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Everything posted by erik

  1. for a general mixed alpine route....lets say the ne butt of chair i will bring 4 screws two 17s, one 22 and another shorty or mid shorty. one picket per person and my bd experts only rope. a few pins and some, cams yellow alien(cause dats my boy) 1" and 2" maybe a #11 hex and a grip o neutrinos. oh and those little widget dealys. and second tool only if it looks like it will need it, thoughif oyu are up on your poon technique the second tool sometimes get burdomsome. oh yeah and the rastafarian bivi kit cause ya never no when your going to die! i personally only rope up if there are actual pitxches to be led or if you got to trudge a glacier(for the most part). climb to your comfort level. and move as fast as possible. i go by moving moving moving..bonk...sesh gingsing tigers milk moving, moving moving moving bonk and repeat. remember i am sketchy
  2. no will you almost got it. dis is vill. i vill klim der uberstrasse berg und vake und bake to der uber maximum und pitoons scare der rowk every time i sving mine hammer beir buch has spooken. ist ine awut!
  3. mazike, harsh tokes dude, you know i am up for it, i can't wait f.s.u. beyaaatch!! and i am head to bham on sat fer da throw down anyways!!!! skiing baker and the snowboard bunnies~~~~!!!! hey man you wanna play some frisbee p.s. avydawg i need the registration papers for my hacky sack!!
  4. erik


    drul, what do you know? canyuckada is just a sampling and mixing of america and britian. get a real country bro and give us back our land....
  5. quote: Originally posted by erik: slap you on a diet on something??? thats what drul puts down during a day at werk. just kidding i can almost remember the old days......back when i was old skool and shit. now that i am an upstanding memember of society i can look back and see where i went astray.....somewere near al-ba-ker-kee.......too bad i am still lost though!
  6. thats pretty harsh eddie, i can't debate you but........since i have plead the 5th. thanks for the good ideas! it makes this old worn out brain churn with ideas, now i just need to borrow a car and twenty bucks....anyone!??
  7. slap you on a diet on something??? thats what drul puts down during a day at werk. just kidding i can almost remember the old days......back when i was old skool and shit. now that i am an upstanding memember of society i can look back and see where i went astray.....somewere near al-ba-ker-kee.......too bad i as still lost though!
  8. no climbing here guys, but a real chance to get some spray in on me. god save my soul and all that follow!!! okay enough with the god stuff. so i have some real lack of skills in a couple different departments. well first of all i cannot climb to save my life, but that is another issue. i gots myself a date and have not dated in quite awhile, due to the fact that i had myself a lady. my real problem is what do i do?? i can plan climbing trips, drink beer till hikerwa's lady comes home and party with the bro's. so how do i really show a lady a good entertaing evening without reverting to my usual routine??? give me some ideas, and by the way it is tonite. p.s. i do not need to hear about sexual fantasies or acts as i already have a bag of trix and this is the first date. so i will be leaving it at home. [ 12-13-2001: Message edited by: erik ]
  9. for mass commercialism to stop invading all aspects of life. and a new hottie that understands me!!
  10. quote: Originally posted by erik: dennis for my summer coat i have a patagonia strech light jacket. it is 3 layer and weighs like 15oz. i have used this coat in all condtions and would say that it rulz. tbough soemtimes the zipper for the rear pocket gets annoying when wearing a pack. though it is a bit more then $250.00 patagonia stuff rulz. http://www.patagonia.com/webapp/commerce/Pgonia/Product.jsp?merchant_rn=7 385&cgrfnbr=124389&sku=24152
  11. dennis for my summer coat i have a patagonia strech light jacket. it is 3 layer and weighs like 13oz. i have used this coat in all condtions and would say that it rulz. tbough soemtimes the zipper for the rear pocket gets annoying when wearing a pack. though it is a bit more then $250.00 patagonia stuff rulz. http://www.patagonia.com/webapp/commerce/Pgonia/Product.jsp?merchant_rn=7385&cgrfnbr=124389&sku=24152
  12. vedy snowy
  13. quote: Originally posted by highclimb: Dru, E, i thought girlfriends where a waste of times...whats the matter with you! Aidan they are, but you gotta have one to know and once you have one they don't seem to be. dman catch 22's ya know. anyone have any extra hottie's for me!?
  14. i did! but not anymore
  15. fine then i will just see you there then!!!! dwayner what time you be all gussied up?? wallstein same place same time??
  16. c u guys in a little while
  17. i see how it is, damn seattle snobs(read hikerwa) trying to bulldog the pub club again!!!! 3 weeks in a row sheesh.....whos paying for my gas money???
  18. erik

    New sport

    speaking of bonsai http://www.bonsaikitten.com
  19. beware of red herrings!!!!! i just read a study that said almost 40% of auto accidents in some way involve a cell phone. thank god i don't use one. so read do not use cell phone, you will die in your car.
  20. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: You wrong erik they are diffrent. Mine did not fit old shit. [ 12-11-2001: Message edited by: Cpt.Caveman ] hmm i must have gotten new old shit that was new and worked on old shit. were you attaching them correctly i know at first the bd system is slightly confusing.
  21. erik


    quote: Originally posted by Dru: Translation: my new chica made me listen to techno and dance and i discovered that i better like it if i wanna get laid. As for Kid Rock the guy gets Pammy booty, what more does he need? actually my good canadian friend i came up with all on my own. there are many things in life that leads us towards success. mediatation and self reflection are some of those tools, you should try it sometime. though women are very nice much like climbing they are only a small part in the BIG picture. drul you might do yourself better if you were not so bitter towards women. i know you and ray have had some issues, but with a little sensitivty you guys can have a happy life togeter. i am sure of it. i think ray really does care about you. at pub club though he might be kssing on hikerwa i can see his sloth like moves always gravitate towards canada. p.s. watch out for trask i think him and ray are sneaking around!!
  22. actually ray, the stinger pick is the best one bd has made in awhile. other then the aermet. but bd changes their pick design by lengthing it and make it a little wider so it could meet ce requirments. i feel the stinger pick cleans easier. bd ice tools hace had the same adze, hammer and pick attachments for almost 15yrs now. and i donot beleive they are going to change it, especailly without supporting the last 15yrs worth of gear. sure the cobra heads are different, but it ia a different breed of tool all together. people that don't know how to use them think they suck.... ihave used them a few times and with concentrated techniques they rock, but i do not own them so i will not swing them, well atleast until i can afford them. one reason the fin biner went out was because of quality control issues. though they do rock for ice. so aidan do not worry about bd abandoning their equip and like bone said they prob gots tons of them. and the newer adze with the drop down then center fits the older bp.
  23. erik


    quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: He's getting soft. thats okay caveman, i may be getting soft but i still am way sketchier then you without even trying. and trask i don' think you even climb or like other human beings(if that is even what you are!!!!) so there.
  24. erik


    i used to not like techno music, but after some openness and the willingness to broaden my perspectives i kinda like the stuff in limited basis. i used to be some hard head and stick to my guns, but i learned that being one dimensional only limited myself. now i like hip-hop and techno, but country well ya know. this lesson has carried over into many faucets of my life and i am glad that i can be a better person for it. granted i can see the attraction of techno while bouldering, the beats make you pumped and move with more fluidity. look how easy it is to dance too. and yes i now dance too. what the hell is going on in my brain i ask sometimes....but the last time i saw a hottie listening to some butt rock she was butt ugly. diversfy yourself and grow expotentialy. i am a good person!! but still sketchy viva le' diversity
  25. erik

    Message for Dwayner

    quote: Originally posted by crazyjz: Yo, Dru: Why do you want to out Kathy? I hear that she has always respected you. cause he wants to be a woman too!!!
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