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Everything posted by Winter

  1. Hopefully Shred will be there buying us all beer. And b-rock owes us beer, because he didn't show last time. And Drew owes me a beer for driving him to Smith. And Crackman owes me a beer for the belays I gave him last night. And ivan owes me a beer for being strong russian climber.
  2. Winter

    #5 Camalot

    We saw some the Deschutes County SAR folks last weekend on the West Side at Smith. They were sporting 3 big bros, a half dozen big ass hexes and a large cam. At least they looked like the could climb OWs.
  3. Yes, and he probably could have free soloed it too. But he is supposed to be teaching. His techniques should have been exactly as he would expect his student to use at the student's skill level. Since when is a guide supposed to be teaching? Unless its specifically designed for instruction, the guide is supposed to get you up and down without dying. Whoops ... check that ... guess the poster thought we was trying to teach. Seems to me that clipping to the bolt is a big pain inthe ass for the follower.
  4. Winter

    #5 Camalot

    A number #5 would work but if I recall correctly when we did it in a snow storm a couple of years ago I placed a #2 or a #4 close together at the bottom of the cracks and it was easy climbing for about 15 feet till you topped out on the bear hug pitch and could get good gear. Yeah, we used a #4 but at the bottom but it was pretty stretched out. The climbing is easy at the bottom, but I think its your first piece off the belay.
  5. Winter

    #5 Camalot

    Hmmm ... SW Rib of SEWS? I think we used a sketchy #4 placement for the bearhug. Its been awhile. A #5 would work well.
  6. Where - The Horse Brass When - Thursday at 7:30 pm Why - Gettin loaded
  7. hmm, if you are further away from the center of gravity, then gravity should be lower, not higher. F= -G M1 M2/R^2, and you have a higher R. It could work that way too ... what the hell do I know?
  8. The one other variable is that the Earth bulges at the equator so there is more gravity or the force of gravity is greater.
  9. Ok now I get it after reading fern's link. I was trying to conceptualize all of this in a vacuum assuming temperature and weather conditions were a constant at both latitudes. In reality, though, the perceived difference results from lower relative temperatures at the poles, which results in lower relative air pressure or density.
  10. Yeah I thought I was taught in high school physics that temperature and pressure are directly proportional.
  11. I quote from my own link above: If there's no difference in the "depth" of the atmosphere as you move from north to south than this whole theory is out the window. How else can you explain a difference in "apparent" altitude from one latitude to the next?
  12. I hear they're really psyched on this war with Iraq and are sending down their 15 guys with a couple of slingshots to take Baghdad.
  13. yo tex - ignore these jackarses. rustle yourself up a pardner in the parking lot the oldfashioned way ...
  14. Did he really wait for the high pressure system for the Os or was it because he wouldn't get blown off the mountain in raging low pressure system? Pray for high pressure for the next Hood to Coast.
  15. 1. Losing weight is not the same as burning fat cells. You can shrink those cells, burn muscle or other tissues. I've hard its darn near impossible to actually burn cells as opposed to shinking them, which was the point of the original post. 2. As for this whole air "pressure" thing, Ryaln is right, in that it is the atmosphere on top getting pulled to the surface by gravity which creates the "pressure" at a lower altitude and a corresponding incrase in the density of the air. I guess, if the atmosphere is really shaped differenlty than the surface of the earth, that 20,000 ft. could feel differently at different places on the earth's surface. So much for that altimeter.
  16. I thought that was called a good time. I've camped down by the river and had young 18 year old girls fresh from rehab looking from some friendly interaction as an escape from their heffed up boy friends and their super loud hip hop.
  17. Winter


    Blondie rules.
  18. that's a secret code your not entitled to as a member of the general public.
  19. I like ticks when they swirl around in interlocking spirals on my stucco ceiling at about 4 am.
  20. My pardner had tick phobia on the west side at Smith ... he thought they were crawling all over this body ...
  21. B-Rock you said that last Thursday.
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