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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. What's right with us? There's plenty Right with you.
  2. Oh boy, Stalin reruns. Yawn.
  3. The current, full life cycle cost of wind power is about the same as for oil: about 7 cents/kWhr. Wind farm + pot farm = problem solved.
  4. The 130 or so windmills just outside of Eburg, at 2 MW each, generate enough power for 70,000 homes. The wind farm takes up a fair bit of land...but not really, as you can still use 99% of that land for whatever you want. An airport would probably not be a good idea, though.
  5. What we need to do is say FU to the coal and ethanol industries, build a shitload more windmills, and mandate production of electric vehicles to take better advantage of them. Among a long, long list of other things.
  6. Windmills make great sense here, even with today's oil prices, which is why they constitute the greatest percentage of new power generation stations being installed in the U.S. right now.
  7. All I know is that Greenland and Antarctica are black with soot. The glaciers look like an Xray of Ivan's lungs. Check out the satellite photos: their libidos are through the roof. That may or may not also resemble Ivan, I wouldn't know, so STFU about it. Stop barbequing, people. Or barbequing people, for that matter.
  8. The US government will fight doing anything to curtail global warming as long as it's got a corporate cock both up its ass and in its mouth, which will probably be for the foreseeable future. Unfortunately, at this point, it's going to take massive government intervention to stave off disaster. So, expect disaster. The shit will go down, regardless of our shitty little squabbles.
  9. The euros are the only people who have done anything substantive to curtail human caused climate change.
  10. Hell, I might even do those two quarters at SSCC just to keep your record unblemished!
  11. I'm sure you'll be proven right about everything in the end, FW; Bush will be the greatest president ever, democracy will spread like wild fire in the Middle East, Obama's will be impeached and be replacement by McCain in a landslide, and the earth will get warmer cuz the sun's just gettin' hotter, duh!
  12. Some of the details are not settled, but the major cause of global warming is, man made CO2, is and has been for years. Mostly what we're discovering now is that the problem is far worse and accelerating far faster than even our kindest models predicted.
  13. Yes, it's settled. Everything you mentioned is a secondary or tertiary factor, orders of magnitude less important than man made CO2...which, BTW, has a distinct isotopic signature as compared to volcanism and other natural sources (duh). Your albedo argument is a joke, right? In addition, solar output, while VERY SLOWLY increasing, doesn't (and hasn't) changed fast enough to play a significant role. Yours is a dilletante's argument...wafer thin knowledge of the processes, cherry picked out of context, without regard to relative magnitude, to fit what you want to be true.
  14. Avanti does offer a layaway plan, but neither Avanti or Pratt accept downpayments. I love it when you get all serious about your ego n' shit... Just letting you know in case you want to surprise the shit out of your wife by actually buying her something cool this Christmas. Cue FW divorce comment in 3, 2, 1....
  15. I know a lot about both, and your agenda and beliefs track with LaRouche's pretty closely.
  16. Who you calling newb punk? According to that little thing on the sidebar I've been registered here longer than you! State of mind, bitch! Nothing like libtards screaming at each other about who's the most righteous.
  17. Avanti does offer a layaway plan, but neither Avanti or Pratt accept downpayments.
  18. Still, I fully support the LaRouchies' (who I've dealt with a time or two myself at public functions) right to make complete asses out of themselves in public. At least his followers tend to be very young...most will deny their typically brief allegiance after they grow out of it. Some, however, including one among us, seem to cling on well into their late 40s and beyond. Kind of sad, but hey, it passes for 'serious political involvement' in their own minds, I reckon.
  19. See FW for updates on his 'movement'.
  20. Hey, thanks for single handedly saving the planet, myan. The reality is, you don't know any of us or what we are or are not doing to reduce our carbon footprint. And that fresh fruit in January? Much of it is brought in by ship...at a much lower carbon emissions per pound of produce than that stuff you just bought at PCC...and that had to be trucked in. Just one out of a growing body of your dumbshit emissions of late. And of course, there's the inconvenient fact that global warming has been an issue for nearly 3 decades...that tools like yourself just found out about it and are now busy preaching to the rest of us about how you're saving the polar bears by walking 2 blocks to work instead of driving doesn't change that. Fuckin newbies! The swagger in their walk could power a small city!
  21. Conspiracy. It's all about getting more climate research funding. Or, it may even be more sinister than that... FW's apparent mentor, Lyndon LaRouche, has made the global warming hoax central to his political thesis, calling it genocide (because, he claims, people are having fewer children in the face of an increasingly bleak future). Someday, these intellectual powerhouses crying out from the not-warming-wilderness will be vindicated!
  22. Bush proved that the more people you kill, the more popular you are.
  23. That probably took, what, 60 Google-seconds to find? But you've got got your original academic credentials in order, so your typing fingers work that much better than, say, the average community college student. Still, I'm going with the Vast Conspiracy explanation.
  24. Anyone participating in this discussion had better present their academic climatologist's credentials. Original documents only.
  25. Vulpes vulpes; the Red Menace.
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