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Everything posted by erik

  1. the swiss it is. around 6:30ish or so. another side note i will be headed to jazzbones around 9ish to catch a show. http://www.hanumanmusic.com/ dr. jay bivi is available.
  2. same place same time??
  3. raphel can i buy the mono point kit off of you??
  4. quote: Originally posted by wdietsch: Dru.... that gave me a headache drul gives me a headache
  5. does anyone want to go climb this sat. and as of right now i have no time constraints. let me know
  6. well cool guys then i got some real sweet gear to sell you. bd cams $145, i know it is a little higher then what is reasonable, but if you guys buy $6 plastic bottles then you got no problem affording them
  7. quote: Originally posted by Dru: if you pour boiling water into gatorade bottles you can melt them. thats why i drink out of the pan and yes i let it cool first. gives oyu a chance to pack your gear and shove down some crappy bars
  8. erik

    tom coe

  9. after putting some thought to it, i think the biggest piece of crap in all the outdoor industry would have to be nalgene water bottles. seriously who in the world would pat $6 for a water bottle that leaks and they do break. plus like 500 other reason why not to buy them. go buy a quart of gatorade and use that bottle. $1.59 plus you get a free drink and who cares what happens to it when you lose it or what.
  10. montani semper liberi isn't that what the uni bomber had over the door of his shack in lamebone country??? no one accept mail from this rope dope guy, he sounds questionable.....
  11. quote: Originally posted by Dru: plus i ruleed at pool which i usually suck at. i hope you were tactful enough not to kick her ass at pool... Fast Eddie... we played teams bro, that way we both one.
  12. pciked her up late as i always get occupied for no apparent reason other then my 4 second attention span. she was cool with that. went out to the bookstore and got a book that stipland suggested. went and shot pool and had drinks. plus i ruleed at pool which i usually suck at. meet some of my random friends at the bar and went from there. went and took a cold, wet and blustery walk. took her home and went over to my ex's house(just kidding) over all a nice time and she is a nice person. beta requests via email only(just kdding again)
  13. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: RURP you are hilarious. Yes I agree that we can slam for 20 pages on Larson which I mentioned previously. Also can slam on Scot'teryx. I was one. But moderating spray is kind of bs. I have been taunted and teased by a couple of moderators. Leads me to believe that moderation means the moderators remove what "they" dont like. I can tell you guys that plenty of people actually do like what I say. I bet there is a large number that do not too. cavegirl, truthfull i quite enjoy much of what you write cause sometimes that what i want tosay but just can't.. some moral things or something... but sometimes when the attacks become vicous or out right beyond reality or out right disgusting and wrong they will be moderated. your freedom of speech only extends as far as the next persons rights. once you infringe or violates some elses rights, then you are wrong.(dru this does not affect you cause you are a socialist, so we will need 40% of your paycheck to cover costs of your spray accross the board) not saying i draw the line or anything or that it is clear cut and obvious, but i am sure we all know what is reasonable. hugz!!!
  14. erik


    quote: Originally posted by Bronco: You should look into the classes offered at Cascade Crags for the youngun' if you haven't. They seem to tailor the ciriculum to the transition from the gym to the outdoors. You can never have too many 'biners when you are starting out. yup!
  15. erik


    klever, i would recommend only getting instruction through a certified amga rock guide. there are many companies offering instruction. but my question to you would oyu want someone who wants to be a doctor operate on you or do you want a real doctor. amga guides have to have high standard of ability and knowledge and put years into attaining their certification. amga guides work very hard and spend lots of their own money and time acheiving this level of expertise. the professional guiding business in the u.s. needs to be legitimzed and as long as there are companies that intruct/guide within the country who use under qualified people can only do harm to the industry.(not to say these people are bad, but they are bad for legitimizing the guide profession) the only real guide company in washington that i would say has high number of certified guides is north cascades mountain guides. these guys are awesome. http://www.ncmountainguides.com/ncmtnguides/ also martin volken rulz too! http://proguiding.com/ these two companies seem to more interested in quality instruction and experience instead of a corporate profit. a few good presents are a new adjustable leg loop harness, beley devices, cams, neutrino biners, nutz(not sure why cause smalls cams rule!!) a good 60m rope. guide books(to get the stoke going) a nut tool. the gym is a good place to learn some technique though only a small amount of real practical knowledge comes out of a place with that much attitude and postering. remember versitility and humbleness(i'm still learning) and most importantly FUN are the keys to a strong successful. wish my parents supported climbing!!??
  16. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: Dru you are just jealous of Erik. I will never be a moderator. That is the beauty of things. I gotta test the fires and thrash around so others can. Instead of looking out for people like me Someone has to do it. exactlly. it is this or we just bury caveman in a ditch along the duwamish and that poor river is allready polluted.
  17. thanks everyone..............!!! i go forth with what beta i have and the previous knowledge that i have and go for it... when in doubt run it out!!!
  18. beck i always thought you said that wool/scholer blended rescue garter with leggings with full strenth haul and belay loops was the worst. all itchy on the bros and what not. maybe cause teddy gave it you i don't know. cause his bear fur kimono will always be with me. it smells so good.
  19. oh i have wasted all my money buying the good stuff, what i have found that hold me back is climbing with wallstain, that guy flails and never brings the gear or ropes, plus his truck sucks and blah blah blah.....etc
  20. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=001091there you go matt and will
  21. erik


    quote: Originally posted by Dru: i give you a sample of a boot in the nuts! hybrid theory, stronger and more virile than either of the parents, so there. i always thought the recessive genes dominated. thats why you are short right?? and with you r boot, you will have to catch me first and then ask nicely. before you are finalized. i gotta do some work!!> sessshh
  22. quote: Originally posted by payaso: First date this time of year would definately be great for an ice climb of Chair Peak NE Buttress. Actually any movie with Julia Roberts will do the trick. or you hitting on me?? i'll climb chair with you, but you gotta buy me dinner and some flowers first. and i just saw there is some movie out now with homegirl in it. and i haven't dated a climber chick, cause i am scared!
  23. quote: Originally posted by willstrickland: Thanks dudes! I know it goes free...but at hard 5.12, not quite up to it I'll do everything in my power to make it go clean, sketchy runout cam hooking, #0 brass offsets, whatever...but I've been on sandstone routes that went clean a few times then some dumbass nailed it and it took a few pins to make it happen until those placements changed a little. Looks like we'll throw a couple of LAs, a baby angle, a blade, and a cheater stick on the rack. I got a few of those Lucky "right angle" pins from a Metoloius rep when they first started importing them, they're pretty cool for LA sized cracks, WAY lighter, and kinda springy like an angle, obviously not "hand down to your kids" stuff like LAs, but cheaper, lighter, and a decent shimming pin in tip stacked situations. Since all the info I've heard about the approach indicates certain hell, every ounce will count on this one. Then again, we may just stay back there and do both routes while we're there. will, you are right every onunce does count. so ration accordingly. oh wait thats not you were talking about. i want to skiing.
  24. erik

    Clogged Pipes

    (spray) the plum was the first real ice climb that wallstein and i ever did. and i would say that route is what got me real excited about ice in general. it rulz thanks kai!
  25. http://www.rainbowpush.org/will these guy have an idea for everything. check it out
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