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Everything posted by Winter

  1. Get the huge fucking honker tri cam with all the massive weight-saving holes and the put it in a display case at REI for all the gapers to gawk at as they rack up for their extreme in-store climbing experiences.
  2. Actuall yeah, I thought most of it was a little ... uhhh ... cotemplative. But there were a few good pieces. The Kite Skiing was kick ass, but that guy looked a like fool in the air. Lear an Iron Cross jackass!!
  3. Sat. - all day meeting into Sun. - Morning hike into housework. Yeee Haawww!! Anyone go to the Banff file festival? I saw it on Wed. night and there was a pretty sick video of Will Gadd on some M28 with about a fifty foot roof onto a thin icicle. His buddy had been working it for like months and then almost sends it. He goes to pull over the roof, gets his picks in the ice and then takes a big whipper because a 20 lb chunk broke off into his gut. Nice.
  4. Just a brief story. A couple of weeks ago we walked up to the Manure Pile in the Valley and this guide had like a bazillion kids on ropes all over the place. He said "what are you guys gonna do?" and I told him. He wasn't in our way, but he said "just want you guys to know we'll work with you and let you climb through or whatever." I think that's all it takes, and nobody would be screaming bloody murder.
  5. notably why? because it turns the whole issue into a cowardly troll? uh huh. Well, actually he did do a bunch of namecalling, calling the "anonymous" nailor a bunch of nasty shit even though he knew it was ehmic. Then she steps forward and volunteers information. Folks should state their opinions once and get off their fucking high horse and her fucking back.
  6. i hear their planning a speed ascent of the mounties dome. they need 25 people to verify the departure time, 25 people to verify the arrival time and 50 notaries.
  7. Winter

    General Survey

    One time during my teens when I was taking a toke off a bamboo bong, a seed clogged the thimble we used as a bowl. As I was sucking extra hard to try to pull the seed through the hole, one of my friend reaches over and pulls the thimble out of the stem. The water supercharged into my mouth and lungs and out my nose. I don't know who looked worse, me wretching or my friends roilling on the floor from laughing so hard. This one time in bandcamp I stuck my flute up my box ...
  8. Winter

    General Survey

    bongwater's easy compared to chew spit. try keepin' that down.
  9. you could go to Leavenworth this weekend.
  10. I thought it was something like you don't pay capital gains tax on your property sale, because the money back into another property or somtin like that.
  11. mommas over thirty: a) are way hornier and in their sexual prime, and b) know what they're doing. maybe you just can't keep up.
  12. fork over a little $$ for the admins dirtbag.
  13. yeah, but look what you'll be competing against .... MOUNTIES.
  14. where's that old thread where lambone goes off on the ktk for their staunch ethics when you need it? that was some funny shit.
  15. hey priaprism ... at least they said something. they have as much right to it as we do.
  16. Winter


    The road was clear to the trailhead. Not a trace of snow. The trail was patchy, and we were able to ski down to within aoubt half a mile of the car.
  17. Winter


    Man, was it beautiful out there this weekend. Clear skies and no wind. I felt like shit. I don't know what my problem is, but I gotta fix it. The conditions were definitely sketchy. A huge slide came off the south face of North Sister while I was sitting on the SE Ridge. The SE face of Middle Sister was raining rocks and snow all morning long. I took a gingerly run on the S Face of the SE Ridge of North before TG and RBW came back down. It seemed stable ... the snow pack wasn't that deep. Pretty risky above 8000', but I think it wasn't so bad below. What a great place. to rbw and TG.
  18. Hey I'm not disgreeing with that. To the extent that this law will provide landowners with greater piece of mind and, in the process, improve access opportunities, I'm all for it. I just don't think we should be using tort reform and abuse of lawsuits as a reason to justify this new law. This is an access issue not a tort reform problem.
  19. I'm not sure that this forum is the best place for discussion of tort reform. I mean how many landowners in WA or OR have been sued as a result of a climbing accident? I haven't seen any information suggesting that these suits are a real problem. So if it ain't broke don't fix it.
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