Believe it or not, Winter, one need not hold a degree from edu inc. to judge morality. Feel free to think for yourself from time to time.
I think I'll take the high road and pass on the personal insults and pissing matches. Thanks though.
The fact that your heart bleeds for the likes of John Wayne Gacy - child serial killer - is a personal insult. The fact that you post tripe and then plead the academic inability to judge morality is only a little less so.
Yeah yeah I know. Anyone that disagrees with you necessarily personally insults you, thereby justifying a personal attack in response. Typical. I thought we outgrew that in like the 4th grade or something.
Deal with a couple of facts: 1) our system of capital punishment has a history of executing dozens of innocent people if not hundreds; 2) you are WAY more likely to be executed for killing a white person than a black person. A system that results in the killing of inncoent people and punishes crimes against one race more severely than crimes against another is morally bankrupt.