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Everything posted by Winter

  1. christ rules. you'll all burn in hell. HELL I TELL YOU! muhahahahaha.
  2. Winter

    Whoa ...

    WOOO HOOO!!! Now we've got a full fledged lightning storm and driving hail. YEEE HAAAWWW!!!!
  3. oohhh smarty pants. so why do the colors change when i log in then? answer that.
  4. Winter

    Whoa ...

    that guy rocks!
  5. Winter

    Whoa ...

    nah that's some sport climber
  6. Winter

    Whoa ...

    the hail is gone but watchout for iain's titties.
  7. Winter

    Whoa ...

    ... its hailing golfballs in downtown PDX.
  8. Sorry but won't be able to catch you later this week or next. I'll be in Red Rocks and Yos.
  9. Shuksan, we'll be at PRG tonight if you wanna show up.
  10. dumb ass ... what if he falls off and takes out a couple of school kids?
  11. I'm sorry I'm a liberal ... I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. Hail Bush!! Hail Bush!! To our dictator ... uhhh ... leader!!
  12. Nice guys ... look great. Glad to hear Tim found out about Pete's slight of hand trick and carried his rocks for him the whole way.
  13. Corn snow ... dry rock ... plowed roads ... and SARS is bearing down on the PNW. HEAD FOR THE HILLS!
  14. That was a good time. Don't remember how long folks hung out ... then I passed out.
  15. Stop by after dinner.
  16. ahh this should be good. Then again ... maybe she is actually the wolf. If at first you don't succeeed, tell 'em you're a girl.
  17. Thanks, Winter! That's very flattering of you to say, but it's probably because you're always drunk to the point of double vision at those pub clubs. Quit misquoting my posts you miscreant sport climber. You must have had one too many Redbulls. It'll turn you into this ....
  18. Two fools and their money shall soon part ways. I'll put down 6 pints of free PBR and stumble away with $20 bucks. All in all I'd say I come out ahead on that deal. How long are we all gonna sit there and watch me drink?
  19. Hood River certainly is a beautiful place. You are more than welcome at the "PDX" pub club if you're ever around. DFA is too affraid to show his face. Ditch the soth side and check out the north side of Adams. The goats are friendly, and their ain't so many people. Just avoid the North risge unless you must use it as a descent. The Adams Glacier and the NF of the NW Ridge are both great.
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