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Everything posted by Winter

  1. Well, I've got a bunch of glasses, but only a few pint glasses. If someone could bring a few empty pints, TG will fill them.
  2. Man, if you like Stanley Clarke, check out Jaco Pastorius. Maybe the best bassist of all time. And don't forget Primus.
  3. Hey Anna, you can land in backyard. Or on SE 26th. That would be classic.
  4. I've got a pair of Mad Rock Hookers for sale. I think they are a size 41 ... they maybe a 42. I've climbed on them maybe 3 days ... probably less than 20 pitches. The shoes run small. A size 41 is probably equivalent to what you whould think a 38-39 would feel like. PM me for more information. $70 obo.
  5. Hope all you pdxers had a good weekend. I got in a few pitches at Smitty on Sunday with MtnHigh and Drew. Great day. We're on for this Wed. All are welcome. Come over whenever. I'll probably get home from work round 6-ish. TG will generously supply the beer. Bring your own for the grill. Late night festivities at Doc's. Let me know if you need better directions if you're not coming from the east side.
  6. Its called a "selective memory" based on whatever facts serve the conservative agenda. Its sort of like "selective disclosure" ... a close cousin of "voluntary compliance."
  7. Nice, Tim. Enjoy. Ponder how buried you would be on Thermogenisis while you sit comfortably in your bivi at Thumb Rock.
  8. Excellent. Many thanks once again.
  9. All right, so the official plan is a bar-b-q my house on Wed. night starting whenever you all want to come hang out. Bring your own food. I'll have the grill fired up. If we get drunk enough, Sassys and the fine establishments on Powell or just a short stumble away. TG, will you be in town and/or can you supply beer or should we put Ursa Eagle on that? No problem either way. My house: 3024 SE 26th Avnue Its on SE 26th between Clinton and Powell just a couple of blocks south of Clinton Street Theatre. PM me if you want the phone number. and
  10. HEREHERE!! The media sucks. BASH the media!! BTW, everestnews.com is run by a bunch of religious freaks, or so I'm told.
  11. Aw right, Wayne's in on Wed. So: Wadya want?Golf and Beer?Beer and Bar-B-Q (within a stone's throw of Sassys)?
  12. you're a hard man. try extremo mt dude. or amber.
  13. Of course getting short roped to the top on fixed lines with a sat phone and computer in hand - now that's mountaineering. WTF did he expect?
  14. I recently switched from an ATC to a reverso, and have not noticed any difference, but what the hell do I know? It seems to work. Its really just a fancy looking GiGi - the Euros seem to love them. Doesn't fuck up the rope as much as a munter when belaying off the anchor, and its easier to use with two ropes.
  15. Wed. works better cause I gotta go to PA for a wedding that weekend and don't want to deal with cleaning up after a bunch of animals the day I leave. Otherwise I'll come home from a long weekend to plastic cups full of shew spit and skunked beer and rotting leftovers on my picnic table.
  16. Hold on, I'll have to check with the little lady (and the female house guest). If it was up to me, you would all be over at my place getting drunk every night. I think I should be able to swing a mid week bar-b-q ... maybe Wednesday night.
  17. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3610843798&category=1299 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3610739302&category=30107 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3610352272&category=1299 Some decent picks on EBay right now.
  18. Out of retirement to advocate for animal neutering. What would Charleton Heston think? Shouldn't he be advocating for the right to use military assault weapons on the little defensless creatures?
  19. Give up on the fucking cam and move on with your life man. Its toast anyway. Leave it for the cc.com vultures that are willing to climg on cams with frayed trigger wires and warped heads. You animals.
  20. Careful or you'll go blind.
  21. Don't forget about a the good ole spit technique. A little lube can go a long way. It also works well for nuts. Spit early before you get it too fucked up.
  22. Why would Saddam hide the weapons if he knew his regime was going to crumble and fall to pieces? Either: a) he never had them, or b) they're now on the black market because Saddam and whomever he is working with wants to use them in the future. Either way, how are we better off now? And why would he ship them out of the county and hide them instead of using them to defeat the imperialistic infidels?
  23. Yeah, glad you got out and had a good weekend. Kristin got weathered off of Shasta as well, but I guess they had a good weekend anyway. Let's got to Broghton's sometime this week.
  24. Where the hell was everyone on Sunday? We climbed Outerpsace, and there was only one other party on the entire wall (climbing Orbit). And the goats didn't eat our shit. What a great route.
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