I was climbing East Wilman Spire one time with the wife and we were moving pretty slow since it was her very first alpine outing. There was someone soloing the route behind us.
Well, I reached the top and set up a belay to bring up my wife who was already somewhat rattled by the exposure. I couldn't see her but to reassure her I kept a tight belay. All of a sudden I felt a LOT of weight on the rope. Thinking she had fallen and not been able to get back on the rock I started reefing on the rope to haul her up. I heard her screaming "stop pulling the rope" so I just sat there trying to figure out what was going on.
Turns out the person soloing asked to pass and my wife said "sure, go ahead." The soloist apparently got sketched out and clipped directly into our rope--above my wife--and used it as a handline to attain the summit, hence the dead weight on the rope.
She made up for this dumbass bullshit by letting us tie our ropes together for the rap off.
Did I mention this woman said she was a guide for AIA?
I will think twice before letting anyone pass me ever again.