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Everything posted by jon

  1. How many times do you dead lift a week? Are you also doing things like squats or leg press, and how often are you doing those?
  2. Crap, I just broke my scanner sitting on it, how am I going to explain this to my boss.
  3. I'm going to make this really quick because it's been a pretty long and stressful day, and just got home from the hospital. The climber involved in the accident is my good friend and roommate. Jim is an experienced climber as many who know him can attest. It's not entirely clear what happened but he was either not properly tied in or his knot came undone somehow. He took about a 40 - 50 foot groundfall and rolled halfway down the hill at feathers. He wasn't wearing a helmet. He's currently in a coma in critical but stable condition with his family at his side. Besides the severe head injury he broke his collor bone. It's basically just wait and see at this point. Thanks to those who were there and aided in getting him out of there safely. Family and friends would appreciate that people don't call the hospital or go and try to visit him. Any individuals who were there at the accident or are friends send me an email and I will keep you up to date on his conditions as I find out.
  4. The Access Fund:YOUR CLIMBING FUTUREVirtual Times #14http://www.accessfund.org/February 2002 Submissions/comments for the Virtual Times are welcome via email to john@accessfund.orgTo view this e-news on our website click: http://www.accessfund.org/virtual_times/e-news16.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IN THIS ISSUE:1. Access Fund Grant Supports Bouldering in Bishop, CA2. BLM Asks For Voluntary Closure of Western Chalk Bluff3. Bridalveil Falls, Colorado4. President Bush Authorizes Oil Exploration for Drilling in the Desert of Utah5. Indian Creek Update6. Jefferson County Open Space Developing Climbing Management Plans, CO ------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Access Fund Grant Supports Bouldering in Bishop, CA------------------------------------------------------------------------The Access Fund has provided a $9,750 grant to the Bishop, CA field office of the Bureau of Land Management to manage the tremendous growth of bouldering in this area and protect resources on the Volcanic Tablelands. Funds will be directed towards a number of projects, including campground maintenance, climber education, outreach, and cultural resource surveys. The grant is part of the Access Fund's nationwide Bouldering Campaign, which aims to: -Raise awareness about bouldering among land managers and the public;-Promote care and respect for natural places visited by boulderers;-Mobilize the climbing community to act responsibly & work cooperatively with land managers;-Protect and rehabilitating bouldering resources;-Preserve bouldering access. For more information, contact Shawn Tierney, access and acquisitions director, at shawn@accessfund.org. ------------------------------------------------------------------------2. BLM Asks For Voluntary Closure of Western Chalk Bluff------------------------------------------------------------------------Steve Addington, Field Manager for the Bureau of Land Management in Bishop, CA, is asking the public to honor a voluntary seasonal closure of public lands along the western part of Chalk Bluff, north of Bishop, to protect raptor habitat. The voluntary closure to foot, equestrian and vehicle traffic will be in effect from January 1 to July 31, 2002. The closure area is from the northern edge of Chalk Bluff Road to the northern boundaries of Sections 19, 20 and 21, and from the eastern edge of Section 21 (touching the uppermost tip of Happy Boulders canyon) west to the edge of the power line road above Pleasant Valley Reservoir. The closure applies to BLM-managed public lands and does not include the foot trail in the middle of Section 21. There will be signs posted in the area asking visitors to respect the closure, with additional notices at information kiosks and local businesses. Although it is expected that the closure will have a minimal effect on climbing due to limited bouldering in this area, the Access Fund urges all climbers to honor this closure as it will help preserve access in the future. As a result of public input and environmental analysis, the BLM decided on a voluntary closure for the 2002 raptor-breeding season. The completed environmental analysis document is available at the Bishop library or from the BLM office in Bishop. BLM is continuing to study the situation and will begin a public planning effort to guide long-term management of the area. The process will be completed by September 30.For more information contact Doug Dodge, Joe Pollini or Joy Fatooh at the BLM's Bishop field office at 760-872-4881. ------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Bridalveil Falls, Colorado------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bridalveil Falls, one of the most sought-after ice climbs in this country has a new access problem. Idarado Mining Company, owner of the property where the falls is located, did not renew their year-to-year recreational access easement with the Town of Telluride. This means that the approach to the Falls is technically closed, at least for the Winter 2001-2002 season. The Access Fund is working with Regional Coordinator Steve Johnson and local climbers to explore all options for restoring access to this historic climb. For more information, contact Shawn Tierney, access and acquisitions director, at shawn@accessfund.org. ------------------------------------------------------------------------4. President Bush Authorizes Oil Exploration for Drilling in the Desert of Utah------------------------------------------------------------------------ President Bush recently authorized oil exploration and drilling between Canyonlands National Park and Arches National Park in Utah. Some of this exploration will occur on land recently reviewed for expansion of Canyonlands National Park. The San Rafael Swell just south of Capitol Reef NP is also being considered for oil and gas drilling. Federal and state park officials, and even some oil companies, object to this policy. Please see the New York Times article below: http://www.nytimes.com/2002/02/08/politics/08UTAH.html?ex=1014466451&ei=1&en=9b2f18bd3c0ca2fb The Access Fund is concerned about the potential effects of oil and gas exploration on the climbing experience in Canyonlands, Indian Creek, and other lesser-known areas in this region. We do not believe the limited resources that could be extracted from these areas justify the disruption of the environment that inevitably accompanies drilling. See http://www.congress.gov for contact information for your elected officials. ------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Indian Creek Update------------------------------------------------------------------------ On January 17 and 18, at the request of the Access Fund, an informal meeting was held at the BLM Monticello Field Office to discuss issues concerning the upcoming Recreation Plan for Indian Creek. Access Fund Policy Analyst Jason Keith, BLM recreation planners, and representatives from The Nature Conservancy and Rocky Mountain Field Institute attended this meeting. The new plan will likely include changes and improvements in camping locations, vehicular access, and perhaps limited route closures to rock art, ruins, and wildlife. By Fall of 2002 the BLM hopes to present a draft Indian Creek Recreation Plan EA for public review and comment. For more information visit our website http://www.accessfund.org/programs/programs_news_pr.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------6. Jefferson County Open Space Developing Climbing Management Plans, CO ------------------------------------------------------------------------Jefferson County Open Space (JCOS) is currently in the process of developing or implementing management plans for lands, which feature outstanding and historic climbing opportunities, including Cathedral Spires Park and Clear Creek Canyon Park. JCOS recognizes the climbing the climbing values of these areas (includes Cynical Pinnacle and the Dome) and is soliciting input to help in the planning for these sites. Further information can be obtained from Colleen Gadd at JCOS by calling 303-271-5995. JCOS is hosting a public meeting on Thursday, February 28 from 6:30-8:30pm to gather information and ideas about climbing in Clear Creek Canyon Park. The location will be in the Open Space building in Golden at 700 Jefferson County Parkway, in the Hearing Room. The Access Fund encourages climbers to attend this meeting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. quote: Originally posted by mikeadam: Jon, I'm not sure which Monkeys you're talking about but Powergel 10 pack has gone into favor over GU. quote: Originally posted by jon: You know, if we synchronized our schedules when Lambone is on campus, you could have him, Mueller, icegirl and myself at the same time. You'd save a lot of gas. You could bring your gang, I'll go across the hall and grab some monkeys to join our gang, and it will be just like a Michael Jackson video. Any you know the wild chimps will give 110%!!! The wild chimps that give 110% Mike, jesus! These chimps don't fuck around either. PowerGel 10 pack? Nah I'll take a sixer of Schmidts tallboys over that crap. Interesting story about Gatoraid though that I bet nobody has heard. So Gatoraid was developed at the U of Florida as a recovery drink for endurance athletes. Lots of sugar while your insulin levels are at their peak 30 minutes post workout, which is good. Well the dumbshits didn't patent it and a bunch of people ran off and made millions of dollars with their idea. U of F makes nothing. So doing anything collaborative with that University sucks because they want all the rights to everything. Anyways....
  6. quote: Originally posted by mikeadam: $35 dollars and you can register either at REI or directly by mailing them. Sounds like fun. So the monkeys want to know how much it's for them to enter, they think $35 is a little steep unless there is a special macaque category. They also want to know if they could get bananas instead of GU at the fueling stations, or at least banana flavored GU. I think they're being a bit unreasonable, but hey they did go into space before us.
  7. You know, if we synchronized our schedules when Lambone is on campus, you could have him, Mueller, icegirl and myself at the same time. You'd save a lot of gas. You could bring your gang, I'll go across the hall and grab some monkeys to join our gang, and it will be just like a Michael Jackson video. Any you know the wild chimps will give 110%!!!
  8. Vegy your shit better knock it off or I'm coming over and stuffin your ass in the juicer.
  9. After a two hour conference call between cascade climberz inc. and its venture capital parterners, by unanimous vote have decided to replace the freshiez cam with the GO FUCK YOURSELF CAM!!
  10. If you send Tim a PM he might be able to post you a picture of what it looks like. I was just down at Bachelor and Broken Top looked pretty good.
  11. Maybe you guys should find a boss that climbs, skis, sail boat races, etc. and takes 6-7 weeks of vacation a year.
  12. Hey I'm about to go to the TNF outlet in an hour, does anyone one want anything? I know Dru wants a Met 5.
  13. http://www.alpenglow.org/links/nwsnow.htmlWerd!
  14. Charlie you have too many Zimas there or what?
  15. jon

    Name That Peak

    Isn't that Mt. She's gonna blow from Beck's Teddy Ruxpin story.
  16. I believe it is because the racers aren't allowed on the course at a certain time period prior to the race. The teams are allowed to send forerunners down the course to check out conditions before the race, but I think thats it. So by having the women race a different course they don't have the advantage of sitting in front of the tv the night before the race analyzing how the conditions are.
  17. Lyle, where did you learn the ancient art of phantom humping?
  18. quote: Originally posted by vegetablebelay: What the hell is this topic doing in Mount Rainier NP? Can we get a moderator here?
  19. I had a similar injury for about six years due to high muscle tension in my back and legs, as well as significant overdevelopment on one side of my upper body. Lots of pain. Lots of doctors with egos with misdiagnoses. No solution until this summer when I went to a new doctor and he was willing to admit that he wasn't sure what was wrong and the best thing to do was send me to a good physical therapist and have them work out the problem. After about six weeks of PT at the UW sports medicine clinic they isolated the problem and for the most part I have been pain free.
  20. Came across this today, pretty interesting. http://www.dpreview.com/news/0202/02021101foveonx3.asp
  21. Props to Dr. E for calling out R&I on the increasing amount of advertising and decrease in actual reading. I understand advertising is how they make their money and keep subscription costs down, but seriously, some of these ads are worthless. I usually don't off like this but really, where shall I begin. Open up the front and your greeted a two page Pusher spread of Dave Grahams's hands covered with chalk, but uh oh, he's got a little cut on his finger. Man he must have done some crazy ass V420 or something to get that. What's pushing me Dave? Dave you little bitch stop crying about you finger and get two 4 inch stainless steel plates and 14 screws put in your arm and give me a call. I bang myself up more at the gym in the night, suck it up. Umm ba by. Next page. Mammut. Dude. I love you stuff, but do you honestly think some kid with red eyes and a pierced nose is going to sell me a fucking rope? Oh god it's a Nissan ad, trying to sell me a Xterra so I can look like every other trust fund kiddy out there. Homey you wouldn't be so banged up if you didn't fall off you bike so much. Oh yeah soft tails suck get a real bike I'm done ranting for now.
  22. I was skiing at alpental a week ago on sunday and there was some guys climbing all day next too the quad. Every time I came up the chair lift there were people standing there watching. I'm not saying that they don't have a right to be there but you can easily see it from the chair lift, and people want to watch. Skiing on friday night I couldn't believe how well lighted that particular flow is, I'm surprised I haven't seen people up there at night before. I'd be really f@cken careful though, there is a ton of snow up there and there is a reasonable steep slope above it that is pretty well loaded.
  23. My Moonstones came in the mail yesterday, very cool. Thanks for the heads up guyz.
  24. jon

    ktk uncovered?

    that ain't me dude.
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