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Everything posted by Winter

  1. Speaking of Sky Ridge ... is there any pro before those first anchors? I got to the notch ... then climbed the ridge with a couple of gingerly face moves and I was at the first anchors like 100' off the deck with no pro. What I miss?
  2. DFA if you're gonna get hexes, Climbaxe sells slung Camp hexes which are cheaper and cooler than the wired BD hexes.
  3. 7 under par 41. read it and weep suckas.
  4. Mt. McCloughlin has some killer BC skiing.
  5. If you stop climbing because you live in Oregon (even So. Or.) you're crazy ... ok maybe the boating is kick ass. Don't believe all the negative hype. There's plenty of cool climbing ... maybe not N. Cascades quantity but enough to satfisy that need.
  6. I thought MtnHigh was Pete ... is he schizo or referrring to himself in the 3rd person like Bo?
  7. I wasn on St. Helens yesterday from Marblemount, and I always look up at the peak off to the climbers left (west) that tops out at about 7000'. There looks to be some super steep descents and interesting shiznit. Has anyone skied it ... or climbed one of the gullies?
  8. Lambone - Check out the Climbing SW Oregon book. There is plenty cool stuff down there. I was at Castle Crags last year for the first time ... maybe 2-3h hours from Ashland?? There is awesome granite ... big spires ... grade III-IV walls.
  9. We were up on St. Helens on Sunday. It started out as a beautiful day, but the snow conditions were mediocre. We turned around at about 6500'. We had hoped to skin most of the way to the top but had heavy wind and ice and were at a serioud disadvantage without snowshoes. We got in some nice turns in the gullies on the way out.
  10. Not to mention the fact that even Bush ain't stupid enough to take on a billion chinamen. Or is he?
  11. Speak for yourself. Also, --to quote Ann Landers-- "wake up and smell the coffee": Saddam is going down one way, or another. Get out the lemon juicer, whiner. Say what you want about me dude, I knew I'd get flamed. I'm still a strong conservative, not a whiner, and very patriotic. I just can't support Bush on this Iraq situation any more. How about supporting the Iraqi people? Or would you prefer to let them fester for another decade, or longer (Uday's on deck)? I could give a fuck what Shrub's motivations are as long as the wrong created by his father (i.e. not finishing the job) is righted. Since when is a human rights abuse grounds for invading another country as a "pre-emptive" strike? Why don't we "liberate" Tibet ... etc etc etc?
  12. First you ask for the pro deal ... claiming we are in fact more deserving than any pro climber or retail clerk ... and then you settle on a nice discount. Here you've asked for a discount and will have to settle for a free corduroy hat ... or maybe a frisbee.
  13. 3 easy payments of $19.95 and they throw in their famous stain removers and ginsu knives for free.
  14. Count me in on that. Maybe the weekend we don't do the Sisters.
  15. I definitely want to ski it but am flexible.
  16. The aquariaum ... or maybe the REI climbing wall.
  17. Quick question: My girlfriend wants gear loops on her alpine pack. I generally put my hipbelt under my harness so I can use my harness loops but was wondering if folks see these as a key gadget.
  18. Hmmm ... probably shouldn't do it before the end of March ... and I may be in the NZ southern alps in early April ( ). How about the weekend of April 19 with April 26 as a backup? If you wanna go earlier then March 22 would work.
  19. I've been using the BD Ice Sack for awhile now and love it. I found a deal direct from BD ... a sale on old packs. They also make a smaller version that may be better for what you want. My girlfriend also looked at an Osprey this weekend that looked interesting ... but it also had almost too many whistles like the old Mountainsmith packs. Can't remember the model, but it was an alpine pack.
  20. So when the hell are we gonna do it?
  21. Want to arrest 10,000 pissed off marchers? Fine, but don't be surprised if you've got a riot on your hands. Civil disobedience has a long and distinguished history. Get over it.
  22. Doesn't anyone else around here feel LESS SECURE at home based on Bush's stunts with Iraq? Peace march or no, I'm pissed off, because his foreign policy is increasing the risk of a terrorist attack in the NW.
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