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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. rmncwrtr

    Crossfit Kids

    Link I checked the affiliates list and I know there are places doing CF kids that aren't on there, including HEL/Lab. I know there is one somewhere in Seattle area, too, because Nichole was asking me how far I lived from the town (which I can't remember) when they were starting up and I was training with her at a different gym.
  2. rmncwrtr

    Crossfit Kids

    My three (10, 8, 5) have been doing Crossfit Kids twice a week at the Lab in PDX since early February. It's a great program and so much fun for them. No Kool-aid necessary. I truly believe it's what made a difference in their climbing at Smith last month. As well as their skiing this season. The biggest change hasn't been physical, but rather mental. They are more willing to give things a go after all the different activities and things they do in class. With my 10 year old daughter there's no longer a "I can't do that." She just gives it a try. Check it out if you've thinking about fitness programs for kids. My hubby was very skeptical. I'm the one gung-ho on Xfit in our family, but after he took them to a class he changed his tune. I'm biased toward the Lab since Nichole is awesome and teaches the Crossfit Kids Cert, but there's another place in PDX that has a certified trainer and the program is up in the Seattle area, too.
  3. We'll be camping and doing lots and lots of hiking. I'm hoping to get some climbing in there for them too and will probably sign them up for another climbing camp like last summer since they had fun doing that. It'll be a different kind of summer for us though. Our kids won't be going back to their school next year. I'm going to give homeschooling a shot and doing it year round so we can have more flexibility when we take time off rather than a huge chunk in the summer. We all love to ski so having more time off in winter will be very nice.
  4. I thought you might like it, Sobo I'm actually guilty of corporal cuddling! Must be leftover from my engineering days
  5. I don't know how to embed a yahoo video so here's the link.
  6. Members of The House of Lords started an experimental blog. Granted it's not US politics that some of you enjoy debating so much, but if you're interested in things across the pond you might want to check it out.
  7. rmncwrtr

    Gear for 4 yr old

    It was a guide who rigged it up and his equipment so I assumed he knew what he was doing. All I know is she was a much happier climber with the more comfortable set-up.
  8. rmncwrtr

    Gear for 4 yr old

    My youngest was four when she first climbed. She used a full body harness during our trips to Smith last summer. When we were there last month, the same guide put her (now 5) in a regular harness than used a sling crossed across her back and through her arms that attached with a carabiner. He said this would be more comfortable for her. The full body harness didn't have any padding. She liked this set-up, especially the padded leg loops, much better.
  9. rmncwrtr

    Horde Hoard

    I heard on the radio that Costco was limiting the bags of rice you could buy. I guess there's been a run on rice in several of their stores.
  10. So sorry to hear about your kid's experience, Muffy. And about you. We need to talk! We had one bad little league coach. A former semi-pro player who was used to coaching older boys then took on his son's T-ball team. It was a nightmare. He was trying to get 4 and 5 year olds to do drills the very first practice. My hubby, who coaches soccer, went to him and said he might want to first start with teaching the kids how to put on their gloves and what each of the bases is called. We changed teams the next season and have had two really great coaches since then. On a side note, my son is so excited. They are having a LL day at a Mariners game in May. He's never seen a game live and will get to parade around in his uniform. That what LL should be about. Having fun and creating memories!
  11. You are Spider-Man : You are intelligent, witty, a bit geeky and have great power and responsibility. Spider-Man 80% Superman 70% Supergirl 70% Hulk 65% The Flash 65% Robin 62% Wonder Woman 60% Green Lantern 60% Catwoman 60% Iron Man 55% Batman 45%
  12. Step 1: upgrade to lululemon. I'll pass. I'd rather spend the money on climbing or skiing stuff. But I know several moms who would appreciate the link so I'll pass it on. If you're ever interested, G-spotter, you can find them at Club Sport the next time you're in town. Though most of them wear U of O or OSU caps
  13. Well, I don't consider myself a yuppy, but I wear jogging suits, the Target kind not the overpriced kind, and baseball caps (Giants and Stanford), though I do pull my hair back
  14. So during the 3rd inning of tonight's game my son, who had played 3rd and SS up until now, was told he was going to be a right fielder. He looked up at his coach. "Where's right field?" "Right where it's always been," his coach answered.
  15. Yeah, her name is Chaos. She's two so used to the name. We may be getting her on Sunday! Her stitches from being spayed are out so she's good to go. My three kids have no idea. They met her when we went out to the rescue coordinators house, but we never told them that we actually got her. This is going to be so much fun! That's funny about Lockjaw! I can hear me now. "No, Chaos." "Stop, Chaos."
  16. Thanks Sherri (we must have posted right at the same time cause I never saw yours!) and rbw1966! Appreciate it. :kisss: I'll check out the pack you mentioned. Nice to know about the handles. She's about 50 pounds so if worse, came to worse, I could carry her. We're walking distance to a trail around a lake so I plan to let Chaos wear it on our walks to get used to it and help me make sure I get it on her correctly! Thanks again!
  17. No link, just an embedded YouTube video. Not sure what your little box is. I can see and play it on the OP.
  18. Thanks Motomagik and Tvash :kisss: I appreciate the list of doggy essentials, too. Never would have thought of some of those things!
  19. Does anyone have any recommendations on a dog pack? We're getting our first dog in the next week or two. I already end up carrying all three kids stuff by the end of the day so it would help if the dog could carry her own water and food. Thanks!
  20. Just one. That's more than enough But I have a gold wedding band and a diamond engagement ring so plural is correct.
  21. So sorry to hear that Moira. I hope you get it back some how. I appreciate the warning though. The only time I'll get a lock from the front desk is if I forget to take my wedding rings off at home. I'll make sure there's a lock on the stuff now.
  22. There was a link on the Crossfit blog to this speech Heston gave. The guy sure fought for what he believed in.
  23. rmncwrtr

    Dog breeds

    We're getting a dog! Her name is Chaos (with a name like that she'll fit in perfectly here) and she is two years old. She was spayed this afternoon so we have to wait until she heals, about 10 days, to bring her home.
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