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Everything posted by erik

  1. mattp is sooo cool he can convince erik not clean his house and go drinking anyone want a ride? perferably eastsiders or the like. 360-280-9255 and anyone can call me there about anything
  2. actually after an epic last winter on michelmoon falls, the dog was wandering at the base of the climb, i forgot my lunch that morning and i wasn't sure if i would be able to make it back out due to the fact that i had to lead and was completely void of any energy so we ate it.
  3. i say we go to the alki tavern, if not then i will stay home and clean my house.. sorry bronco too much work to make it monroe to drink maybe this weekend after practicing the same 5.10 crack over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over is that a hundred yet?? nope.and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over erik
  4. erik


    so it seems to me in the last few days that i have apparently offended many people and probably some posters to this board too..... but seriouly i don't like to make excuses for my actions cause i am responsible for my actions regardless wether they are correct or incorrect.... but with the additional stress of work related issues(which insome sick twited way i like), insomnia and some just general b.s.(can't explain) it seems that i have turned into some sort of asshole. unfortunate as it seems it has happend i am now a real live office stiff....pale complexion, weaking muscles and a nasally wheeze from the recycles air......god help me. so with the real people i have offended i have already started to take corrective actions(not backstepping cause you always trip up) and to the internet people that seemed to have taken offense to my useless drivel....as a canadian would say "suury" off to court!!!!
  5. whats da deal?
  6. i guess we know who the a@(hole is. apologies [ 01-21-2002: Message edited by: erik ]
  7. you know all these problems would be non-existant if climbers/skiers or whom ever would consider the fact that not everything needs to be climbed/skied or whatever..... jay, i think you said that you have to cross buddies land to access the land that access the route you pretty much summed it up. and as we have all found out here in the lst week name calling and jumping to conclusion with only our emotions in hand create issues/hassles. too bad you cannot climb that falls, i am sure there are one or two more in co that you will be able to climb...... max, part of the lease that ski compaines hold with the f.s. includes liabilitye issues and buying a lift ticket is an agreeement between the ticket holder and the ski company that the skier understands and practices all the states/federal regualtions that have to do with skiing. all safety related of course. it in a sense is a contract of understanding.... so either ski somewhere else or follow the law. and as far as someone jumping my shit about paying for services and f.s. well ski compaines do provide a service and a limited scope of liabilty, when oyu abuy your forrest pass you buy bullets and 4x4's and viedo cameras to limit your access to unleased public land..... more 11
  8. quote: Originally posted by AlpineK: If you visit CC a lot and see something on this site that you think is bullshit stand up and say it. Rodchester you seem to have a lot of pasive agressive friends. i think they are called democrats
  9. rod, i dont want to sound like an asshole here(probably to late) but to me it seems that you are propgating this situation.....sure things have been said and sure a lot of it was b.s. but what good does it do to continully bring it up??? does that not just carry the torch of hate further along???? i would say it is too bad that all this crap arose, but i think we should leave it alone for know......no point in kicking a dead horse
  10. i see nothing wrong with the gun totting property owners actions. maybe letting the air out of your tires might be a bit much.....but still he has the constituional and sate rights to protect himself, his family and his property.....climvber need to realize that what we do makes no baring on the real world....we are out to have fun...they dont consider it fun that is fine and we need to respect that (see my new thread coming in a few when i am done composing it) i think burns is an asshole too, if he piblished beta that was incorrect or not researched.... i will stand up for the property owner
  11. i am stopping now, packing up my things and leaving the office oh so quitely......sshhhhh [ 01-18-2002: Message edited by: erik ]
  12. rod, you still have yet to give us the moldfor us all to break ourslves from...... what are your requirments......please share i need validation for my life.....phuuulezzzzzzzz!!!
  13. how about this rod: we are all self serving assholes with little ambition or drive to accomplish anything real or substational in the world...we are maggots and should be treated as such...we belittle other great people in hopes that we too can have some statisfaction of feeling superior to others around us..... you know you sure do post here alot too??? [ 01-18-2002: Message edited by: erik ]
  14. okay okay i got another one, but it is a bit worse....so the squeemish should not read further i've been to canada
  15. i think this website is related http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Sands/7085/index.htm
  16. rod, i post here and i am great! so what is your point? greatness is relative, if people do not concern themselves of others of greatness, then who is great? who decides what and who is great.....i think a lot of the people i know are great people and a lot of them post here.............so the greats are all over the place.... i don't get it!? or you trying to knock on people??? cause you feel that your friend has been attacked???? stuff like that just perpetuates your complaint.... you lawyers?! sheesh!
  17. drul on your lunch break go over and buy me some mec glacier gloves size medium thanks
  18. quote: Originally posted by jules: Don't want to burst any bubbles but...... Patagonia - uses cheap labor in El Salvador (and probably elsewhere) i heard that the clothes are made in the same factory as hacky sacks.....i guess that really is california style......
  19. tricia, the cerro terro and a pic of a bucnh of my friends sittin around and straight cold chillin'
  20. f%*^% you hikerwa next week?
  21. we were backpacking like 7 or 8 yrs ago and i am with these two cousins....(i know i know) but one guy is eating sunflower seeds and swallowing the shells....later that night after dinner he goes for the grump and he starts whining, he calls his cousin over and explains the situation....some of the sunflower shells have caught in his p-ass-age and seem to be cutting things up a bit....at this point i go to bed and his cousin spends part of the nite with swiss army tweezers playing operation, trying to remove pieces of shell from the neither region....ouch!
  22. quote: Originally posted by willstrickland: Now that I've got you're attention maybe someone can help out. I'm looking for a wall climber with the following characteristics: 1. Zion experience (should have done several wall routes there) 2. Can lead SANDSTONE 5.11, A3+ 3. Is a college grad and/or good writer (preferably published) 4. Is unemployed, or willing to become unemployed 5. Is not a Jesus freak 6. Partakes of the devil weed 7. Has own transportation (not so important), and own wall gear (very important) 8. Can party like a rock star and still be responsible and get shit done 9. Enjoys cheap beer, fast women, and expensive scotch This ain't a quiz, I'm looking for someone for a project that will last several months at minimum. 1. yup 2. only on mormon sundays 3. i went to public high school 4. played that game chicks dont dig too much on the dirtbag, ask me i got some tales to tell.... 5. i am a freak, but i dont know too much about thay hey-soos guy 6. please see above 7. best damn truck on the planet, i aint got no money, so i must have some gear 8. i can party like a shitty rock star and does washing every other day constitute as getting something done??? 9. now were talkin!!!!!! sounds like a good project will, and i would definalty join you, but i got a project of my own that is way scarier and more commiting......have i told you about it??????
  23. it is easy to sit back and complain about most things....i know i have a tendency to do so sometimes..... but like blakley said this is capitalism, it is a market driven economy......i personally have my favorite companies, companies that i feel do their best to provide a decent product and maybe fulfill some idealistic liberal theory on saving the earth......but when i come down to it for me it is the best product for the money, luckily i have a well paying job so my possible selections are increased. though for the most part most products are so similar that you need to find the well priced one. some items taut certain fetures over others, but does it not all work???? i think it does.....but now a days i base some of my decisions on one principal...."half of being bitchin is lookin bitchin! (plus i used to date an ex-patti worker, cha-ching!)
  24. i have both aliens and tcu's they both work great if you have the money get a set of both. one note is that metolius sells 2nds at the factory and so does the redpoint. truthfully in free climbing i do not pick one over the other, they both work quite well, though in aid the aliens are da shiznit.... if durability and cost are factors go with metolius and then fill in the rest with aliens starting with yellow, then green, then red and then blue.... but it all works in the end.
  25. ingalls east ridge is quite fun and a relaxing, i personlly recommend srating on the w(?) peak and traverse the whole group.....makes for a fun easy day..... i think it is a better route then the s face, just cause there is a little exposure and some fine ridge climbing
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