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Everything posted by jon

  1. jon

    Dawgs vs Cougs....

    Phuck the ducks and cougs! Go Dawgs!
  2. High RPMs on an engine has no effect on engine wear, they gear it that way for a reason to maximize acceleration in relation to the RPM where you get max torque. It also doesn't hurt the gas mileage.
  3. The Subaru Outback rocks. It's an amazing car in the snow. The only problem I found with it is if you are over 6 foot it's a little uncomfortable to sleep in the back. It could use about 20 more horsepower too. Overall a very solid car. I remember on a test drive the salesman punched it over half pavement and half ice and let go of the stearing wheel and it went straight. Pretty amazing. I own a WRX wagon right now. It's fast as shit and is also incredible in the snow for how light it is. Only complaint is that you can't open the rear with a box on top. But then again, it does 0-60 faster than a 911. I was able to get mine at Chaplins 1500 under invoice.
  4. Hey I heard there are rumors of some leftist liberal cc.com conspiracy going around. I'm in trouble, I better clear out the bank accounts before Chuck and company get to it.
  5. SC, the truth of the matter is it's pretty shocking to see how quickly you categorized me into something I am not based off only a small opinion of a lot bigger picture, including how I have "cultural and national blinders on". I don't need your lecture about collateral damage from bombing buildings or the injustices that happened at Abu Graib or about a war my friends are fighting in that shouldn't have happened. I didn't vote for Bush, I was trolling you, basically because you really started to get in my face and misconstruing what I was saying. The only person being condescending is you; you asked my opinion and I told you it and now I'm in front of the firing squad. Let's recap shall we. -I state how terrible it was that they killed that women. They being terrorists. -You asked did I feel the same way about the people killed and tortured in Abu Graib prison. -I said I thought it was terrible and that those responsible should be brought to justice, but that essentially I think it's comparing apples and oranges. -You then preceeded to try to argue with me that there is no lessor than two evils. -I disagree saying that the terrorists have nobody to answer to. -You start calling me stuff -I start calling you stuff The truth is you have no fucking clue how I feel about world issues, mainly because I don't care to talk about it here. You don't know about my feelings about military, the war on terrorism, our current president, issues like gay rights or abortion, healthcare, education, etc etc. You seemed pretty quick to judge me though. It's alright dude, I don't really give a shit. I know I'm working with a group to send money and equipment to help a part of the Iraqi Olympic team. And I know you probably just keep bitching about things instead of doing something about it. Oh wait you wanted me to answer some questions. When soldiers start killing innocent people, including their own, they aren't soldiers they are terrorists. When you take a obviously innocent prisoner and execute them to make a statement and put it on world TV you are a terrorist. I'm not saying that all of those fighting in the opposition are terrorists. I guess I haven't heard! It depends what you consider Muslim. My muslim friends don't have any ambitions of chopping off peoples heads or flying planes into buildings. If someone invaded my own country I wouldn't start killing my own people or aid workers in cold blood.
  6. And what pablums do I ascribe to? I don't address any of your points because you don't have one. What is your point? All you have shown is that you are good at making false assumptions, twisting my words, and using inaccurate facts and generalizations to try to gain leverage in an arguement that you are losing. You answer my question in my previous post and I will answer your questions.
  7. Wait I get it. You are angry because I voted for Bush. Am I right?
  8. Your funny. You are so brainwashed you don't even understand who is on your side and who isn't. And you are calling me self-righteous? Why because you don't think I agree with you. The comment wasn't racists. Our soldiers answer to the military courts. They will be go to jail if they are guilty. The terrorists answer to Allah and they will not pay for killing these innocent people until we put a bullet in their head.
  9. What is there not to get? Don't twist my words. The people who were imprisoned did something to get there, guilty or innocent, but it doesn't justifiy their torture or death. They also deserve a fair trial. It didn't happen and it's an injustice, and people are going to pay for it. The women was abducted for no reason and killed and the video was sent to a TV organization. But it's ok because Allah told them to do it, and that's who they answer to.
  10. Sorry Chuck, I guess the CIA forgot to drop report by for me to read. I'll call Condoleza right now to find out what the fucking deal is.
  11. I can't even see how you can compare the two. Plus you don't drop bombs with SAMs.
  12. It really wasn't a question. They killed the head of an Iraqi aid organization. They killed a fellow muslim. They killed a helpless women. And for what reason? To send a message. The torturing of Iraqi prisons is more than just unfortunate, and hopefully those officers that were supposed to be in charge of that prison get a fair trial that reflects their true guilt in the whole thing. Let's just remember that these people were imprisoned, and while 60 minutes or Nightline or whatever can do a story about how so and so was innocent and tortured at that prison, it's just one person out of a sea of guilty people. Does that justify them being tortured? No. But they also choose to be there which she did not.
  13. Yes I was angry. What was she imprisoned for btw?
  14. I can't believe they killed that women. It just boggles my fucking mind.
  15. I think the Freerides are a bit overkill unless you plan on using them for resort skiing as well. They have a higher DIN setting then the Diamirs but who really needs a 13 setting.
  16. jon

    Arafat has died

    I'm sure the same could be said about you, Klenke.
  17. jon

    Arafat has died

    Arafat did what was right for his people. With how the Israelis treat the Palestinians are you really suprised that they are plowing up buses.
  18. I like Fairweather and I respect his opinion whether I agree with him or not, something some of you should learn about.
  19. There is a problem with IE in that it says you are logged in at My Home but you aren't actually logged in. And then when you try to login you can't. The solution is to expire the cookies and then it works.
  20. Quit your browser. It is just you.
  21. jon

    Server Slowness

    We didn't upgrade to a dedicated server because 1) it's really really expensive 2) our host upgraded our account to include more diskspace. At present time we are over on disk space and we are seeing a performance hit, so we are pretty much being forced to do this because of the amount of traffic we get.
  22. Cool! I've always wanted to learn how to play. I've played indoor soccer for years but I like the idea of being able to completely level someone without getting a three game suspension.
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