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Everything posted by Winter

  1. Never ever EVER question FW's integrity! He's a republican and they never lie. Next time we may have to make you disappear.
  2. Maybe you can haul your dog up Hood in training for the speed record.
  3. Good ... I'm glad to see they had a backbone and stood up to speak out against that unacceptable bull shit. Maybe now they'll do away with glossy ads and publish some decent articles about something other than the Rockies and the Karakoram!
  4. Winter

    go big, or go home

    talk about mudflaps ...
  5. Winter

    PDX Pub Club

    we skipped JT and headed straight to Yos. too bad we couldn't hook up in vegas. show up on thurs. and we'll check out the results of those experiments you've done.
  6. Winter

    Tax Cut

    Aw crap, I thought MtnGoat had drifted away into the realm of the politically obscure and irrelevant, but here he is talking up the SUVs and a theory of volutary taxes. Hey buddy, ever hear of the tragedy of the commons? Well there you have it. If everyone did the right thing we would all end up ahead, but since we can't all coordinate to do the right thing we do what's in our own immediate self-interest and lose out on the opportunity for common gain. I don't personally give the government an extra $500 every year, because I know it won't do any good unless everyone else does it as well. It ain't some moral deficiency, its a practical view on government taxation policies. We need EVERYONE's $500 to make a real difference. MY $500 won't make a difference, but I will certainly participate if government, our representatives, make the decision that everyone collectively should kick in to balance our pathetic freaking budgets. Why is it that the conservatives scream about fiscal responsibility and then cut taxes on the rick, spend $100 billion on the war and run up our national deficit? How the hell is that fiscally responsible? I call that fiscally fucked up.
  7. Winter


    I was in the Valley last week and personally saw 4 meth labs, one set up on the Salathe Wall, several rangers with night vision scopes checking out the women's showers in Curry Village and a horde of strung out fiends from LA cooking down on the Swinging Bridge. The shit had really hit the fan and thank god the rangers were there to save us from the marauding damsels cleaning themselves in preparation for a celebration not seen since the days of Altamont and the dirty hippies.
  8. Winter

    PDX Pub Club

    iain ... like DFA ... is affraid to show his (her?) face at a pub club. the more you post the more you shy away from actual person to person interaction.
  9. Winter

    PDX Pub Club

    You didn't see her? She spent most of her time wrapped around a pint glass. Personally, lipstick around your hand is not an "SO" but thats just me. rbw, quit oogling b-rock's right hand ya dirtbag.
  10. Winter

    PDX Pub Club

    hey i didn't know b-rock had a a little buddy. why don't you bring her to the pub club so the dirtbags can oogle her?
  11. Winter

    PDX Pub Club

    I'll get drunk. MtnHigh ... you till in Vegas? He was prolly on a serious bender down there anyway.
  12. Winter

    PDX Pub Club

    Sadly there will be few if any pictures. The digital broke right before we left and I wasn't hauling the 33 mm. But I got stories ... and some of 'em actually happened.
  13. I'm kicking this back up top, 'cause I want my freakin shoes back.
  14. Winter

    PDX Pub Club

    So did you guys lube up DFA last week or what? Are y'all partying this week? I had a little pub club of my own in Camp 4 last week. Ahhhhh .... I love Mondays.
  15. This report from Red Rocks: Found - One pair of shoes near the cave on the approach to Olive Oil. Found last Sunday, April 7 ... 6? Describe them and they're yours. Lost - One pair of shoes - red and black five ten's about size 38-ish. I lost 'em at Moderate Mecca underneath Scalawag.
  16. Winter

    cc.com Duel

    shootin yourself in the foot for some beaver doesn't count.
  17. Winter

    cc.com Duel

    a little paint might make dfa's lycra look better. just joshin around with ya tough guy. all that red bull got your panties in a bunch?
  18. I use a variation of that route called 24 hour fitness. I will only do it for training for Denali, but will refuse to pay for a Pass and poach it like I will on Rainier this Spring! At the 24 hr fitness in PDX, all the chicks are workin out in high heels. Schawing.
  19. Winter

    cc.com Duel

    Hey DFA - Anonumous editorials are not appreciated. Wanna chirp in? Then actually show your face and quit hiding behind some avatar.
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