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Everything posted by Winter

  1. Yo Mike I can go around 3 pm til dark but will need a ride. Leaving the house at 10 am and will be back at 3 pm.
  2. I think Clean Break is in Kearney's book .... which is uhhh called "selected climbs."
  3. descending from thumb rock would kinda suck.
  4. Fuck Araceli. The first footage of her IMAX Everest film showed her climbing on PLASTIC holds bolted on to the granits off the coast of Cabo San Lucas. Fucking bullshit.
  5. My condolences to the family. It sounds like his P and the rescuers did everything they could.
  6. dam must be a big ol batch of the mexi comin in eh?
  7. Lowering off from that point on the Ridge is going to completely suck. Best of luck to the team that's up there and the injured climber. I hope everyone gets off safe.
  8. so a legitimate bitch and illegitimate climber
  9. sleep sleep shaggin and more sleep
  10. better than an illegitimate bitch
  11. she's climbing everest for the s col. u can have the tools anyway.
  12. The whole argument against Kerry in this thread is pathetic. All you have is Kerry possibly changing tunes on outsourcing and missing one vote in the senate. Grasping for straws my friends. Now where are the real criticisms. This lame ass childs play will get Bush tossed on his ass in November. I expected more from the rabid conservatives, but perhaps they have grown complacent in the warm glow of war, death, torture and recession. Keep up the good work mates.
  13. I still haven't heard a single well articulated criticism of Kerry or his political/military records. Quit your f'ing complaining about the guy if you don't have the info to back it up. He plays guitar and snowboards and I'll bet he smokes pot. He's got my vote.
  14. Ok I'm opening Pandora's box here, but what exactly is wrong with John Kerry's and his background? What are yall complainin about to be exact?
  15. Bug I totally agree with you on the hemp thing man. On a side note, I grew up in a house built by Jim Whitaker that had bamboo growing indoors in the stairwell. Didn't seem to spread into the livingroom or anything. Maybe just build some walls around it an call it good.
  16. I've got a sweet fence that needs whitewashing - only the cool kids get to do it.
  17. 541.352.6002 May be awhile.
  18. He's no better and no worse than any other pervert. He should be treated the exact same as any other person would be that committed the same nasty acts. The fact he's a public figure shouldn't mean a thing. Oregon rules BTW. You all are forgetting about the salmonella poisoning incident. I love this state. Hippies look normal here.
  19. Winter


    Powell would be shot and killed if he ran on the ticket, which is the reason he didn't run against Bush last election. This country isn't ready for a black P or VP - or a woman - or anyone who isn't male and white.
  20. TG, I mentioned this last night, but try Somen noodles. You can get them at Uwajimaya and Anzen. They are very light and cook in about a minute. We usually eat them cold during the summer dipped in a soy-based sauce, but they are probably good hot with bouillon etc. Try them ahead of time, but that may be the ticket you're looking for, because they will pack small and are high in carbs.
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