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Everything posted by Serenity

  1. Serenity

    West Pole Brand

    Hey - who was that funny female artist who used to do the little cartoon sketches for Climbing magazine. She was always cracking on North Face with her West Pole Brand sketches. Thanks, and here's a free nut-punch to use on yourself! :: baa
  2. Serenity

    A hefty

    Turkey Day NUT PUNCH for each and every one of you. Gobble-gobble!
  3. Serenity

    Kandahar Kountdown

    Sobo - I'd worry more about burning trash toxins than the Taliban. If you have any questions send me a PM. I spent Dec 2004-Nov 2010 in Afghanistan. Good times!!
  4. ALL adult age males need to register for mandatory military service. The draft needs to be reinstated. Period - end of story. The days of war being an abstraction because you KNOW you won't have to go, therefore you do not need to invest yourself need to come to an end. When everyone has the potential to be slaughtered equally then perhaps wiser decisions regarding wars and lives will lead to rapid endings to Imperial Dreams.
  5. Nicely done all around!
  6. Your Bohemian ethic requires readjustment. Grab a double tall latte, and get over to that climbing wall now!
  7. Serenity

    CC.com Turns 11

    The KTK will continue to mock your efforts. Happy 11th B-Day jag-offs.
  8. Your mom lives in a police state
  9. I remember that as being pretty flat, but the keyhole route is a hellava lot of fun.
  10. Yeah, I mean YOU!
  11. Any man that kills his own infant son, and is convicted of it, on a guilty plea is worthless in my eyes. Being a father changes the world in many ways, and those that harm children deserve no mercy or acclaim.
  12. Former CC.com NUT KRUSHING spray power has been transferred to Poseidon temporarily to raise world awareness about the evils of nuclear power, a supreme alliance with Allah to raise oil prices so that the chosen people of Arabia can have more cars and bigger palaces. Smarten up!
  13. The retard level is off the chart over there. Come to think of it, the retard level of whoever decided that burning Qurans was a good idea, wasn't exactly a bright star in the universe of common sense decision making. Personally I think we should close the door and throw away the key on the Middle East/SW Asia before we waste any more blood and treasure. If we REALLY wanted .99 gas we'd just take it, and quit playing silly phuck-phuck games.
  14. NUT PUNCH BITCHES! Peace out
  15. Dane's advice is solid.
  16. They have internet in the county jail? TImes have changed.
  17. None really. People on CC.com just like to act high and mighty like they're the keepers of the holy grail or something. I'd like to roost my snowmobile onto Sahale Arm someday. Now that would really send some greenies into a cheetah flip!
  18. Wish he was still around. He was inspirational beyond measure.
  19. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    Told ya, phucktards. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/dec/8/congress-deals-death-blow-gitmo-closure/ Congress on Wednesday signaled it won't close the prison at Guantanamo Bay or allow any of its suspected terrorist detainees to be transferred to the U.S., dealing what is likely the final blow to President Obama's campaign pledge to shutter the facility in Cuba. The move to block the prison's closure was written into a massive year-end spending bill that passed the House on Wednesday evening on a vote of 212-206, part of a last-minute legislative rush by Democrats to push through their priorities before ceding the House to Republican control in January. News of the Guantanamo provision brought a quick and sharp rebuke from the Obama administration Wednesday. "We strongly oppose this provision," Department of Justice spokesman Matt Miller said in a statement. "Congress should not limit the tools available to the executive branch in bringing terrorists to justice and advancing our national security interests." Current law allows the Justice Department to bring detainees to the U.S. for trial as long as the Justice Department gives Congress 45 days notice of the transfer. The spending bill, which includes wide-ranging new regulations on food safety and shifts money to Democratic priorities, even as it also blocks the Guantanamo Bay transfers, is already two months overdue as Democrats have struggled to find ways to balance their policy preferences with the deteriorating fiscal condition of the government. ** FILE ** In this Tuesday, June 27, 2006, photo reviewed by the U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. military guards walk within the Camp Delta detention center at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. (AP Photo/Brennan Linsley, File) The spending bill freezes 2011 funding at the same level as 2010, or $1.09 trillion, which is less than Mr. Obama requested, but still more than Republicans wanted. "I hope it does not represent too great an inconvenience to members of this body, who are much more comfortable providing budget-busting tax gifts to the economic elite in this country," said a bitterly sarcastic Rep. David R. Obey, the Wisconsin Democrat who wrote the bill as chairman of the Appropriations Committee. The bill now heads to the Senate, which is working on its own version of legislation to keep the government funded for the rest of fiscal 2011. Republicans had pushed to cut spending to 2008 levels — before the stimulus package or the Wall Street bailouts — which they said would have reduced expenditures by $100 billion. They also said the Democratic bill undercuts important defense-spending needs. "At a time when we should be supporting our troops, this bill uses defense funding as a piggy bank for the majority's domestic priorities," said Rep. Jerry Lewis of California, the ranking Republican on the Appropriations Committee. STORY CONTINUES...
  20. Fucktard central hard at work again. Choke yourselves.
  21. Best bet is to buy a quiver of skis for various conditions. You only live once dude. Make every day count.
  22. Looks like the snow will be piling up now. Good report Feck - thanks.
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