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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Subjugation of women by removal of abortion rights and other means, eternal damnation for all non-believers, censorship for ALL citizens, cover ups for massive systemic child sexual abuse, opposition to equal marital rights for all citizens, attempting to inject the teaching of one specific religious doctrine into public schools...yeah, religion's just a 'dietary supplement'.
  2. "So, yeah, we now recommend just replanting this one.... That's my home world....
  3. actually, it's the more like other way around. Far more people are afraid to admit that they think religion is complete hooey because of the popularity of that hooey, so they settle for the softer sounding, if less intellectually honest, agnostic label for themselves.
  4. Yeah, that's bullshit. That's like saying "Well, I don't really KNOW one way or the other about Santa Claus or Jim Jones." Um...some of us actually do know one way or the other. Speaking of honesty, you're every bit the atheist I am, but I suppose we should applaud your attempt at being politic with your fellow right wingers, which do have a tendency to thump a bible now and then.
  5. You've gotta love the idea that religion fills some 'vital role' in society, which must be 'substituted' for something else when missing. A drunk justifying the sauce has a more credible argument. Religion is a cult; for many, an addiction. Far from being the eternal spring from which all morality flows, it more often than not hampers right thinking, compassionate action, and improvement of the human condition. Its primary role is to provide a make-believe, magical kingdom from which relentless tide of cartoonish tantrums thrown by today's childults flow, the consequences of which must be cleaned up by the rest of us. Hardly a vital one. Any society would be much better off without such bullshit.
  6. LOL. You've got it all figured out allright - so much you have to resort to hallucinogenic drugs (your crutch) to make your pathetic life livable for you. That and playing god at your little climbing crag. i would not recommend anyone do acid w/ you, Mr Major Downer There could be nothing worse than witnessing a hyper repressed 30 something douche with an lower GI impacted personality suddenly "discover his inner being".
  7. There's really not much to figure out concerning religion or any other obviously ridiculous notion. Religion is basically fantasy without the fun.
  8. LOL. You've got it all figured out allright - so much you have to resort to hallucinogenic drugs (your crutch) to make your pathetic life livable for you. That and playing god at your little climbing crag. ...and you just get drunk, like millions of other poor slobs, but hey, I'm not judging you. That would not be Christ-like.
  9. Pretty good one, I know.
  10. God is the warm damp that tamps secure man's spiritual dung heap.
  11. These are my fellow citizens. Who wouldn't hate America?
  12. Why, Lord? Why?
  13. Landru! Landru!
  14. He'll be impeached for allowing terrorists on U.S. soil long before they get him on this.
  15. not screaming, like the other 4 people in the car.
  16. I want to die like grandpa; at peace, in my sleep.
  17. j_b's not a climatologist, nor is he a moron: the more illuminating question with regards to your understanding of the subject.
  18. Close a window.
  19. You're still looking a little heavy, honey. Maybe if you just tried a little harder....
  20. priapistic
  21. Perhaps, but Kitties usually answer every question by pooing in your shoe. Interpretation remains a problem.
  22. Of course, some of them may not be murdering punks at all. There's that little pesky detail. Fucking Constitution!
  23. Waiting is what you do, FW.
  24. KKK's probably closest to the mark, here. Who fucking cares? Poll the average American and see if they can tell you the name of one, any one, post 911 terrorist to be tried in the United States...or held at Gitmo, for that matter. The public just doesn't follow this issue that closely for the most part. It's not really very much of a political football at all. Plus, it's old, tired news. Our own dear FW, despite his Home Talk Radio predictions, understands neither news cycles nor the media in general. It seems that other news...the collapse of the...oh, nevermind. So this is really a question for the judiciary, and that branch, in the form of the Supreme Court, has already weighed in on the issue; strongly recommending exactly what is taking place now. Again, Home Talk Radio Boy is apparently unaware of the long history of back and forth that preceded what is actually a widely agreed up on and prudent course of action. Sea lawyer. One of the Navy's great phrases.
  25. tvashtarkatena


    That's bullshit
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