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Everything posted by Serenity

  1. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    The funny thing is that I posted a picture of a trawler on page 1 or 2 openly proclaiming this thread as a blatant troll, and since then have done everything to keep it going as such. 12 pages later and viola!
  2. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

  3. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    dude, there's too much gear in the way! but thanks for including me in the select "i've been pm'ed by a pissed off prissy bitch" club though! It's sad when an alpha dog finds himself in a new pack that just won't recognize his former status. 7 years downrange! I'm the Big Bad Woof! Jesus, this needy little puppy's got the emotional make up of a 6 year old. As compared to your whopping 10,000 posts and the fact that your chain can get pulled 24/7 since you seem to be glued here like a wart.
  4. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    I have a good idea. Why don't we continue this conversation in person. Like you said yourself, you're much more amicable in person, and I think you said we'd probably get along great. I'll buy the beer.
  5. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    Step up bitch.
  6. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    Shitty law enforcement? We've got 2.2 million people in prison right now, by far the highest incarceration rate in the world. What universe do you hail from? Joseph's post is spot on. No, it's not. However I will point out once again that from you sterilized environment it probably seems to be. This post started as a troll, and remains as equally useless despite all your attempts to argue otherwise. With your super secret squirrel clandestine background you allude to (bullshit), why don't you get yourself in the game for a few years and open your mind. Oh, I forgot...you're too busy being 'brave' from the rear with the gear.
  7. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    You have once gain displayed your penchant for conspiracy paranoia all the while decrying paranoia.
  8. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    Sorry, you're very astute, but not entirely right in this case. All those things play into it, but a fair sized portion of the threat resides on a battlefield that no LE agency can handle, and no pure diplomacy will resolve. JH is right and Serenity is flat out wrong. Kevbone, as usual your perspective and opinion from the mean streets of Portland is about as fucking worthless as you are.
  9. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    Good point.
  10. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    Problem is that battlefields already exist, we have to face the reality we have versus the reality we desire. http://smallwarsjournal.com/blog/2009/01/a-proposal-for-a-unifying-stra/
  11. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    Sorry, you're very astute, but not entirely right in this case. All those things play into it, but a fair sized portion of the threat resides on a battlefield that no LE agency can handle, and no pure diplomacy will resolve.
  12. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    There are a number of people in the intelligence community who have stated that building a rapport and changing the status of detainees from combatant to non-combatant would have been a wise thing to do previously. This does not change the fact that closing detention facilities is not a wise move. Changing what happens in those prisons and from a legal standpoint is. This lean towards a law enforcement solution is a poor idea.
  13. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    You're so brave Peter-Son!
  14. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    Welcome to my troll thread. So how about those AIG bonuses eh?
  15. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    The only way Cheney could "sum it up" is if he were speaking from behind bars for treason... Your words could easily be labeled 'sedition'. Just saying...
  16. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    There have been amazingly few incidents of the My Lai type that have been the doings of American soldiers. This should actually be a testament to the core values of the services. Trying to shine a glaring light on that event does a huge disservice to the greater accomplishments and selfless service of millions.
  17. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    Feel free to expatriate to China anytime bud.
  18. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    I never relate my own experiences here, and you have zero idea of what I do, so I am not sure what you are trying to portray here other than what all of us who have actually been downrange know from PERSONAL experience, which by my count is around 7 YEARS of actually being downrange. Not to take anything away from anyone who has served (I have a huge amount of respect for the folks who come over, each and every one because they are indeed my brothers) but speaking strictly experience there is a big difference between 15 months and 7 years. No one I know has randomly mowed anyone down in ANY situation during the 7 years of combat related situations I have been in. We follow our ROE to the letter, and your attempts to portay anything otherwise based on your 'internet experience' are foolhardy. All of us have rendered aid and assistance to our enemies, and done numerous good deeds time and time again. So what was your point regarding the detention facility?
  19. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    We're waiting for your argument detailing the alternative for the current system in place. If not, then we'll be happy to place a displaced enemy combatant in your living room on a cot while you pontificate on that one.
  20. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    Here's an idea. Why don't you put all this self righteous energy you have into getting congress to give a full accountability of it's knowledge of American Servicemen left behind after Vietnam rather than providing aid and comfort to enemy combatants held in a military detention facility. In my mind you have crossed a line which gives you parity with them. What's to 'love' about that? Get a clue.
  21. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    And hopefully goodbye. Take your tiredness somewhere else for a few years.
  22. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    Good point. I'll have to try a new strategy.
  23. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    are you "on notice" again? I just put the entire message in the header. This one was entitled 'douchebag'
  24. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    At least I have chicken!
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