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Everything posted by Winter

  1. Hey guys, I'm gonna ask one more time before I decide whether to hang these on the wall as nostalgia pieces or put them on my rack. Who left a mess of Omega D's at the party? I remember having a discussion about them, but I can't remember what was said.
  2. I think my girlfriend has the aether, ifs the bright orange one. Half the straps or totally useless and could be cut off. Poor head clearance. But it seems to fit her narrow torso and carries weight well.
  3. I'm not ranting on her but just trying to provide some support. I'll even give her a belay to get her back out there. My only point was that she shouldn't blame herself and use Goran's death as a reason to avoid the rock. BTW, I completely agree with RBW. Fisher's death, in particular, was preventable and should be analyzed and discussed to learn from the mistakes. Debriefing serves a valuable purpose.
  4. Anna, go climb. Goran's death was tragic, but that incident only relates to you as a result of your own understandle introspection. You've learned your lessons, now put them to work and enjoy yourself.
  5. Did they climb a winter route or take the tram? Maybe the can hook up Jarred with some beta.
  6. shit, I wish I wouldn't have opened this thread and read all this crap. TALK ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE!!
  7. I only climbed it once a few years ago in July I think. The ridge is very easy, with no rope needed. There were some sweet corn shots to be had on the faces. Its a piece of cake. Bring your skis if you've got 'em. Don't know if the ridge is still covered with snow ... doubtful.
  8. Oh yeah, Swain's book wins hands down for worst. The Climbing Washington book comes in a close second. I vote for Alan Watts' Smith guide for the best. It can't get much better than that. I can't wait to see the update. TLG, what the hell have you been reading? Waddya want a bunch of road signs?
  9. Excellent. Glad to hear that TG got some excellent sleep in the grass. My whole house has been know to ride the waves before. We're having another gig on June 21 to celebrate summer solstice with a bit of live music in the backyard. You're all invited if you're not out climbing.
  10. Thanks to all those who came and especially to Steve. I'm especially glad we pissed off our anal neighbor. Hah!! I had a super bad hangover this morning and had to leave to catch a plane at like 9 am. Uggh. Last memories were Drew and Jen picking Jessica off our futon at 1 am. BTW, someone left a mess of Omega ovals. Someone want them back?
  11. you guys are useless. completely fucking useless. find me someone to buy my shoes and quit spraying all over my ad.
  12. get your woman to suck on them and they'll be fine in no time.
  13. Kristin'll whip your asses with a garden hose. Sick fuckers will probably like it like I do.
  14. I forgot I have a date with a beer and a law student at the Tugboat at 5-ish. Party starts at 6:30-7. I'll already be half way there. Hopefully TG will finish me off.
  15. So I know all you budding sport climbers are drooling over the chance to own these shoes. They'll be at the barbq tonight. Buy them.
  16. Bring some pint glasses. Somone bring a bubbler.
  17. Of course this theory only works if you believe in the natrual regeneration of brain cells. I've been promoting that theory for years now ... I think.
  18. You can't go the FS and say "no commercialism." That argument will lose with the forest service. You'll get a better response from the FS if you argue: 1) that we'll lose access to accomodate extra commercial clients, and 2) guided clients may have a greater impact. Does the average commercial user hasve a greater impact than some other group? If guided right, you would think they would have as little if not less impact than your average person. Maybe someone has actually studied this. Bottom line, though if it happens, it will be about fairness in who gets the permits and whether the guides funk up the backcountry.
  19. Oh shit, bring on the security guards. The event is tomorrow night. Anyone who shows tonight is going to have to settle for Doc's. Steve, bring whatever the hell you want, and I'll drink it. The stronger the better. Anybody complains and they have to deal with the security wenches. That means you too Ursa. Freakin kids these days always want more more more.
  20. Congratulations. Welcome to 1999.
  21. Dam woman, need you ask? Bring all three.
  22. Yo check the rest of the site and the link he posted before copping a freaking attitude.
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