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Everything posted by jon

  1. well if it's gonna be that kinda party i'm gonna stick my dick in the steaksauce!!!!!!!!!
  2. jon


    They also know how many hits they are going to get a day and have capped off how much they have to shell out a day, avoiding the slashdot effect.
  3. There is the option to upload .zip archieves of photos but at the moment we have that option turned off. If there were enough people doing bulk upload who knew what a zip file was then we would enable it.
  4. All I can say is.....I'M RICK JAMES, BITCH!
  5. Shut up Allison. If I were to buy something off of ebay I would rather buy it from someone local so I can beat their ass if they screw me. The guy just wants to sell the thing, I doubt he cares who it is.
  6. homedude wants to sell the thing so shut the fuck up
  7. According to many this is the best post ever. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php?Cat=0&Board=UBB4&Number=175250&Forum=All_Forums&Words=&Searchpage=0&Limit=25&Main=58295&Search=true&where=bodysub&Name=3757&daterange=0&newerval=&newertype=&olderval=&oldertype=&bodyprev=#Post175250
  8. Iraqis celebrating their freedom from tyranny. http://editorial.gettyimages.com/source/CFW/details.aspx?iid=3284152&print=true
  9. jon

    music piracy and sales

    "While downloads occur on a vast scale, most users are likely individuals who would not have bought the album even in the absence of file sharing," the professors wrote. The music industry is in a slump because the music they are pushing sucks, pure and simple, spending millions and millions on bullshit like 50 cent.
  10. MIDNIGHT AND NOONTIME ROCKS AND VICINITY CLOSED TO ENTRY APRIL 1 TO JULY 31 To Protect Nesting Raptors. By Order 36 CFR 261.53 (a). Violations are punishable by fine and imprisonment. Attention Climbers Raptors have been observed on and between Midnight and Noontime Rocks. To protect these birds during the nesting period these rocks and the area immediately above and between them is closed to all entry. During the nesting period, the site will be monitored and if conditions warrant, some restrictions may be lifted. Climbers are not the only creatures drawn to Leavenworth's rock faces. The walls are also crucial breeding areas for birds of prey. They are sensitive to human disturbance during their nesting and roosting cycle. Peole who stray too close to a nest can scare off parent birds or elicit an attack. Even if the nest is not abandoned, disturbance can cause nest failure. Eggs need to be constantly incubated so they do not become too hot or cold. Newly hatched raptors can not regulate their own body temperature and frightened juvenile birds may attempt to fly before they are ready. It is critical that everyone abides by posted seasonal closures in order to protect the birds. Thank you! Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forests, Lake Wenatchee & Leavenworth Ranger Districts (509)548-6977
  11. jon


    Mmmmmmmmmm steelhead.
  12. jon

    Spring Ski In

  13. jon


    I had my car broken into last year. Payback is a bitch.
  14. Dude if that is either from 50 cent or Puff Daddy you are so banned.
  15. jon

    april's fools

    oh i gotchu good fucker
  16. jon

    april's fools

    Me and a friend made hundreds of people believe that hackers crashed servers named after porn stars and that they had all lost their messages.
  17. Hey Doolittle, for $1000 the Russians will air drop in your favorite member of Nsync.
  18. I'll see if Tim can remove that icon, because to be honest I don't know how long it's going to take to fix this whole mess, might be days until we figure it out. Sorry
  19. It means backuping up a rather large database over the internet to my computer or to our account on another server.
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