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Everything posted by Winter

  1. damn that sucks. sounds like you got to enjoy the climbing pre-illness. hope he gets better soon.
  2. Winter

    Whale Hunting

    Figured I'd post this here since its kind of relevant. NY Times article on drilling and subsistence whaling. Check out the multimedia slide show - well done.
  3. Its futile - you'll never make it. Best just to fedex the tix down here and make sure they put to good use.
  4. Winter


    Adios Mr. Layton! I can't believe the alpine granite of Oregon couldn't hold yer attention. Enjoy Utah, and go spend some time with my 95 yr old grandma in Brigham City if you get a spare moment. She loves to climb.
  5. sport climbing is WAY more dangerous than BASE jumping. they've at least got a parachute ... and now wings.
  6. i'm hoping to be able to make this with my wife. it'd be nice to put some faces to the folks from ptown i haven't met yet.
  7. coffee makes my ass sweat and gives me the runs.
  8. Winter

    TURKEY Day

    I'm eatin Turducken, and I'm stuffing you inside that turkey jack ass!
  9. Winter

    Whale Hunting

    There is no longer any subsistence hunting of whales in the lower 48 - all remaining subsistence harvest in the US takes place in Alaskan waters. The Makah would be the lone exception if they are again granted the right to hunt. The bowhead whale hunt in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas is the most well known subsistence hunt. The Beuafort Sea population of Bowheads is around 10-12,000 animals and increasing at about 3% per year. The Inupiats have undertaken decades of efforts to document population levels. The Int'l Whaling Comm'n allots them 50-60 whales/year, which are divided between the Spring and Fall hunt. The bowhead hunt is widely consisdered to be sustainable and well managed. Alaskan Natives also regularly hunt beluga whales - I don't know much about the hunt of other species. In the spring the Inupiats hunt from seal skin boats, powered by oars and use hand propelled harpoons with explosive tips. In the fall, the conditions in the Arctic Ocean force them to use 15-20' open cockpit aluminum boats with a single outboard motor. Whale meat makes up a huge portion of their annual diet, and the studies document dramatically increased health risks from conditions such as diabetes when Inupiats change from a subsistence diet. If you're interested, we've got up some information on offshore oil and threats to the subsistence hunt. You'll find some maps of the subsistence hunting grounds, pictures of the boats and a description of the whaling techiniques and information on threats posed to the subsistence hunt.
  10. Nigel Tufnel: In ancient times, hundreds of years before the dawn of history, an ancient race of people... the Druids. No one knows who they were or what they were doing...
  11. please, it was definitely the tauntauns.
  12. that's nothin. i saw a guy tossing off on the shoulder of I-5 at the Terwilliger curves during evening rush hour. apparently he likes the audience.
  13. try counting calories - I had a weakness for soda and i had to contstantly tell myself how many useless calories i was drinking and how long is was gonna take my fat ass to burn it off.
  14. Winter

    Hey PDXers

    if you like hos, meth, subdivisions, and run down strip malls, Gresham is the place for you.
  15. Nice! Looks cool. Capetown's a pretty cool place with ostrich and penguins on the beach and all. Climbed in the Drakensburg yet? Looks like chossy goodness.
  16. i liked the first half of that sentence but you need to work on your endings.
  17. Has anyone used these tools and put them to the test?
  18. thx for the input - sounds like i should go with something else. maybe the c3s. trog, thx for the offer, but i'm gonna pass.
  19. I'm looking for something to supplement an aging set of aliens. Anyone tried the new flex cam from Trango? How'd the new head design feel?
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