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Everything posted by jon

  1. The issue with the trailing slashes in the results has been fixed. Thanks for everyones feedback on this, keep it coming.
  2. OK. I at least know what the problem is. If you type in "prime rib" and then delete it and go to another field and type something else before the results update, you get no results because the way I have setup the typing delay it still sends "prime rib" in the query to the server. So, until I rework this as a user what you guys need to do is make sure when you delete a field to make sure the results update before you type something else. I'll work on a fix asap.
  3. I completely understand your sentiments because I felt the same way, but there are a couple catches. 1. With the wars if you decrease spending when you are trying to get out of the conflict you actually risk extending the conflict which will cost you more money in the long run. This similarly happens in project management where you don't dedicate enough resources to a project and it just ends up costing you more because things got screwed up. 2. I think there are two reasons why Obama kept the tax cuts from what I read. First, it's not a good idea to raise taxes in a depressed economy (or cut public spending), it will just make things worse. Like Greece and Spain worse. I think the other thing is the Bush tax cuts lowered the dividend tax to 15%, and while people like Mittens and the Kochheads love this because most of their income comes in the form of dividends, many small business owners took advantage of that and formed S corps, paid themselves a small reasonable salary, and then as a shareholder in their business took the rest of the profit as a dividend at 15%. With this gone their effective tax rate goes up. Again not what you want in a depressed economy. What should have happened is changed the dividend tax to a tiered system like Canada does, where the first 250k is taxed at 15%, and then up from there. That way small business or investors owners get a good tax break and removes the loophole for big time investors.
  4. Right....for defense only. Yeah, and cut the FDA! Go Ron Paul! GO Deep Purple. Go Penn State! Oh wait.....
  5. Use the camera icon in the editor to quickly add pictures.
  6. Ivan, you single handedly make me have to think so outside the box in developing our new TR system improvements. Cool stuff!
  7. Hey, Amen KK. The title is wrong. He spent more then anyone, his rate of increase is just the smallest. Which if fucking crazy considering all the entitlement programs that he has put into effect. It should me much higher.
  8. Rob spends 900 billion, I spend 1 trillion, and you spend 1.01 trillion. You still spent more than me or Rob. I know, a tough concept to grasp. Yes, but I spent half of that 1.01 million maintaining two wars you started.
  9. Conservatives obviously can't argue with properly derived conclusions from data aka facts because in most cases they don't work in their favor.
  10. Since we had 20 TRs in 3 days we'll be picking one more TR randomly for either NWAlpine product or SBP punch card. Keep them coming in!
  11. jon

    Adams south spur

  12. I should have a fix for this today.
  13. I'll convert this into a TR for you. Solid work!
  14. I have experienced this problem but it seems intermittent and I cannot replicate it at the moment. Can you guys give me an exact example, as well as OS and browser version?
  15. I just wanted to bump this up. I'm going to spend some more time on this tonight so I'd love some feedback.
  16. Again for July we'll be doing at least one prize chosen randomly. Winner will get to pick from a prize from one of the following awesome local companies: Seattle Bouldering Project - an adult 10 punch pass ( $130 value!) NWAlpine - several pieces to choose from! Pro Mountain Sports - gift certificate good for awesome Nelson approved gear Rules? Pretty simple. - TR needs at least 2 cc.com hosted pictures. - Needs to have a fair amount of writing that provides sufficient beta. - Links to blogs etc do not count. - Trips don't have to be from June, they can be from any point in time. If we break 60 TRs for the month we'll select two TRs.
  17. Congrats to Trent for winning the TR contest. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1071649 Drop me a PM so you can pick your prize.
  18. I wanted to address a few things that have been mentioned privately. There are a number of TRs that are not in the database, due to people putting [TR] in the title versus clicking the "New Trip Report" button. I believe there are about 500 of these, so one of my near future tasks will be to write a script to pull these into the system. Both the Route Type and Region would be better served with a drop down menu, so that will be on the list for the next version. One cool thing you can do with this new system is search for FA/FFA/FWA/etc. Moving forward I hope to catalog all of these. There are appears to be at least 35. Keep the feedback coming!
  19. I agree the loading is a little slow due to the built in delay. It wasn't as bad on my development environment so I've cut it in half, so the refresh happens a half a second after typing. There are many things I'm looking into that will speed up the results. Again I would love suggestions, this is just the first version. Thumbnails is a possibility and could be accomplished with a row that drops down with more info. I forgot to mention if you are living in 1998 and have javascript disabled this will not work.
  20. One thing I'd like to point out where this tool really excels: misspellings. Here is a great example. A common misspelling is Rainier and Ingraham. So if you were looking for TRs for that route you could search location with 'Rain' and route with 'Ingr' and it will catch all the TRs.
  21. It's Friday, the weather suck, the forecast sucks. Everyone probably needs something to cheer them up. Maybe this will. I've posted some teasers for a map based TR search system. It's still in the pipeline, and I'm as excited as ever about it, but it's got some challenges involved in putting it out there and doing it right. One of our goals is making each critical function of cc.com more intuitive and easier to use. Everyone spends a ton of precious time posting TRs, and we want to make that easier. Along the same lines, it doesn't make sense to have all these killer TRs but it's a pain to find them. So today I'm going to drop something I've been working on. It's beta. It still needs some work and polish, especially to make it pretty. But it works and I think it's going to make people's life easier, so I feel good about putting this out there even in a crude form. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/ubb/tripreportsbeta Basically what this tool allows you to do is do real-time searches of the TR database without any page reloading. It allows you to filter by column and sort by column. It's fast. There is a small delay after you are done typing until the query runs to keep our database from getting overloaded. There are a few bugs that need to be worked out. Right now your search string is literal, so if you search for 'North Ridge' it will not find 'Ridge North'. I welcome feedback on this; I'm building it for you guys.
  22. jon


    Which, ironically, has universal healthcare!
  23. jon


    It's a similar concept in that it's mandated with a penalty to avoid public costs. You buy a car... you buy car insurance so when you are in an accident you pay for it and not everyone else. It's no different then health insurance. Again, I think most are against this because they don't want to pay for other peoples (excuse: lazy, immigrants, whatever) healthcare, but the reality is all of us already are, and to a much greater extent due to a number of controllable factors. It's in the best interest of our nation to cover everyone, increase the health of our citizens, increase the productivity of the country, remove roadblocks for entrepreneurs to starting businesses.
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