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Everything posted by Winter

  1. mattp - The climbing community consists of some pretty unique personalities. Any group claiming to represent those folks had better embrace that diversity and the freakish weirdos that lead out on sketchy gear and post bs spray, otherwise it'll end up as a bunch of perceived stiffs that don't represent anyone but themselves. As soon as that happens, the FS wins. My $.02.
  2. You keep talking about her Chris. When do we get to see her (in person of course). She was there last night. rbw - if you think i would ever introduce a stripper friend to you, you are out of ur freakin mind! might was well throw some live meat in the shark tank. dream on hommie.
  3. jumping to conlusions there about "he" aren't ya? I suspect ivan will want a bit more info before making the call on that one.
  4. better watch our or she'll kick your ass!
  5. hang out at sassy's and look for miss nude oregon.
  6. Winter


    I've seen that site. I thought there was a mini guide that was circulating akin to the Smith update.
  7. Winter


    I've heard there is a new (sorta new?) electronic guide for Tieton floating around. Anyone wanna share the goods?
  8. Pics as in do you have any good pharaceuticals?
  9. I don't live in Seattle and am not active in the climbing scene up there or access issues in the state so you can tell me to piss off. But, I know the Forest Service pretty damn well. If you want to preserve your access, you better start taking the time and effort to participate in these types of discussions and getting a critical mass of people involved. Even if this route doesn't get chopped, this one case could result in greater access restrictions in the Alpine Lakes area. For those that are taking the lead, you better feed as much information to climbers as you can. I can easily see the FS screwing the climbers in order to keep ALPS happy simply beacause ALPS is better organized to put pressure on the FS.
  10. unless the states do something to freak out bush's warped born again morals.
  11. i seen flicks of killer whales eating great whites. crazy shizzle. shamu's a bad ass.
  12. Winter

    taco bell

    Ah Taco Bell. In high school we would make the rounds from my house in Oakland near the Univ. of Pittsburgh to the Cricket Lounge (neigborhood strip club) to the Taco Bell after we got kicked out of the Cricket. They got pretty pissed when they stopped serving us at 2 am because we didn't have a car for the drive through and then we started beating on the car windows of their other customers. Its all about the soft taco/mexican pizza combo.
  13. ah getting passed by free soloers on after six. seems like it was only last year when that happened. oh yeah ... it was. i still suck! nice tr. yos rocks. the gf broke into tears when she saw it as well. now that everyone's been nice to you round these parts they'll prolly beat you like a rented mule next time you post. beware!
  14. good thing he ain't got gonads left cause that shizzle would fizzle.
  15. never trust a fart and never waste a hard on
  16. You won't want to hike the road. Its about 9-10 miles to the campground. You'll want to hike the Tilly Jane Trail up to the A-Frame. From there bear up and left through the trees until you hit the top of Polallie Canyon. Follow the ridge up above tree line and head for the Spur. The trail should be mostly melted out until you get up high. Takes maybe 90 minutes to the AFrame. Another 90 to get up high. Don't know what the route is like right now. Prolly in good shape. Let us know how it is if you go.
  17. slam on your brakes?
  18. Winter

    Van Parasites!

    that's a great way to get even better mileage out of guzzler. prolly about 3/gal with shizzle on top.
  19. insurance rules. thieves suck. kill yo landlord. kill yo landlord.
  20. the euros and safricans get really into this - abseiling - big tourist attraction for the backpackers.
  21. Winter

    Van Parasites!

    is that the parking lot for castle rock?
  22. watching it. melodrama. "COLD MOUNTAIN"
  23. Check your pms. We may have your room.
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