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Everything posted by jon

  1. AFS sucks and is a total rip off. Negative is too small, on and on and on. I personally love Nikon cameras. http://computers.cnet.com/hardware/0-1078.html?tag=st.co.1016.dir.1078 http://www.photographyreview.com/
  2. How much are you looking to spend?
  3. Beck, your a great musician and that's all that matters.
  4. jon

    i got issues

    Terrible Teddy Bear- Additionally I wouldn’t base my whole argument off of one sole article that you read on MountainBomb.com written by a person who is at the extreme of one end, the Access Fund president Armando Menacal. Scott Silver (and it is Wild Wilderness) was on the Wilderness Bolting Committee before he was attacked by REI’s lawyers and forced off. So the current status of things isn’t his fault because he is not there. No I’m not saying I agree with Scott’s position because he is against almost all bolting and other anchors, but he definitely isn’t at the extreme as other groups. At the time Scott was forced off the argument was this. The Wilderness act says there cannot be any fixed installations in designated wilderness territory. So what defines an installation? And that is what no one could agree on. People in the group weren’t willing to compromise and so they went nowhere quickly. How can you possibly blame one person for this?
  5. Ummmmm Beck, calm down bro.
  6. Does anyone know if there is anything going on in Washington for this? Should we all try to organize something if there isn't?
  7. jon

    i got issues

    I'd do it on Fee Demo for several reasons although the topic isn't climbing specific. 1) It has an effect on anyone wanting to go to the outdoors 2) There are lots of articles at your disposal including General Accounting Office (GAO) data 3) You can actually make a solid argument 4) It's another opportunity to lash out at those greed asses in the other Washington. I think the bolting issue would be a fun topic as well, there is a moratorium about the issue still going on, at least I believe there still is. Problem with writing a thesis on this is your basing your argument more off of opinions rather than any solid facts.
  8. I read somewhere, and I'll see if I can find the link, that if you are parked at a trailhead for anything other than recreation, i.e. work, school, religion, whatever, that you aren't required to have a pass.
  9. Yeah, I contemplated mentioning cutting dear old dad off the rope or Kristi's Bod harness buckle failing, but I decided to keep it a little serious. I'm not going to say what I meant by demise, I think it is more fun to leave a bunch of doors open for the next author and let their creativity take control instead of locking them down into a fixed scenario.
  10. The NW Forest Pass IS part of the fee demo program. If you choose to fight this in court chances are you will get off with a reduced fine or not one it all. I would contact Scott Silver and ask for his advice. I have a butt load of stuff to post regarding Fee Demo, I'll have it up shortly. Please remember the reality of Fee Demo, even if you totally disagree with it and buy a pass to avoid getting a ticket, you are actually voting for it and not helping the situation. Please don't buy these passes!
  11. Will, you can call me Jon bro. God I suck at writing, here I go. Liquid courage to the rescue. Four years had passed, four years of constant reminders. Every glimpse of a rock face, every postcard of a mountain, every carabiner keychain a reminder of that day. Looking in the mirror........I had to wonder if I still had it in me. Sure, accidents happen and people die in the mountains, but it wasn't supposed to happen to me. And it wasn't really my fault. Even my friends have told me that over and over again. But then why does it plague me so. Why does my gear just sit in the corner? My old partners don't even call me anymore. Deep inside I know I have to climb again. That's what Kristi would have wanted….. Things seemed simple at that time in my life when she and I first met, I was youthful and full of energy ready to conquer the world. Looking back now though maybe I was too careless, blind of my lack of abilities and too willing to take risks. I promised myself to change my ways when she I first took her climbing, but I didn’t and my recklessness led to my demise….. [This message has been edited by jon (edited 08-09-2001).]
  12. jon

    I see you

    I just got back into town from a week long work trip, blahh. Not bored yet, just trying to catch up on email and see what fun I missed on the message boards. Did I miss anything exciting? Beer, sheeaat, I've been drinking every night since Friday, I think I've put on 10 pounds, I think my 5.9 deathgrip is now 5.8 if you inlcude the chillupa/budweiser factor.
  13. They're just trying to get the people out of the way so they can put a chair to the top. Petition anyone?
  14. Stickland, first you sell your truck here now you want to write a novel. Wa da fa man? I'm in! I think we should rewrite Vertical Limit and tell it how should have happened.
  15. jon

    It wasn't me

    Blakley, I'm going to have to move my operation elsewhere if you still want that Sheep/Rachael Babkirk hybrid. http://www.cnn.com/2001/ALLPOLITICS/07/31/cloning.bush/index.html
  16. jon

    It wasn't me

    http://viktor.kramar.wasarrested.com/sheep Blakley, you guys have something in common.
  17. Holy Sh!t. I'm glad I'm not the moderator for that website.
  18. Yeah, I know what happened. They implemented a business plan that would never make any money and a bunch of sorry pathetic investors fell for it and the employees walked away with all the money after not making a dime in revenue. Strange...that sounds awefully familiar.... Quokka bought MountainZone a few years ago for $10 million. Unfortunately the deal was in Quokka stock and you know who got screwed. Quokkas stock became so undervalued at like .01$/share that SEC removed them from trading. They filed for bankruptcy right after that. Here's a great recent article. http://news.cnet.com/news/0-1005-200-6689462.html
  19. Maybe there is genetic linkage to being a fucking dickhead?!
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