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Everything posted by hafilax

  1. I read somewhere that Phelps is eating about 12,000 calories per day.
  2. The pressure is getting to them. A Canadian medal hopeful in fencing lost early and had quite a temper tantrum on camera.
  3. My understanding is that wash-ins are best for 3 ply membranes. Anything with a wicking layer should be refreshed with a spray on. I would guess that spray on would be better for down as well. Membranes won't breathe if the surface wets out so the DWR has to be working for breatheability.
  4. You may need a cab to get home.
  5. hafilax

    Blue Angels

    I stand corrected. I still don't think they are an image of war.
  6. hafilax

    Blue Angels

    I don't really see the connection between the Blue Angel's and US foreign policy. It sounds like a "Shock and Awe" argument to me and that was shown to be an ungrounded theory. I've never lived in a war torn area but it seems to me that modern bombers are pretty much silent. Even the fighters and air-to-ground aircraft are designed to be pretty quiet until they break the sound barrier. Maybe those who lived in war in the 70's would feel some resentment toward the sound of jets but that would reflect on past foreign policy not current. The Blue Angel's are more of a picture of the past than the present. They are practically antiques. In Halifax they blast a cannon every day at noon on Citadel Hill. It used to make me jump but it didn't evoke images of war.
  7. hafilax

    Blue Angels

    I think they'd be more afraid of this British blue angel DMwWPAPpy0A
  8. It helps if you let people know where you are located.
  9. This is all very hurtful I don't know if I can make it to the next Group Hug Monday.
  10. It depends on how stiff the BLC wire gate is. They don't say much anywhere. It will be interesting to read a review.
  11. hafilax

    rap v. country

    Farsi sounds pretty cool in rap p4NSOjIF0kc
  12. hafilax

    Child abuse

    I think it's an extension of Pavlov conditioning without much basis in reality. If the monkeys can figure out that they will get sprayed they can also figure out that they won't.
  13. hafilax

    Child abuse

    Only if it's true.
  14. Wow, you guys must be thinking really hard...
  15. hafilax

    For Bug

    Is there any basis to that story or are they just trying to encourage people to be critical of their situations.
  16. hafilax

    Child abuse

    I wouldn't call that a scientific paper.
  17. The Vancouver Critical Mass goes against the original intent IMO. I'm all for improving the city cycling experience but pissing off motorists is counterproductive. From the Critical Mass site: CM is intended to be a celebration, not an opportunity to cause trouble. Those who want to try to tie up traffic as much as possible and be confrontational with motorists are missing the point. We can assert our right to the road without being rude about it. Focus on the ride, not on the cars that also happen to be on the road.
  18. This day is a complete and utter failure.
  19. hafilax

    THURSDAY is....

    I'd be wary of bright red nuts.
  20. hafilax


    Is that what you were saying in the bathroom?
  21. hafilax


    That's a thread drift I didn't expect!
  22. hafilax

    THURSDAY is....

    The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick. It's even hard to type.
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