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Everything posted by layton

  1. Dude, you fell on Diedre?
  2. did you see ice on the Shuksun arm?
  3. layton


    Hey RURP, I usually keep out of the spray section, but I've skimmed it a bunch and notice that you are really annoying. Just pointing that out. BTW, what's better than winning the special Oylmpic? Not being retarded!
  4. Is the E.ridge of Cinderalla in this photo. I took it 2 years ago in an attempt, but I was "lost" as in I had know idea what mountain was what. I took a "pass" from the lake up to the ridge. There were many passes to choose from, I took one to the left side. Couldn't figure out what mtn was what due to the fact that the maps don't name the peaks and Becky's drawing didn't match up. If the obvious ridge is the one in questions, it looks....hmmm...kinda un-classic to say the least.
  5. Sent Baby, sent! Yeah boy!
  6. I found several granite boulders near the top of the clear-cut grassy knoll above lake padden! I did several "no-hands" sit-starts as they were only 1-3 feet tall. BTW, no hands bouldering is the ultimate in purity and anyone who does any other form of climbing is a jerk-off.
  7. Yeah, I pulled a local out w/my truck exactly where you are describing. So what's the deal w/ the approach from the N.Ghost???
  8. I know Kerin and Bree. That was their training mission for the W.Rib of Denali. I won't say more in case they are reading this. Hi guys, wait until I tell Jay and Derek. I may get my $5 early.
  9. Daler, Did it cost you $300 to get towed. Also the 3 hour approch you mentioned from the Ghost. Do you just hike the road from past Sorcerer starting from the N.Ghost? Thanks
  10. Three things wrong w/the NW alpinist 1.This is one of the most comfortable places on Earth to live and not climb shit. Cush Cush Cush. 2.The weather isn't helpful for getting after it in the winter. There is a lot of desire being snowed and rained on. 3.Most of our routes a fucking hell and gone...ie, not visible from the road. Yes, there are few that are thank god. I think if #2 at least were not such an issue, we'd get after it a lot more. Yeah, we had a little over a week of good weather for climbing...WOW! Colorado,California,and Alberta are laughing their asses off at our 1-2 good weeks. P-bob, thanks for stirring the pot. Happy birthday, sorry the party didn't last super late.
  11. Avy? A V A L A N C H E ???? Prime my ass
  12. Email Necronomicon.
  13. We really need this new snowfall right now! But it needs to stop and get nice out.
  14. Taken from Mt.Maude or the approach I think?
  15. Wow! You da man mofo. You got your "2" routes in the cascades this "winter", now it's all bonus points. Long live Polish Bob
  16. Nice job "rat"! Nice feat solo. Is there another route that stems off the route you were on? How did that look? Shoulda gone with you based on my turn of events.
  17. Druw, aivie cunditins we're grate, butt know eye thnk thei R raaaelly badrfg becuze ovt the knew snoh. The KWELOOOR wood halve bean reel bawd. Sliveerrtip haid somoe eyce boot knot mooch. Kwait oventil sprign eye geuss.
  18. maybe, but have you checked the weather recently?
  19. I've decided I need to be 1 pitch up a climb to concider it an attempt. I will get up something.
  20. Near Hope snow conditions include much unconsolidated surface hoar. Not good. Anybody been out side in the N.Cascades? Similar, or neve?
  21. I'll spare the story. Didn't climb it. A must for those who like to approach 10 miles of feet upon feet of unconsolidated 3" crystal surface hoar and like to shovel out their truck endlessly. Wicked fun!
  22. Thanks for a great show! Some familiar faces, but barely. How 'bout those guys who did a 9 day ski traverse with < 25lbs of pre-war gear! How the hell? Man those guys should come back and kick our soft little asses.
  23. Sandbag for sure I'll bet! Polish Bob called me on the phone last night, said it was fun. He's a very very strong climber, and if he says it's one of the best he's done, I'll buy that. He also mentioned M4 as a grade for the mixed, but then he said there were pitches of verticle. ...but I freesoloed it the same day, and due to my elf-like abilities, I didn't make any tracks or leave any sign of passage. This route combined w/his route on Colfax would put him in one of the state's best climbers in my book. Word Bob, Coley, and Kris. Way to go!
  24. Nice work guys, I figured you'd make it up good conditions or not! Do you think Justin and I made the right call to wait for thicker ice concidering WI5+ is my limit (i.e. Kitty Hawk near the time you did it) I'm glad my picket could help. It's hard gulping down one's ego and admitting it may be too much for you (as in my case). I'm glad to hear it was hard, cuz my self-esteem has been shot since we made out call. Now it's fine, cuz I realized that I KNOW MY LIMITS and know when to push them. Hopefully my fragile little ego has been vindicated. I assume you guys are on top of the world still, and hats off to you once again. I've only been climbing for 4 years now, so I can wait for my chance. I'm glad my picket came in handy too. Rolf,Forrest, and Daylward, does it sound similiar to your experience or do you think these hombres had exceptionally challening conditions?
  25. Nope, same thing as the Integral sack (I'm sure Bibler isn't happy about that). Thanks though.
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