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Everything posted by jon

  1. jon


    The problem is Kevin is your choice effects the rest of us. If you get sick while you decide to not work or have health care the rest of us pay for it. I don't understand why people do not get this concept, they don't want to pay for other people's coverage but they are already are and at a higher rate then the proposed system! Everyone gets sick and needs health care at some point in their life!
  2. jon


    Man, this day has been action packed! It's just been announced 5000 RIM jobs are going to disappear.
  3. jon


    Just pour some Robitussin on it!
  4. jon


    Auto insurance is only mandatory if you drive a car. Health insurance is only mandatory if you're alive. Furthermore, auto insurance is not a federal mandate. Do you see the difference? I actually do see the difference. If your car breaks down the rest of us are not on the hook for the repairs. If you break down, and you don't have health insurance, the rest of us pay for it.
  5. jon


    I always get a kick out of the Tea Party protestors who are clearly of Medicare age.
  6. jon


    That's classic. Oh you mean like being required to have auto insurance? Or does everyone in the Tea Party take the bus and ride their bike?
  7. jon


    Is it more then the number who are voting for him because he is white?
  8. jon

    CC History

    The average is skewed by kevbone. Could you reevaluate without that outlier? This is called a trimmed mean. Normally it's done at 95%, but I think we will have to go much lower. There is a thread someone in spray where everyone took an online IQ test. BTW there is a movie in the making by some crazy polish guy.
  9. Is the image larger then 4megs? That is the limit we have it set for. The software automatically resizes images to a max height/width of 1200px, but it might not do that if the filesize is over 4megs.
  10. More details have been posted. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2018500948_rainierrescue23m.html
  11. jon

    Flying Cat

    Bill, Obama has purchase 100s of them to blow up your terrorist friends.
  12. The Newbies Forum is a spray free forum.
  13. Suggest your husband cut his teeth on a few smaller peaks with less hazard beforehand, like doing Adams in one day. That will at least give him an idea of how he handles altitude and get some experience with crampons and an axe. And if he gets his ass kicked by the altitude he might have a change of heart.
  14. Charles, you're out of your element!
  15. As if that is exclusive to one side of the equation. I'm sorry I take it back. The new slogan is "Dumb shit written by people who don't know what the fuck they are talking about." A Psychiatrist writing about the merits of gaining intelligence from capturing dead terrorists. That's like Rachel Maddow giving lessons on how to give a ZJ.
  16. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. The new Fox News mantra.
  17. jon

    Problems in Cheeseland

    World 12 Spain 1.4 Trillion GDP 103 Estonia 19 Billion GDP US States 14 Washington 351 Billion GDP 20 Wisconsin 251 Billion GDP So we should be taking lessons from a country who's GDP is roughly 10 to 20x smaller then our state, and are still suffering from a 10% decrease in GDP? Spain's GDP is roughly 100x bigger and it's clear how austerity has worked out there. They had a budget surplus before Lehman. BTW Seattle's GDP grew from 220 Billion in 2007 to 231 in 2010.
  18. Another asshole you can cross of some list.
  19. Might want to check on ClubTread, there are frequent TRs for up there.
  20. So Bill, just clear something up for me. Are you not an Obama supporter?
  21. The general rule is don't eat anything within 3 hours before you go to sleep. Digestion interferes with deep sleep and sleep interferes with digestion. You can't fall into stage 4 sleep, (deep sleep, the most restful stage) which happens during the first half of the night, if your stomach is still digesting. Do you have any references for this? I've never heard that before.
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