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Everything posted by jon

  1. If you go to W's campaign website you can make neats signs. I think this one (see attached) is going on my car.
  2. jon


    Last time I checked my house was made of wood.
  3. jon


    That's what you get for driving a big gas guzzling piece of shit.
  4. You ever check out Deltron 3030? right now, got that french rap from de trad clip goin, but in the car its Vowel Movements... Yeah it kicks ass. Hieroglyphics?
  5. Listening to first Gorillaz album
  6. I would say if you have zero first aid training MOFA would be good, but I pretty mouch found it useless when I took it. There have been some good threads about this previously, search for WFR and such.
  7. I don't think we are helping the people who were doing first aid here by talking about every virus out there. Let's keep this discussion on learning more about the accident so we can prevent something similar from happening.
  8. I think it should be pointed out here that nobody is questioning the decisions made in this particular accident towards the people trying to save this guy, you guys did what you thought was right and that is all that counts. There are many people who just can't handle situations like this but you guys did all you could and I'm sure everyone is grateful for that. Having been faced with a similar situation myself I know how intense it can get and not knowing what might happen next. In my friends accident, which was similar in that it was a huge fall, while he never went into cardiac arrest, we were faced with the problem of possibly having to perform CPR on someone who likely had spinal injuries if he did go into arrest, as well as moving someone with those injuries. Luckily two of us had significant rescue and first aid experience and we were aided by two people from this board who I will forever be in debt to. For the people who were there, I would suggest seeking out some people who have been through all of this and can offer you some support. Witnessing something like this is VERY troubling, as well as humbling, and it's not fair to yourself to let these thoughts fester in your mind any longer then they should.
  9. holy shit it's raining gumbies and horsecock LOL
  10. The keychain mask is available at the UW Bookstore by the medical center for $7, not large enough for gloves though.
  11. Marc, Iain et. al. start enother thread if you want to argue about this, but Marc there is a serious difference between performing CPR on someone who has had a heart attack versus serious trauma, both in likelyhood of survival and disease transmission.
  12. jon

    3 years

    The Sprayaderm HC is in phase 3 clinical trials. Should be available in a couple months in either a GU form or snaffle jerky. On a related note, we get an incredible amount of spam because our email was on the web, talking like 20 to 30 a day, but I got one today that made it all worth while. Subject: Love sucking horse cock RIP IT UP LOL
  13. I'm going to ask around about the actual risks of performing mouth to mouth to someone who has severe bleeding. Being in public hearth and studying pathogens I would be pretty hesitant to perform mouth to mouth on someone without a mask. While I'm not using the most recent case, I think you have to weigh the risk of contracting something versus the likelyhood of them surviving in a case with extreme amounts of body fluid. That said I have a mask and gloves in my car with my first aid kit and typically have some gloves in whatever bag I have with me.
  14. Let's not have another 20 posts about whether you carry gloves or not, maybe someone can start a new thread on first aid supplies or something.
  15. Jesus, my buddy almost died in a 60 footer two years ago almost to the day. Fleb was there too to aid us too. Crazy. I'm never going to that place again. Sorry to the parter and the family.
  16. If a man took a piss in a forest, and there was no one there to see him, would he wash his hands?
  17. All for 55 grand, what a stupid beyotch.
  18. jon

    Jazz Remixed

  19. Also got the live Cash and Willie Nelson album, soooo not suck. Scott I've got a non live version, send me a PM.
  20. All I'm saying is if you never pay for music then you aren't supporting the artists that make the music you like, and soon those artists will disappear. Not like I haven't download my share of music, I'm sure a few here can testify to that
  21. Do I need to get another whiny bitch email?
  22. You know Lars, I could break into your company's warehouse, and steal your stuff, and I would get it for free and you wouldn't get paid. Make sense?
  23. jon

    98.5% Chimp

    Shouldn't you be reading Scientific Canadian?
  24. I like the part where I can look under Pepsi bottles and find the winning bottles. My new favorite song is Johnny Cash's cover of Rusty Cage, found on the Unearthed boxset.
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