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Everything posted by hafilax

  1. I've always disliked the Prowler. Even the name turns my stomach.
  2. IIIII'm coming up so you better get the party start-eh-ed
  3. The guidebook claims that the crux of Zombie Roof is pulling the lip so you could at least work the roof and aid (like C1) it to get your gear back.
  4. There should be 2 more pages. There's only 25 points there. Other examples:
  5. Elephantiasis in Ronin's Corner is 10c hands going down to wide fingers at the top and about dead vertical. Kind of on the lower limit of the request though. The bottom 10' seeps but there are enough crimpy edges to get through the brown slime.
  6. It's a computer model of a chaotic system. Of course they're not going to claim that their results are 'the truth'. From what they have put into their model and based on their assumptions this is what they predict. There is a chance that the model is wrong but it seems to explain and predict a short term weather trend which will give way to the global warming trend once the cycle has completed. It in no way weakens the case for global warming which is a long term trend. As for your conspiracy theory, far more scientists have come out saying that they were pressured by their funding agencies to keep quiet about research that has supported global warming. What is the purpose of denying global warming? Do you want to maintain the status quo and continue the consumptive destruction of the earth? Even if global warming is a myth do you not believe that our current path will destroy all of the natural resources needed for life to survive on this planet?
  7. Shouldn't that be bowl jobs.
  8. Confirmed-> biking on Sunday
  9. Playing a gig tonight at the Penthouse. Short hike tomorrow. Halfway to Halloween party. Bike ride on the Shore Sunday (maybe).
  10. I climbed Europa yesterday and it's a fun outing. It's a lot of pulling over blocks and wedged flakes. You have to be very mindful of pulling stuff off and placing gear since things do move. Otherwise the pitches are long and there are a bunch of gear anchors so gear management was the game of the day. The 3 consecutive chimneys at the top are a blast. Overall it was lots of fun and I'm glad I got on it before the falcon closures.
  11. hafilax

    I'm fucked

    My roommate and a friend just scored fiberglass sea kayaks for $500 each from the MEC gear swap. Looks like I might get to give it a go this summer.
  12. hafilax


    At my residence someone would inevitably pull the fire alarm at 3am after typical hook up events to see who was staying the night.
  13. I'm surprised it made it this far without a Polack joke.
  14. What was the average age of the users you saw? I'm betting there was a lot of gray hair.
  15. hafilax

    how not to rappel

    Did he say "Oh help Jehova I hurt myself!"?
  16. Make sure you're using them correctly. Buy the instructional video: fFXVoUl0NKg UtV_KpYTw00
  17. Will the Milky Way fly apart?
  18. No, missed that one. I've heard rumours of people thinking about it though. Would probably require a special squirrel suit but I bet it's doable.
  19. I wanna see someone land a squirrel suit.
  20. hafilax

    for Minx

    I can get sued by an island? In lawsuit, Lesbos islanders say they're the only real Lesbians Two residents of the Greek island of Lesbos have filed suit against a Greek LGBT activist group seeking to bar them from using the "L" part of the acronym -- Lesbian, news.com.au reports. The two Lesbos inhabitants filed the suit along with activist Dimitris Lambrou against Greek Gay and Lesbian Union (OLKE). It seeks to prohibit OLKE from using the word "lesbian" in its name. "This affair is totally ridiculous," OLKE spokeswoman Evangelia Vlami told AFP. "But if we are summoned by the courts, we will be heard." Lesbos residents now suffer "psychological and moral rape" from the "seizure" of their island's name by gays, said Lambrou in a text titled The Misfortune of Being Lesbian, published on his website. Lambrou is a member of a nationalist pagan association. Lambrou believes the case will be judged in Athens in June. Lesbos was the home of the poet Sappho, who expressed her love of other women in lyric verses written in the early sixth century BC. Greeks often refer to the island in northeast Aegean Sea by the name of its capital, Mytilene. The resort of Eressos is a popular tourist destination for lesbians visiting the island.
  21. hafilax

    for Minx

    Careful, you could get sued by Lesbos.
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