 50 yrs in other applications. it is because that is what the dristibutors feel they can get for them. if people are willing to buy them, which they are. then they might as well get as much money out of them as they can. pretty much the same with everything we buy. tech costs is usually around the 2nd or 3rd reason something costs so much. 1st is marketing and 2nd is profit.
  19. erik

    power trip

  20. i am against people publishing their findings. cause like you said it brings all the yo's out to play where they don't belong. i work hard at the office and trying to find ice that my friends and i can climb. the higher the adventure quotient the better. you won't find me drawing peeps with poor gumption a road map to the goods. and i am sketchy anyways, so who really knows!?!?!?!?!?
  21. sisu can still kick your ass, you ever seen his scar from killing that grilzzly for the beer??
  22. erik


    you guys are bogus and i take that you do not want any of my beta cool by me. later gurlz dave we going when you get back mexico i already found some!!! [ 12-03-2001: Message edited by: erik ]
  23. caveman, plan on dying. though if you don't you should send the route no problem. i personally wouldn't worry too much about what the topos say to you. quite acting like a wuss and go climb the damn route now or in spring. c you there!
  24. dwayner carpooling is a go. though wallstein is up for trouble too! yeah is there anyone stuck between tacoma and seattle thats got some ideas. a compromise would be something special!!
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