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Everything posted by jon

  1. jon

    Pissed Off!

    quote: Originally posted by crazyjz: We need to know the truth! The truth is that at this point I don't give a shit whether you like it or not. If you spent the time and money that Timm@y and I have into this thing you probably wouldn't either. There's your answer. If you've got a problem with the way we run things around here try sending us a email or private message instead of trying to hang us in public, we're both pretty chill guys and don't need this crap.
  2. jon

    Pissed Off!

    No shit man, screw those mofos! Who the hell do they think they are, Bonzo was the shitnitz baby.
  3. jon

    We're back up!

    No kidding you say! Obviously dude! Our webhost apparently ran into some problems today, hope everyone was able to find something to do at work .
  4. I got an email back from Barrabes and they said they are upgrading their store and there should be a bigger selection very soon. I hope so.
  5. The Owl sounds good to me. Will anyone be coming back to the eastside afterwards?
  6. jon

    Oh this is fun......

    Just looking at our server logs, and here is a list of words people used search engine for and found our site.--------- Listing the first 20 queries by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests. #reqs: search term-----: ----------- 305: cascade climbers 266: cascadeclimbers 168: cascadeclimbers.com 157: margarita recipe 85: rachel babkirk 59: cascade climber 49: second ascent 29: frenchman coulee 29: cascade climbing Listing the first 20 query words by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests. #reqs: search term-----: ----------- 525: climbing 465: cascade 391: climbers 267: cascadeclimbers 200: recipe 193: margarita 169: cascadeclimbers.com 133: rock 106: climber 97: babkirk 95: washington 94: rachel 91: sale 82: of 76: second 72: mountain 70: northwest 69: and 62: patagonia 61: the------------Imagine the disappointment of the poor shmuck looking for naked pictures of Rachael B. or margarita recipes
  7. quote: Originally posted by no_pot_heads: Got to go and remember that if you smoke crack you will burn in hell[ 11-20-2001: Message edited by: no_pot_heads ] But it's alright for a Pastor to fuck the choir boy?
  8. He is a friend of mine, he's a pretty awesome climber and funny as hell, he's been pretty busy lately from what he's said.
  9. I'll be in Spovegas for T-day, and one of my climbing partners will be there too. Send me a PM today with your phone numbers and we'll try to hook up.
  10. jon


    Dude the man upstairs would have to take a big fat white dump for you to ski on that hill this weekend.
  11. Let's do Seattle pub club next week.
  12. Here is a link to their site http://frenchmancoulee.org/
  13. jon

    Apple Cup

    DAWGS HOUSE!!!!!!!!!
  14. jon

    Apple Cup

    quote: Originally posted by vegetablebelay: Jon, you Fuskies are always cocky - even after running into this friendly fella! Hmmmm interesting observation. Can you explain to me why we are in the top 25 and you aren't, shit you didn't even get a single vote. Wheren't you guys preseason #1?
  15. jon

    Apple Cup

    Schmidt used to be one of my favorite beers until they turned the can red and put a Couger on it, now I can't stand the shit.
  16. jon

    Apple Cup

    I love how you Cougs get really cocky every four years when they have a winning season.
  17. quote: Originally posted by Backcountry: The cascadeclimber nazi (read admins) would approve some of my avatars I wanted... Don't ever call me a nazi again!
  18. I just wanted to be number 200!
  19. Phil I'm sure your right about the ski gear and it makes sense. Ski manufactures only make a certain amount of stuff before the season, they don't make multiple manufacturing runs, so obviously they will give people over there first dibs. I'm suspicious with the other stuff though. I'm wondering if someone is trying to play hardball with them like BD did to MEC. I sent them an email about the issue.
  20. I noticed there is more than ski gear missing. If you go to the clothing it is all TNF and Mountie Hardware stuff. I noticed this because I was looking to see if they had this new Mammut schoeller jacket, and could even find the stuff that was previously on there. Conspiracy in the works?????
  21. This might not apply to anyone but oh well. There has been a major landslide on W. Lk Sammammish Pkwy in Bellevue and the road is closed so I'd avoid driving anywhere near there. Check the news before you leave work cause there are multiple road closures. Have a nice wet day! cc.com board dickbrain god
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