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Everything posted by Winter

  1. he's not dying - he just plays off beat on purpose.
  2. Mt. Defiance in the Gorge. You could also head up to Tom, Dick and Harry up above Mirror Lake near Ski Bowl to get in some good elevation gain and scrambling.
  3. you're selling nate short here.
  4. bring bring! hello? Yes, this is the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. We're doing a survey and would like to know if you smoke marijuana.
  5. Winter


    Say hi to turtle barney!
  6. carrying on the tradition of pointlessly killing widllife - good on ya! so did you eat the snake?
  7. Winter


    bellevue eubonics
  8. dude get off yer fuckin high horse. man you guys get yer panties in a bunch when someone challenges your intellectual and moral superiority. ya know what, i think you're no better and no worse than anyone else. tough pill to swallow isn't it sparky? but it goes down good with all FW's jiz you guzzle.
  9. well all turns are good turns no? beats walkin that's fer sure.
  10. Way to put words in my mouth. I never said both criminal justice systems are equally flawed. I said both systems of capital punishment ought to be abolished and are morally unjustifiable. But you're really tuggin at my heart strings brining my unborn children into the conversation. Nice touch. Someone should kill this thread.
  11. pretty easy comparison. one system is morally unjustifiable - and so is the other. in both systems innocent people are killed. both systems should be abolished. if we knowingly execute innocent people in the name of justice, is that really any different than knowingly executing people that didn't commit a "crime"? my only point was that american "justice" ain't so just, and we should be careful when passing judgment on others. but you and FW are both right. i am an idiot - and I should start to think for myself and just agree with the both of you. then you would call me brilliant and an independent thinker!
  12. Believe it or not, Winter, one need not hold a degree from edu inc. to judge morality. Feel free to think for yourself from time to time. I think I'll take the high road and pass on the personal insults and pissing matches. Thanks though. The fact that your heart bleeds for the likes of John Wayne Gacy - child serial killer - is a personal insult. The fact that you post tripe and then plead the academic inability to judge morality is only a little less so. Yeah yeah I know. Anyone that disagrees with you necessarily personally insults you, thereby justifying a personal attack in response. Typical. I thought we outgrew that in like the 4th grade or something. Deal with a couple of facts: 1) our system of capital punishment has a history of executing dozens of innocent people if not hundreds; 2) you are WAY more likely to be executed for killing a white person than a black person. A system that results in the killing of inncoent people and punishes crimes against one race more severely than crimes against another is morally bankrupt.
  13. sheesh - get stoned already and leave the vengence and killing to the iranians will ya?
  14. Believe it or not, Winter, one need not hold a degree from edu inc. to judge morality. Feel free to think for yourself from time to time. I think I'll take the high road and pass on the personal insults and pissing matches. Thanks though.
  15. Not exactly. Just saying people in glass houses ... you know the rest. I lack the necessary degrees to grapply with moral equivalency.
  16. Hopefully next time we'll get more than 20 turns for the reward of carrying all that crap on our backs for 12 hours.
  17. Yeah we should teach them our civilized ways.
  18. I hope I can get even part way up that approach slog when I'm 80-ish.
  19. Hey Dan, nice shots. Good times. The north side is beautiful this time of year, but things are melting out really fast over there.
  20. Yeah small world. Now my brain is flashing back to bad memories of my 2nd grade carpool in Pittsburgh.
  21. Thanks for the report. Iain grew up in my neighborhood, and I'm still good friends with his younger brother Brian, who I've shared some adventures with in the mountains. They're both tremendous skiers. Glad to hear he finally got up the big R.
  22. Hook him up with Stim Bullit and send em into the Picketts!
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