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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Hey, have you checked out my new sig?
  2. The last two posts seemed computer generated. They made no sense whatsoever, but I got an exceptional sig out of the deal.
  3. Furnace and radiant heater in the upstairs bath are going online tomorrow. I've saved a good percentage of The Planet through my selfless and admirable sacrifice, now it's time to burn, baby, burn.
  4. Damn. I kind of liked my previous sig, butchoo gotta do whatchoo gotta do.
  5. Vaccines: it's just The Man, tryin' ta keep Us Down.
  6. "Backwoodsmen"?
  7. Get well soon, Eowyn, Ayowin, ah, fuck it, Ivan's daughter! I only wish I'd bought stock in the Purrell Corporation a year ago...that goop is EVERYWHERE.
  8. Our HC system is curing insomnia in another important way: it's producing a record number of new make-work jobs in billing departments nationwide. How anyone could stay awake while spending their days finding the right billing code for the right procedure for the right insurance company for the right provider is beyond me. Have you seen Brazil? Our HC system is that office.
  9. jayb no doubt was the kinda student teachers fucking hate when they turn in a 20 page paper instead of the assigned standard 5 paragraph guy i'm sure it's great stuff man, but i hope you're doing it for you own amusment, 'cuz i figure i'm officially crazy the day i start reading cc.com posts longer than say, 500 words if you can't dazzle'em w/ brilliance, baffle'em w/ bullshit! I'm not sure I've ever read a single one of his posts start to finish. Even if the desire were to inexplicably spring forth within my breast, my eyes would glaze over too quickly to make such an endeavor possible.
  10. Kitty loves you.
  11. Creationists: There's a great, big, fuzzy, hands-on kitty way up in the sky. Evolutionary Theists: There's a great, big, fuzzy, hands-off kitty way up in the sky.
  12. You are correct on all points, of course, which is why I used the term 'near corpse', to signify the undead, brain eating hysterical mosh that is the GOP. Behind it all, of course, are the quiet, very rational hyper-wealthy, who will continue doing what they've been doing for all these decades until we burn them out of their estates, violate their shitzus, and convert their country clubs into communal schools for the eligitimate blue blood/bad blood half breeds that spring forth in the wake of our rude boy horde.
  13. Well, I suppose it's about time to haul this one out again [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ee9VwHQt44
  14. Watching the Evangelicals duke it out with the hapless but hyper-wealthy scientologists (market share predation?) is like watching the various flailing arms of the GOP beat their own near-corpse to death. Meanwhile, the Catholics...the world's least sexy religion, are creating a parallel Vaticanverse in their attempts to woo the Anglicans, who have married, female priests. "How is this not a total screw job, again?" Everyone knows, of course, that people are finally giving up religion by the millions: Atheism is winning. Good times!
  16. tvashtarkatena


    Or are you STALKING?
  17. tvashtarkatena


    Someone you know, Feck?
  18. tvashtarkatena


    stalking either of dem der bitzes would be like stalking satan-incarnate Here, Satan Satan Satan!
  19. tvashtarkatena


    You're not one of the world's fattest, Ivan, but you're still no picnic when it comes time to yard on the belay device....
  20. tvashtarkatena


    Tis advertized in Bo-o-ston, New York, and Buffalo!
  21. Spaceships seem more credible than floating down on an silver cloud or riding down on a flying silver horse or... and how do you try to convert dead jewish people? "Hey, you...wake up!"
  22. It isn't too hard to figure out that babies are dumber than a shitty diaper. Despite the outrageous claims of their parents, those things can't do jack. Then they hit 3 and suddenly there's a half built rocket ship in the playroom.
  23. No, it really isn't, actually. Nor is it any less 'legitimate'. It's just more recent. I heard an evangelical preacher making fun of Scientology the other day. The Emperor of the Universe. The Spaceship. The volcanoes. Now THAT was funny.
  24. Shades of JayB's parroting the administration's 'we need to know more before we act' global warming stall tactic of 2 years ago or so. Despite stark, nation-scale evidence of the across the board superiority of just about every other first world health care system over our own, there will always be a few morons who just can't seem to decipher the memo.
  25. tvashtarkatena


    I heart stalking.
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